Why doesn't Capitalism get the blame for the billions of deaths it has caused?
US Revolutionary War 35,700 Spanish-American War 100,000 US Made Famine in Bangladesh 1974 100,000 NATO Intervention in Libya 100,000 Guatemala 300,000 US Bombing of Yugoslavia 300,000 Iraq (US Selling Poison Gas to Saddam) 400,000 Iraq (Desert Storm) 500,000 US Bombing Iraq Water Supply in 1991 500,000 Invasion of the Philippines 650,000 US Civil War 700,000 US Concentration Camps of Germans 1,000,000 US imposed sanctions on Iraq 1,000,000 Afghanistan (War on Terrorism) 1,200,000 US Backed Dictator General Suharto 1,200,000 (Anti-commmunist dictator) Iraq (War on Terrorism) 1,300,000 1898 American War vs Philippine 3,000,000 US Intervention in the Congo 5,000,000 US Aggression on Latin America 6,000,000 Vietnam War* (including Cambodia & Laos) 10,000,000 Korean War* 10,000,000 Native American Genocide 114,000,000 African Slave Trade 150,000,000 * both wars caused by the us
Josiah Jenkins
Japanese Imperialism: Japanese Occupation of East Timor 70,000 Japanese Bombing of China 71,105 Japanese Massacre of Singapore 100,000 Japanese Germ Warfare in China 200,000 Japanese Democides 5,964,000
British Imperialism: Second Boer War 75,000 Irish Potato Famine 1,500,000 The Bengal Famine of 1943 10,000,000 British Occupation of India 20,000,000 Famine in Held British India 30,000,000
Luke Perez
because political actors don't seize power in an attempt to implement capitalism.
Dominic Gonzalez
Misc. Capitalist nations: Massacre of the Paris Commune 20,000 Dutch East Indies 25,000 Somali Child Famine Deaths 29,000 228 Massacre 30,000 French Madagascar 80,000 Indonesian Anti-Communist Purges 1965-1966 1,000,000 Philippine Insurrection 220,000 Franco Regime 300,000 Benito Mussolini regime 300,000 Rebelling Shia Killed by Saddam 300,000 Nanking Massacre 300,000 Spanish Civil War 400,000 Mussolini’s Ethiopia 700,000
Tyler Cook
Palestinians Killed by Israel 1947-2002 826,626 Nigerian Civil War 1,000,000 Stateless Capitalist Somalia 1,000,000 Iraq-Iran War 1,000,000 Rawandan Genocide 1,000,000 Belgian Congo Colonization 10,000,000 Feudal Russia 1,066,000 First Indochina 1946-1954 1,750,000 Khmer Rouge (not communist) 2,035,000 South African Apartheid 3,500,000 Chiang Kai Shek regime (China) 7,000,000 Congo 1886-1908 8,000,000 Nazi Holocaust 12,000,000 Post-Soviet Capitalism in Russia 1,500,000 World War One 16,500,000 World War Two 60,000,000
Levi Diaz
General Disasters by Capitalism: Hamburg Cholera Outbreak 1892 10,000 Union Carbide Bophal Disaster 15,000 Industrial Revolution Kids & Adults USA 100,000 Chetnik Collaboration & Genocide 100,000 Herero and Namaqua Genocide 110,000 Burma-Siam Railroad Construction 116,000 Albanian Genocide 270,000 Fascist Independent State of Croatia 900,000 Armenian Genocide 1,500,000 Famine of 1932-33 (Kulak policy and weather) 7,000,000 Great Depression (America alone) 12,000,000 Children Killed by Preventable Diseases Since 9/11 208,000,000 Children Killed by Hunger 2001-2008 9/11 235,000,000 Children Died from Hunger 2009 5,256,000 Children Died from Hunger 2010 6,000,000 Children Killed by Hunger during the 1990s 100,000,000 Capitalist Policy in India 1947 – 1990 120,000,000
Caleb Rivera
It does. But the concept behind capitalism is to accept these deaths and make profit from them.
