Hello! Can you tell me more about the Mormon religion? Do you had any experience inside of the church?
Recently I saw two missionaries in my town and I was curious about the religion.
Hello! Can you tell me more about the Mormon religion? Do you had any experience inside of the church?
Recently I saw two missionaries in my town and I was curious about the religion.
It is literally Islam for white people.
Why? They don't drink alcohol? They need to pray x times per day?
they have to wear special underwear. I forgot why tho
Wow... magic underwear?
It's the only monotheistic religion that makes sense honestly. In Mormonism, if you are good enough you get to be your own God on another planet and create your own Earth just like God did. That's way better than Heaven. Not only that, you get to post-baptize your family and get them into Heaven. Anne Frank might be in Mormon heaven right now if they are right. They also deny Mary being a virgin which objectively makes more sense.
So there can be millions of gods? That doesn't makes sense... so what happens to god? Does he have power to control other mormons that are gods? Post-baptize?
>both started by businessmen who received revelation from an (((angel)))
>both strictly regulate the diet of their adherents
>no alcohol
>both endorse polygamy and pedophilia
That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure you could find more similarities if you put some time into it.
Do mormons have radical opinions about LGBT communities? What do you think about the fast growth of the religion?
Yeah that's another good similarity. Mormons were instrumental in getting Prop 8 the anti gay-marriage bill passed in California.
Blacks were the real reason that passed. Blacks and Mexicans hate faggots more than your most fundamentalist White protestant.
I only have some familiarity with it so take this with a grain of salt, but from my understanding mormons who become gods of their own planets are equal in status to God. the purpose of the planet is for souls to reach god status and God is just one of many souls to have reached that status. in becoming god you are becoming a guide for your billions of celestian children (because that's what you do as God, you sit around making god-babies with your many god-wives). i could have totally misunderstood this so someone correct me if I'm way off
>he actually thinks blacks and mexicans vote on propositions
So mormons are like Protestant fundamentalist that believe that Jesus appear in North America?
Wow... so people believe that they will be gods and they will make god babies... so they are like a Greek/roman god?
The ideia that I'm getting is that the Mormon religion takes some parts of the bible, others from the profets and from other religions...
>you get to post-baptize your family and get them into Heaven
this. mormons solved one of the oldest moral dilemmas. now you can be a good person, and mormons will save you.
And how can you post-baltized someone who is dead?
I used to work with a Mormon girl and it freaked me out, was like some stepford wives shit
It's a lot like early Judaism, complete with the central holy temple and critical importance of going to it for different rituals.
They keep all the most fucking crazy shit under wraps until you get married or go to the temple to get "sealed" as a family. Getting sealed means you all go to the same planet in the afterlife instead of being scattered around, I don't remember much because I was extremely young but they made my dad swear to cut his throat with one hand and disembowel himself with the other if he revealed details of the ritual, secret handshake to get into heaven, etc. My family promptly GTFO of Utah, and the LDS Church stalked and pressured us for years doing creepy shit to try and make us come back. Ultimately had to get the services of a lawyer who helps ex-Mormons to make them stop harassing us. For example, when I was a kid they kept trying to catch my sister and I when our parents were at work or otherwise not watching us so their missionaries/stalkers could try converting us behind mom and dad's back.
Wow... I just saw a video on YouTube of a guy inside of a temple and he give a Masonic style handshake to a guy who wears white cloth...
The lawyer that your parents hire reduced the stalking and harassment?