Maine screwed up.
Repubs had dominated national politics from 1865 until FDR, people were tired of their shit
Either this or a socialist uprising
America was a lot less polarized. You didn't have a guaranteed 45% republicans and 45% democrats. People could actually be persuaded to vote for other parties.
Because back then you had to work to get your gibs
That's what happens when you're choosing between a good candidate and a less good candidate instead of two equally shitty candidates.
sauce? people were probably traditional R or D households no matter what
>Either this or a socialist uprising
A shame Roosevelt won then. Capitalism is Cancer.
Cult of Personality
It stopped America from becoming a shithole, just like every single socialist county.
You are like babby, watch this.
>just like every single socialist county.
Sweden is unironically the best country in the world.
Reagan turned American politics into a cartoon. Trump is going to turn it into an Anime.
>means of production in private hands
America isn't a Democracy. Hilary won the popular vote.
America is a representative democracy, not a direct democracy.
Learn the difference.
>America is a representative democracy
No. America is an Oligarchy.
Sweden has a less restricted market than the US, it's not socialist. Also, it's rapidly deteriorating.
Every country is an oligarchy by Ancient Greek standards. America is a democratic representative republic, and is still one of the better attempts at democracy out there. Probably the only superior system is the Australian one.
Let's be real, the American system is in pretty bad shape.
That's one of the nice features about republics, they can function as anything from totalitarian states to full democracies, and anything in between.
Feds sank the global economy and Roosevelt used the desperation of people to his advantage promising handouts that prolonged the depression and that will one day bankrupt America. Still worshipped by idiots for some reason just like how republican idiots worship Reagan
>America is a democratic representative republic
Yes, yes. keep telling yourself that, Burger. The government that rules over you, is definitely a Democracy and not an Oligarchy that is controlled by Big Business.
>california has ~40 million people
>texas has ~27.5 million people
>texas has more representation somehow
Its a feature, not a bug.
Oh, I get it. You have a 14-year olds understanding of the world. Carry on, then.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Tell that to Tilden, Cleveland, and Gore. Clinton lost legitimately in the Electoral College due to the odd quirk of population distribution, but Tilden, Cleveland, and Gore actually had the election stolen from them due to shenanigans in just 3 states (Tilden) or just 1 state (Cleveland, Gore).
This was in 1936 though.
>Hi everyone I'm retarded
You talk like that isn't representative democracies work.
They're not supposed to be real democracies in the first place.
Delegating your participation isn't participating.
California in 36 had larger population than Texas.
Sweden isn't socialist you retarded redditor. It's capitalist with a large welfare state.
Real talk: Leftists said LITERALLY EXACTLY THIS about Venezuala ten short years ago.
Socialists countries inevitably collapse. Just because there's one or two that haven't yet, doesn't mean they won't.
Sweden, for example, will be overrun by non-contributing migrants and go full Greece within ten years.
It hasn't happened yet.
If you want to base your shit-talking on things that may or may not happen, then I've got you beat, because Trump is about to get drawn and quartered.
>1870 Veeky Forums
>have a gander at ye olde paris commune, they haven'ts't collapsed yet
>1987 Veeky Forums
>look at the Soviets, they haven't collapsed yet
>1990 Veeky Forums
>look at Yugoslavia they haven't collapsed yet
>2007 Veeky Forums
>look at Venezuala, they haven't collapsed yet
>2017 Veeky Forums
>look at sweden, they haven't collapsed yet
>2027 Veeky Forums
>look at the paris islamic commune, they haven't collapsed yet
I can't tell if you've invented a new logical fallacy or if I just don't remember the scientific name.
not him but
They "pattern recognition" fallacy, liberals hate it
Gilded Age Republican shenanigans.
source for that projection?
His ass
Well, since electoral votes are decided by the census it would seem fair that if Texas has a bigger population than California at the time in the year 1930, they should have more votes. Right?
Electoral votes is congressmen+senators, not population ya noodlehead.
The electoral votes are allocated via the state's population. Same with Senate + House seats in the state.
You are all like babby
the libertarian won...a part of Kentucky?
