>tfw I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people. There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money so that I can get away from everyone. I see the worst in people. I don’t need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I’ve built my hatreds up over the years, little by little
Tfw I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people...
Cool blog post...upboat and subscribed.
But seriously this is most of us, you're not a unicorn.
Improve yourself. Become literal alpha genius master of the universe. Don't just be some grumpy little boy talking about how dumb everyone is and how the world is unfair. Who cares if it's hard. Seize control of yourself. If you can't shape yourself into the ideal vision you have, then you aren't trying hard enough. You only get one fucking life. Become as perfect and powerful as possible.
>yfw when u realize i already did , before i met you .
Cool, you beta edgelord
Life isn't like this
thanks for the pep talk tony robbins, i really needed that
Uh, k
>And to illustrate my trite filled post of meaninglessness, i'll attach a picture of an average looking man with a bad habit that will likely kill him if he continues
American """""education""""", why do they even bother trying?
You sound like my ex-wife.
Fun fact: the movie was written with this main character being sterile, and thus his resentment of most human instincts.
They decided to leave this out to piss people off and let them speculate about his condition and motives.
you still seem to think your folly is a reflection upon me , but i have always assumed 0 responsibility for your actions and opinions.
yet he had a son.
Who better represents the ideals of capitalism? Don or Daniel?
Or is it a third choice?
He didn't. It wasn't his son, you fucking autist. Did you even watch the movie?
The deaf kid was one of his workers who was killed when the thing dropped on his head in the mine.
>Bastard in a basket
Literally, how fucking slow are you?
"bastard" was a play on words though. pulling him out of the mine in a basket was a biblical allegory. you should settle down, little lady. how sweaty are you?
No, it wasn't. He was literally calling him a bastard. I think he even goes as far as saying you aren't my son. It isn't his, you fucking moron.
>Using bad words
Oh no, did I offend you?! Poor you
we all say things in anger you spastic faggot. i'm sure your stepdad has screamed that at you a time or seven.
these guys get it
third choice? *pic related*
You gotta be fucking with me.
why do people like this movie
All this projection
Do naughty words make you feel bad?
maybe we should get on skype and it can explain it to you with some crayons?
does shitting on a street make you feel naughty, pajeet?
the acting is great. the characters an asshole psychopath but fuck me Daniel Day-Lewis can act.
Pajeet? I think you've exposed yourself again lad
How are you going to explain that the boy was his son? Legally yes, but all the boy was to him was a tool to project the image of a family man to country rubes. When he became an inconvenience because of that fire shit with Henry, he had him sent away to that deaf kid school without a second thought. He just put him on the train and walked the fuck away.
Can you Google it, or you can rewatch the first 20 minutes. You're so angry for being verifiably wrong.
>I want to earn enough money so that I can get away from everyone.
What's wrong with this sentence? Virtually every variation of my "if I make it" fantasy involves pulling out of society and living a peaceful, solitary life.
My nigga
He wanted to do it to live a solitary life, in pursuit of peace perhaps but peace never came to him. He despised humanity and in the end that hatred eroded and destroyed every relationship he ever had. The only possible redemption we saw in him was when he thought he had a brother, and you see him genuinely grieve for the brother he had never known, the only family he had left in the world. He became what a man is when he is taken out of humanity, filled with only hate for the weakness of compassion and humility and piety. He was a beast in a lair, counting down the days to his extinction, crabbed and bitter.
This is a terrible series. Draper is a horribly written character.
its for house frua's and cux
Nice b8, m8.
On the off chance you serious, lmao kys faggot cuz it's a great fucking show. If only we could go back.
>unironically watching fictional soap opera
>watching anything other than shark tank .
So your the one who exposed our pnd group
you mean the great fucking show in which the Jewish creator makes Draper have pathetic breakdowns, crying into the phone as he calls various womyn in his life. fuck mad men it went downhill fast just like all jewlywood shows
How do you expect this to be a good show if you have a protagonist who has 0 weaknesses and just Chads his way out of everything? You want character depth and development. I didn't fucking like Pete's smug ass when they started the series but I grew to appreciate him over time. Everyone is fighting their own battles, even someone who seems to have it all together like Don.
TFW I drink your milkshake