Made a bot. It works well enough for when the market is volatile but market stability seems to kill it.
Try it out if you like but remember it is experimental.
github skilo83/waverider
Made a bot. It works well enough for when the market is volatile but market stability seems to kill it.
Try it out if you like but remember it is experimental.
github skilo83/waverider
Other urls found in this thread:
Sweet. Thanks man. Checking it out now
Can you make one that kills commies?
spotted the computer illiterate retard.
this is your last oportunity to get cheap CACA
> i want a bot trained with someone random assholes trading techniques
lmfao the premise of this thread is killing me.
lets be honest tho.
if your bot was any good at all you would program it to only work if the code that siphon profits to your wallet isn't removed.
and if u had the competency to do that, you could probably just program your own coin
>what is an interpreted language
The code is open source. I don't care if you use it or not.
nice maybe you could add some kind of parameters so it doesn't run unless the market is at an optimal volatility
That would basically just require running for about a few hours to collect prices in an array and then dividing them by the length of the array to get the 24hr averages and THEN analyzing those averages someway.
it sucks. i get it.
That's literally in the OP
There's technical indicators to determine market stability.
There is but you really don't need them. If you keep an eye on the market you can see when it's getting crazy. Then just fire up my bot and watch it go to work.
so why make the thread.
i cant even find the github.
Here github /skilo83/Wave-Rider
Veeky Forums wont let me post the url.
ever used gunbot?
Anyone know what happens when you run gunbot if you don't pay for it?
>150 lines of code
Is the 5 minute update rate limit a poloniex thing?
I hope it makes a series of terrible trades to ... make you pay for not paying for using it.
I looked at the source, it isn't phoning home with your API key/secret. It's a python script, not an .exe, there's no danger of a virus.
You shouldn't expect anyone to edit the file, prompt the user for the pair and then call returnTradeHistory.
Yes. 5 minutes is the minimum you can request the ticker. If you go lower they will ban your api key until you comply.
They actually have specific values. 300 1800 3600 iirc. Thats all thats allowed.
Speaking of bots, ANS/USDT has a really retarded one right now on bittrex.