I just lost $300 margin trading out of my $500 portfolio. It took me so long to get there and I just blew it all away with a single stupid mistake. I even told myself I wouldn't do it again the last time I lost $200, I feel like just killing myself
I just lost $300 margin trading out of my $500 portfolio...
Learn from your mistakes and move on. Bitcoin rising will eventually re-invigorate the whole crypto market again.
I'm just sick of being such a greedy dumbass, I'm feeling like just cashing out and using the money to buy a gun to shoot my brains with
If it makes you feel any better, I lost 1.4 btc once to a pump and dump. That was more than half my stack back then, felt shitty af, cried myself to sleep that night. It sucks but you learn from it. At least you didn't lose thousands, you know? better make some mistakes now when you're small fish.
Just don't be stupid and greedy next time. We're all gonna make it bro.
double margin and go all in .
lightning never strikes twice ;^)
Everything comes in time. I've never actually posted on here but I've been trading bitcoin over 5 years. Just stick with it. I would tell you about amazing trades and becoming wealthy as fuck from nothing but nobody would believe me anyways.
I've lost it all 3 times since 2012. The last time was two months ago. But now I have like 30,000x more than I've ever had and I don't really risk shit anymore.
And the biggest loss I ever had was buying YACC before getting delisted at 42 sats. Lost 95% in probably 15 mins. Want to talk about killing yourself. I laugh at that shit now.
You actually sound like a loser. "Oh no I gambled away my 5 quarters its over! How will i recover?"