Mason Mitchell
>US Aggression on Latin America Anti-imperialist defensive intervention against communism, against Soviet imperialism, against Cuban imperialism. For freedom. You mention lots of conflicts and repressions that you arbitrarily attribute to capitalism. Feudal Russia capitalist? Seriously? Nazi Holocaust? Palestinians killed by Israel?
James Rodriguez
>US made famine in Bangladesh
Paki detected
Thomas Garcia
wtf I hate capitalism now
Kayden Martin
>Feudal Russia capitalist? Seriously? Nazi Holocaust? Palestinians killed by Israel?
You'll have to elaborate why you feel these are unreasonable because I don't get your point other than "wahhhh it's not Capitalism's fault".
Chase Reed
Its the same logic that is used to count the number killed by communism.
Lincoln Harris
Difference is, capitalism also makes people rich and have plenty, meanwhile the alternatives in the 20th century turned into brutal pseudo-versions of capitalism that just couldn't stop killing and oppressing people, and letting them starve while they were doing it.
Lucas Moore
>Its the same logic that is used to count the number killed by communism
Isaiah Clark
>Armenian Genocide 1,500,000 Wat
Landon Diaz
Those are all examples of corporatism not capitalism.
Brody Lopez
>not mentioning the south american wars that were actually caused by us capitalist intervention
You are a dumb memer
Aaron Torres
Feudal Russia wasn't capitalist, the very word 'feudal' should give you an idea. Holocaust was carried by National Socialists. And as far as I know, the killing of Palestinians carried by Israel isn't about Palestinians wanting to abolish capitalism. Dummie.
Kayden Morgan
It does, but capitalism was never supposed to be a moral system. It is quite indifferent to who prospers and who suffers. Anti-capitalists have claimed their alternatives are more moral, but justify, defend, and deny all the evils wrought by them.
Christopher Butler
And nationalists wasn't about communism but it still gets counted in the total. The only way to do a fair analysis is to sum up the total suffering endured and prevented by either system and see which comes out as "better".
Nicholas Nguyen
Because capitalism wasn't the driving ideology behind these deaths. For communism to "succeed" it had to commit the killings that it did. Capitalism would have stood stronger without allocating time, resources and man power involved with the killings you've mentioned. It's one of the reasons free market libertarians are anti war for the most part.
Bentley Harris
>Fascist Independent State of Croatia Ah yes, when the Croats started WW4 to implement world capitalism
Ian Bennett
>And nationalists wasn't about communism but it still gets counted in the total. What are you saying?
Owen Mitchell
That's arguable. If capitalisms' misallocation of funds leads to children starving or dying from preventable diseases why shouldn't they be seen as necessary deaths for capitalism to work?
Liam Ramirez
Because under capitalism, I you die it's your own damn fault not the government's
Lincoln Roberts
So its a child's fault they starved to death or got malaria or yellow fever?
William Lewis
Because most of the dying children are in Nations that are not capitalist. Governments, mainly in Africa, are bought and paid for by local militias and domestic industrial cartels for the most part. Their lack of morality in employing child labor at point of gun is not the fault of capitalism as much as it is the negligence of agency by the respective governments. The influence of the free market is so strong that now consumers are refusing to purchase from these suppliers causing corporations to move away from them, it's one of the reason coffee and chocolate prices are on an upward trend. If anything, embracing free market principles has helped solve the issue.
Dylan Gomez
Because people aren't sent to gulags for not being a good enough capitalist.
Carson Ward
Of the few examples that were intentional and the fault of governments of predominantly capitalist countries, the fault lies with a few politicians and a few hypothetical plutocrats influencing them, not every person who so much as set up an orange stand. Even if we assume being a capitalist society influenced these governments and how they responded to a situation like cold war Indonesia, their actions were not all that terrible considering flawed fallible humans without the gift of foresight were at the helm
The idealists would do nothing and feel smug, but in the real world we would have sat back and watched as the Soviet Union or China marched in and engineered a totalitarian communist dictatorship that would no doubt also be responsible for a large death toll.