>I enjoy it when our women and children are raped by black people
>What is the district of Colombia
He said Sweden not US.
You tell em Cletus
Go to hell
t. a disgruntled swede
t. Economic illiterate
Fuck Massachusetts, worst state in the Union.
not an argument
New Hampshire is a weird state. Out house, Senate, and governor are all rebound but our entire national delegation is Democrats, and the presidential vote went to Hillary.
Which district of Colombia?
Democrats won the district of ColUmbia, and a libertarian won part of Kentucky.
Sure m8. Anyways, have you done your research about other countries´models of democracy?
Which countries are not oligopolies?
American culture had degenerated thanks to jews and the mass immigration of shitskin cultures (catholicucks) which gave america the gibs me dat culture instead of the hardworking aryan selfmade man culture.
Explain to me Woodrow Wilson
This is just hilarious to look at.
Sweden is a nice country, but it is not a socialist one. Nordic countries are actually the most business-friendly countries in mainland Europe.
>capitalist countries inevitably collapse. just because there's one or two that haven't yet, doesn't mean they won't.
so you're admitting that you use confirmation bias to reinforce your beliefs lmao
Sweden is a shithole even by Nordic standards.
t. Norway
Not everyone can have oil.
Still, I'm 90% sure they're worse than Finland now.
Norway, Finland, Denmark and even Iceland all shit on Sweden.
>I don't care that our women and children get raped because I can enjoy a sense of superiority over an imaginary hillbilly on the internet
Ok sven.
> representative democracy
representative would mean that there is fair representation, which is not the case in america. in that sense its more of a "constitutional republic" or "soft oligarchy" than representative democracy. direct democracy is a different thing all together.
A country united by war (hot and cold)
A nation divided by the media for ratings and clicks.
I thought Denmark was also extremely Muslim'd up now.
you didn't even address his argument and instead you flung ad homs. really makes you think whos the child in this argument....
Watch this debate, you'll realize the difference between Sweden and Denmark.
Uhh, no sweetie.
Danes hate the "refugees" so much that they literally confiscate all their valuables as a way of paying passage to Sweden.
>Fuck coal miners, the industrial base, anyone who's pro-life, and anyone who owns a gun
>Wait, why didn't Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania vote for me?
I haven't posted anything in this thread yet and am not that poster, but that's actually from a UN report.
>campaigned on anti war agenda
>enters Great War
>plague breaks out
>only superior system is the Australian one
Except our constitution is fucked. We technically don't even have freedom of speech.
It would still mean that Hillary is so atrocious that she couldn't landslide a complete doofus of a person and a joke of a candidate.
>giving aussies freedom of bantz
Would be a big mistake.
We dont need freedom of speech, its an implied right that's in effect because of case law.
Just because its not in the constitution doesn't mean the right doesent 'exist'
It's from 2010 and shows Libya (that's right, the country with 3 governments,ISIS and an economy based on extorting niggers who want to go to europe) as reaching the HDI of some of the wealthiest most stable western nations today. It's a meme.
I'm no fan of socialism on the level Scandinavia does it, but don't pretend that Chavez wasn't unusually retarded when it came to economics.
Sweden and Venezuela literally have a different system of economics.
Having the state nationalize and administer corporations is the opposite to having a free market and using taxes on the market to administer large scale social programs.
What's the argument behind the electoral college? seems retarded as fuck
First past the post, genunie failures of a candidate who was in politics for a longer time than her competitor, equal coverage resulting into skewed voter perception, leaks, possibly made by a foreign nation, coluring the public view of Hillary Clinton, populist economics promised in comparison to a completely uninspring economic plan.
Hillary was a terrible candidate, Trump was an endearing idiot, guess whose more electable.
>not posting the real electoral results
shame on you
Literally gibs during a time when a lot of people were doing anything to survive.
Before NATO intervention Libya actually had the highest living standards in Africa.
Seychelles bro.
> mfw the Literary Digest did a shitty poll that predicted Alf Landon would win in a landslide and they fucked up so bad they literally went out of business two years later
it was HER TURN