What is this sorcery
>he still thinks bitcoin is actually decentralized
>not jewry
Veeky Forums hates TA, GS uses TA
take a guess
>could gain as much as 110%
That's adorable, I've almost doubled in value since Tuesday.
>price will fall
>price will rise
yea thanks gramps.
BTC will rise to 4k some day. screencap
Because they are behind the pump, that's easy
More likely that GS influenced the market than TA predicted anything correctly.
Unironically, what would you do if Satoshi was revealed to be a jew?
So Goldman sachs has been manipulating the market this entire time
wow plot twist
highly doubt it. they dont innovate. they steal and appropriate
Some of them do, lad. Seriously
So what would you do?
that's literally the entire point of TA
I really don't understand why people think it's magic tea leaf voodoo, TA just shows you were other faggots are going to buy/sell because lots of people bought/sold there in the past. Even fucking better if lots of people believe in it
BTC flash crashed to 1800 in may, and did the slow bleed back to that level recently, not rocket science.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the email I sent goldman sachs a month ago begging them to pump bitcoin
Ignore the whole "One world currency" thing?
> TA just shows you were other faggots are going to buy/sell because lots of people bought/sold there in the past.
>markets follow predictable patterns
Nope. At best TA is meme magic to the extent that all other traders are using it and so you can play around what they would expect. The consensus turns the meme into reality
Yes because one world currencies are only worrying if there is a central bank inflating it.
Also it's basically confirmed that Nick Szabo and/or one of his friends created bitcoin.
I think it was Szabo too, but could be wrong
If the creator of bitcoin was outed as a kike I would call him an exception to the rule.
One of his friends received the very first bitcoin transaction. It's basically a fact in my brain at this point
Why? It would feed into the one world currency shit, as i said
nah, not necessarily
if he was in cryptography circles at the time, right place, right time, etc
weirder shit has happened
Plus, many jews have innovated in many fields anyway, unironically.
They have high iqs but this also means more likely to be crazy/probably sociopaths
The problem with stories of Jewish innovation is that they're inevitably spread by the media - even critics of /pol/ are hard-pressed to deny that our media is thoroughly controlled by Jews. Given the preferential treatment that the chosen have always shown to each other how are we to be sure that they invent the things they claim to invent, that they don't have friends in the patent office and real men bound by NDAs or cowed by lawsuits? When the victors write the history books and the Jews have been winning the culture war for 50+ years how can you be sure what to believe?
you've browsed /pol/ for too long, man. yeah all that is true, but as i said, they have higher iqs than average, and higher rates of insanity that comes with it, etc but some of them are genius' as any other
get a grip, my man
>they have higher iqs than average
where did you read that? in their newspapers? who conducted the studies? them? who funded the studies?
i get what you're saying and all, but you're fucking retarded, lmao
john von neumann was a jew ffs
This is Veeky Forums faggot not /pol/
I don't give a fuck if he was actually an albino half Jew half Nigerian who was illegally residing in Putin's tool-shed as long as he makes me money
im not sure what you're looking for user. maybe you're one of them. i dont know. i dont care.
good goy
yeah yeah but i'm not
i'm just saying you've been browsing pol for too long
in any case, pol doesn't even claim that jews aren't innovative or incapable of genius, only that they almost always use it for "evil" in a sense.
you're fucking retarded, is what i'm getting at
another example,
george soros is incredibly fucking smart, read his work, etc, but he's also somewhat evil...
So they were right..
They have infinite money. Their predictions don't count.
If Jews dominate media, finance, publishing and education then why wouldn't they attribute everything good in the world to themselves? It seems profitable.
you understood what i was saying and then called me retarded. nice cognitive dissonance
He was right about that, though. They unironically do.
Shit, most influential people's wikipedia pages begins "X grew up in a Jewish Family[2][3][64]"
Just look at what they did with Bobby Fischer. Greatest chess player ever went on record saying "Stop calling me Jewish to promote your religion" amongst some other things... and then after his death, they just so happened to find out he miracously had a secret father who just so happend to be jewish?!?!
I'm saying they do it sometimes, but not all the fucking time. There are Jewish genius' just like any other. It's not some fucking impossibility, I already gave you a few examples
If they dominate all of those fields doesn't it pretty much mean that they're smarter?
Or are you saying that we wuz kangz and da joos stole knowledge from us?
You're asking me how Jews infiltrated European civilizations and rose to positions of power? By pretending to be white, of course - they still do this, just search for "fellow white people." Once in a position to hire for an organization the Jew gives other Jews preferential treatment. That doesn't require greater average intelligence, only a greater willingness to engage in nepotism - they prioritize their people above their host organization/nation. While they hire and promote each other they embrace social movements which discourage and criminalize us from doing the same. Part of the reason they're so effective is because it's hard for the average white, a creator, to understand the mind of a kike, a parasite.
Jews behind money value?
Who would have thought
I wish this weren't the case, btw.
>had enough of this bullshit "expert" opinions with stock market
>switch to cryptomarket
>feels so good without shitty opinions influencing prices
>mad gains
>this shit happens
Same thing as I would do if it turned out we were mindcontrolled by timetravelling space lizards all along.
If you understand people and history at all, a Jewish Satoshi makes as much sense as conspiracy theories from
Let's not forget that Christianity, a religion about Jewish people, invaded Rome and spread through Europe like a disease.
What does it say? Is it like the Jewish religion that teaches you how to earn money yourself, to never charge interest at other jews and to see the gentiles as slaves? No!!! Christianity teaches you to turn the other cheek and give away your money...... How nice is that?
So during the rise of the Catholic Church Europeans were taught to give away money while Jews were running banks and markets.