What could they do? The US could not change Indonesia overnight, they might oust a dictator but the socio-economic structures would remain largely unchanged and another one would arise. It is not like the US decided "Indonesia should be a dictatorship now" and it magically became that way with a sprinkle of CIA fairy dust.
With this in mind it should be obvious what the US could and couldn't do. They couldn't turn Indonesia into a utopian democracy overnight, but they could support political factions that allowed peace and stability and weren't complete loose cannons that would turn Indonesia into North Korea 2: Electric Boogaloo. They did just this, mistakes were made, but Indonesia eventually transitioning to democracy with a minimum of bloodshed after the cold war.
God Bless the United States of America
Ethan Williams
>listing all of these events without justifying their relations to capitalism and why it is to blame for causing them fucking dumb shitposter
Jace Wright
>literally just grabbing every singe war ever and pretending this is a result of capitalist ideology Lmao, why are commietards so dumb?
Henry Clark
Capitalism doesn't exist as a political movement the way communism does.
Blaming all those deaths on capitalism, the private ownership of the means of production, makes as much sense as blaming them on plumbing.
Caleb Taylor
>US concentration camps of germans top fucking kek none of these have anything to do with capitalism, besides maybe the african slave trade (and there weren't 150,000,000 deaths due to it), and all of these numbers are grossy overexaggerated.
Henry Parker
War is a system by witch the ruling elites try to protect their own interests and enrich themselves. Ultimately when the revolution comes and a worldwide communist government is established there will be no more wars. No its not. Stop being facetious.
Christian Smith
>Ultimately when the revolution comes and a worldwide communist government is established there will be no more wars.
There is no reason to believe that. War predates capitalism, it will probably outlast it.
Ryder Davis
>Ultimately when the revolution comes and a worldwide communist government is established there will be no more wars. You're so cute
Dylan Brown
It gets worse, op. Take a look at this data. Literally billions of people (maybe even more) are dying each year and it's all because of capitalism,
Gabriel Stewart
>children still trying to defend communism
How cute.
Charles Evans
>billions of people every year >10+x the global birth rate dying each year wut
Adrian Clark
Fuck off, I was born in the middle/upper middle class, I am not giving shit to anyone. Ask me again after being reincarnated in the poor class.
Tyler Walker
People assimilating an ideologgy isnt imperialism. Coups and puppet police states are imperialism,
Nathan Taylor
Do you have a source for:
>Great Depression (America alone) 12,000,000
Michael Murphy
>Cuban Imperialism top lel >Latin American right wing dictatorships >for freedom
David Hall
>Because capitalism wasn't the driving ideology behind these deaths. For communism to "succeed" it had to commit the killings that it did. Capitalism would have stood stronger without allocating time, resources and man power involved with the killings you've mentioned. It's one of the reasons free market libertarians are anti war for the most part.
Sebastian Ross
wrong image
Luke Ramirez
>War is a system by which the ruling elites try to blah blah blah. Ultimately when the poor people start a war and win they won't make more wars because [I have no argument].
James Jenkins
War is intrinsic to humanity you fucking retard
Jordan Martin
This thread rules.
Nazis were capitalists, and were bankrolled by capitalists. Anyone who disagree with this is a fucking dope. Social democracy is not communism.
Tyler Hall
>US Concentration Camps of Germans 1,000,000
Brandon Smith
Daily reminder that if you support capitalism 100% so much, you ought to support globalism.
Remember: all those people losing their jobs did so because of competition. You should not protect those people.
Justin Bennett
The premises of this thread are ridiculous, it's sad people take propaganda as fact when they could easily use their brain to figure out how dumb some statements are.
National socialism didn't cause the Holocaust, the (National Socialist)German government caused it. Communism didn't cause the Holodomor, the (Communist) Soviet Union caused it. Democracy didn't cause African Slave Trade, the (Democratic) United States caused it.
Take away the words in brackets and it's the same thing. Those aren't crimes committed by ideologies, because ideologies don't commit crimes. Governments do, and their ideology doesn't matter as long as the government prospers. Hitler didn't invade Europe for the sake of National Socialism, Stalin didn't fight the nazis so that communism prevails, and the Cold War wasn't fought in order to prove one ideology is better than another, it was fought to increase the spheres of influence of the USSR and the US because they both wanted to be the strongest superpower.
Ideologies aren't the killers, they're the weapons used to kill others, little more than tools governments take in order to control their people and achieve their goals.
Jaxon Turner
I don't. Capitalism is a tool, it mostly runs itself so it's superior to s state ideology, but every now and then it needs to be yanked back on its chain a little to keep in line.
Bentley Nguyen
Hilarious the "socialists" are capitalist and the "capitalists" are socialist.
Jonathan Rodriguez
>US Bombing of Yugoslavia 300,000 where did you get that number, you lying commie fuck?
Brayden Perez
Benefits outweigh costs compared to socialism (faci, comm, neo)
Cameron Hernandez
Landon Lopez
>There are only two economical ideologies American education.
Robert Scott
>Capitalism is an economic system and an ideology based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.
Because it has nothing to do with politics, it just means you are allowed to own stuff for the work you do so pretty much "normal" state of thigs.
It is not an ideology.
Adrian Fisher
Because you're just listing random events and blaming a vague system of economics.
Nathan Brooks
no, those deaths happened because of the explicit intent of implementing communism. Almost none of the above have anything with the implementation of capitalism, Famines aren't equivalent either (except the Irish potato famine), since they did not block food aid. The USSR however did block food aid to Ukraine, nagotiating away that blockade is part of what got Nansen the Nobel Peace Prize.
Most of these cases are ideological or political faction power plays, the profit incentive or laizze faire economics are not a causal factor. The native american genocide is particularly absurd as a peace teraty is broken the second you raid a town.
Josiah Hughes
The price of progress my friend
Jack Morales
Propping up guerrillas to impose communist regimes which always turn out to be police states by the way is pretty fucking imperialistic, isn't it? I wouldn't call oppressive communist regimes (redundant concept) "people assimilating an ideology". Coups and puppet police states are such whether right-wing or left-wing.
See what I the previous part of my post. Also, what point are you trying to make with that image?
Calling National SOCIALISM capitalistic won't make it capitalistic. Wall Street capitalists financed the Bolsheviks by the way, dumbo.
Ethan Price
What I said in the*
Carson Sanchez
>what is the French revolution Do you have a single brain cell, man?
Evan Adams
>capitalism is quite indifferent to who prospers and who suffers >implying capitalism is not a system conceived by, operated by, and upheld by human beings who have self-interested motives and biases >implying tax loopholes, corporate subsidies, unlivable minimum wages, unpayable higher education costs, etc. are done by "muh egalitarian system" and not by the people who have the power in capitalism
Joseph Cruz
Henry Lewis
>US Concentration Camps of Germans 1,000,000 Never happened back to /pol/ buddy
Jose Robinson
Capitalism doesn't exist as a political movement for you because you're not living in the 18th and 19th centuries. Believe me, there were definitely some political battles and mass violence associated with transitioning from feudalism to capitalism. See: the French revolution.
Cooper Lopez
>national SOCIALISM What are you trying to say? That appearances, and above all, NAMES accurately portray reality every time?
ebin lel xd
Jayden Wilson
dam id COLONIZE her ifykwim
Logan Wright
>What the fuck is colonialism
Elijah Collins
capitalism is not a "system" captialism is derogatory term invented to describe the outcomes of free trade
Nicholas Smith
>protectionism is free trade
Elijah Collins
You're a fucking retard, I wanted to point out where you were wrong, but there's too many things to point out.
Henry Carter
Capitalism is about markets, about profits and transanctions. It has nothing to do with conflicts and wars globally. It may be true that there are times corporate interests have or find motive promoting a war but it is severely retarded to even imply the fact they cause war themselves. Wars are caused by states trying to dominate for whatever reasons, economic being the last of them since wars cost hell of a lot, so no, capitalism didn't kill anybody you historically and economically illiterate shithead.
Ian Anderson
>French Revolution Changed the system from monarchy to a sort of representative republic. The economic system was not changed.
Something that is hardly exclusive to capitalism, and predated it for quite a while.
Benjamin Torres
>Not real capitalism! Can't make this shit up
Jacob Harris
>states trying to dominate >b-but, it's not about money! What the fuck is it about, then?
Mason Barnes
But the Cerebus of Capitalism will whine and whimper to your descendants. And no matter what, you can't entirely the ponzi schemes of western society.
Imagine looking at chimpanzees who are able to sign language something along the lines of "Join us!". Any human would laugh. What will genetically engineered generations laugh at?
Will they merely laugh at the rentiers and the transparent bullshit games? Or will they sick Cerebus on their Cronus so that they can, unlike previous generation, devour Cronus and smash his reign?
Remember, human history hasn't really happened yet. What happens to a world picture with multiples, of current cognitive frames, focused on surveying the desolation?
Cronus devoured by his own children with no sentimentality.
Parker Reed
So they implemented police states so that they wouldn't (maybe) end up being police states?
Parker Cruz
It has seized power in order to prevent the rise of communism. And in doing so purposefully established opressive governments (see latin america)
Jackson Diaz
delicious copy pasta
Owen Young
Americans are such cucks that they believe that their workplace explotation is natural
John Harris
Why would you defend capitalism as a middle class worker?
Robert Wood
Who are you quoting?
Aaron Hughes
not real capitalism
Bentley Perez
I will defend it in the same way l*ftists defend communism. It wasnt real capitalism obviously.
Ayden Moore
We've never had totally free trade.
Wyatt Thompson
Adam Richardson
Unlike socialism and fascism, capitalism is not and ideology neither a political system.
Blaming it for deliberate atrocities is not logical. You would even have to include those crimes commited by the state under communist regimes such as the USSR, since its economy was basically a model of state capitalism where informal money exchange represented 40% or half of it.
Juan Howard
This pitiful list is another attempt to antagonize (marxist) communism and capitalism. A dysfunctional regime and unattainable theory and the established economic system for at least three centuries.
Wall Street funded bolshevism and it is plentifully documented.
Ain't fooling no one, marxist.
Benjamin Lopez
Because class mobility is a nice thing to have. All anyone has to do to move up from the working class is save money and work overtime. Notice how rarely pipe welders bitch about capitalism compared to humanities students.
Alexander Turner
Is about conquest. That has to do with power and influence, not money. Any cost-benefit analysis will find that there is not a single war in which even the victor won more money than he spent.
Levi Collins
Gabriel Evans
Nice meme. Is that info from maoist faggot news?
Caleb Peterson
Oh, fancy that. Another utopian bright idea. The reason we have resource surpluses is precisely because the capitalist working class is willing to work long hours to save for a better future. If it weren't for their hard work, all that shit goes away.
It certainly beats the hell out of the neo-feudalism that the socialists would inevitably build, where only the friends and families of the bureaucratic class would have access to anything. I'll take the system where I can build a fortune with a fucking website.
Gabriel Jackson
Carter Kelly
>you are allowed to own stuff for the work you do >mr. noseberg build all those machines and buildings belonging to his company
Ryan Brooks
Some shitbag being tortured by brutal dudes. Why even post this?
Tyler Moore
Mr noseberg is clearly a productive person. I hope some envious assholes wont rob him him of his accomplishes.