Why didn't they write anything down?

Why didn't they write anything down?

Why didn't they learn to write?

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Writing was only really invented by civilizations who traded with others plenty (IE Mesopotamia). African kangdoms (besides Egypt) did not really need to trade with other people who were not different enough to have a language barrier.

No need.

Same reason the mean sub-saharan IQ is ~70.

Egypt and Mesopotamia are in your OP pic, and they were the first human societies to invent writing.

Also, this goes without saying, but if this thread and everyone in it, including me, was banned, the board quality would go up.

Ancient Egypt actually has some of the oldest writings on Earth, along with Sumerian cuneiform.

African blacks have a consistent rate of widespread illiteracy since the 1920s.


Just ban Americans and start from there.


Why? What happened in the 1920s? Did we steal all their books?

Oh, look, this thread again...

Fuck off.

>implying north africans are the same as sub-saharan africans
>implying he wasnt talking about sub-saharan africans

really makes me think

They preserve culture. However the oldest ruins of a civilization are there. Africas not what it used to be people have been displaced. Majority of western subsaharans migrated from the areas around kenya. The native western africans were forest dwellers. and they tended to be short. They lived a tribal life and didnt need so much law or bureaucracy in their life. Nor did they need writing systems to preserve books for trade history. Now, east africans then did have a writing system but their information was rewritten ny arabs.

West africa for a long time was know as pygmy coast. From senegal down to the congo. It left its mark in spanish language with the term guinea. Guinea means small, a banana is a small plantain, guineo. Guinea fowl, small chicken...guinea. Hence guinea coast.

The story is that during the 1800s the european empires found a way to compete with a native american produce called caucho. Its called caucho for caution. Meaning it was the most coveted tree. Anyone whod take it and grow it some place else would get killed. King Leopold and other european royalty with land in africa (except portugal; brazil was top producer) found a new source a vine in the guinea coasts. The genocide killed tens of millions of pygmies. So to hide their genocide they would bring many from central east africa. Thats aside from the trail of tears the arabs caused.

The environment of Sub-Saharan Africa prohibits the kind of large scale agriculture needed to create populations both large and densely packed enough that a writing system becomes necessary to organized the increasingly powerful complex societies that arise from such.
You must also realize that Writing has only been invented four times; in Egypt, Sumeria, China, and Mesoamerica. All writing systems on the planet are adapted from these four (three since the Spanish killed off the Mesoamerican branch. For Instance English took its from Latin which took it's from Etruscan which took its from Greek which took its from Phoenicia which took its form Sumeria. The Sahara and Jungles left Sub-Saharan Africa isolated and thus unable to participate in the cultural exchange that all but those four civilizations used to steal a writing system for themselves.

Yeah, If only the Egyptians could use some sort of symbols to write
Something like...

>no writing

Cry more, stupid monkey.


All humans come from East Africa including the "pygmies"

Decentralized societies is a social reality in a heavily Pastoralists subsistence pattern but clearly along alluvial stretches centralization occurred readily
Pygmies did not exist on the coast by the time of European exploration.
This is just outright false

Ethiopians had and have their own writing system known as Ge'ez.

There is also the Nsibidi script in Nigeria

Nubia and Egypt had a writing system, but Israel didn't had any until +-1600BCE which coincides with the Egyptian conquest by the Hyksos.

Why do people post patently false information like that?

Pygmies in the west african coast??? Wtf are you on about dude

Check the stats for yourself. The median IQ is ~70.

Only nerds and losers wrote, and it's nerds and losers that fear the black warrior

Wow, you sure showed him!

Implying it's not you. Why so butthurt?

It's 59 in Equatorial Guinea.

>>hurr durr, all Africans are genetically the same

Into the trash it goes.

70 seems high desu

>so asspained he can't even format properly

Great post man.

But why are you wasting your time on a thread that the OP made purely for shitposting?

>You must also realize that Writing has only been invented four times
Wow, never thought of it like this. Was about to call you out on Arabic of all things but nope:
>Sumerian to Aramaic to Nabatean to Arabic
Didn't the Pajeets invent their own writing system, though?

Good post, but the prevailing theory is that the Phoenician alphabet emerged from Old Canaanite, whose parent writing system was actually Egyptian hieroglyphs, rather than Sumerian.
Also there are some anomalies, for example the Indus civilisation script/Harappan script seems to have an independent origin but it is unknown how much it influence the Brahmi scripts (NOT Brahmic scripts) that the majority of Indian writing systems descend from. Also things like Rongorongo and the Cascajal Block.

black african IQ is 80
in africa

in america slightly higher due to white admixture
no group has a mean (or median) of 70

>citation needed

actually sumerian cuneiform has no adaptations or descendants apart from maybe ugaritic and old persian. almost all writing systems in afro-eurasia that don't descend from chinese scripts are entirely descendant from egyptian hieroglyphs, mostly via old canaanite > phoenician > aramaic. aramaic was the lingua franca of the neo-assyrian/neo-babylonian/achaemenid empires, and became the the writing system for all kinds of languages across eurasia, including sogdian, old turkic, and mongolian. it also probably originated the brahmi scripts in india, which most scholars agree were independent from the indus civilisation harappan script. shit, even old hungarian descends from aramaic via old turkic. the irony there is that the magyars dropped a phoenician-descended script (old hungarian) for another phoenician descended script (latin alphabet). even germanic runic scripts descend from hieroglyphs via phoenician.

also i mustn't forget the paleohispanic scripts (espanca, tartessian, meridional, northeastern iberian and celtiberian) which most likely emerged from both phoenician and then greek

They don't need to when they've been able to preserve the same cultures for thousands of years. Ancient nomad and pastoralists resemble modern ones and prehistoric hunter gatherers probably resemble modern ones also. And there are probably as many cultures alive as Native American ones.


A significant part of the reason why subsaharan africans had so few achievements in humanity's history and why they continue to perform so poorly in every country they reside is that the mean IQ of africans is naturally lower than that of the peoples of asia, europe, north africa and the americas.

The evidence for this is that blacks have a mean IQ of 80-85 even when they're brought up in a first world country and put through a first world education system like in America.
By contrast, peoples like indians who have a low mean IQ in their native , 3rd world countries have normal IQs when they're brough up in 1st world countries.

The other big piece of evidence comes from a transracial adoption study, whereby the environment of black people was controlled even more strictly by comparing black babies adopted by wealthy white parents to white babies adopted by wealthy white parents. In this study called the minnesota transracial adoption study, though both groups had higher average IQs than their respective races in general in America due to the privileged upbringing, the same gap of >15 points persisted between the two groups.

Finally there's a genetic study finding that in two gene alleles strongly associated with a positive benefit on intelligence, black people had those gene alleles about half as often as europeans or east asians.

>One single gorilla
Also why is the focus on blacks when the middle east and india seems dumber than this one gorilla? Even then if you compare outlier blacks, indians etc would still be waaaay smarter than gorilla outliers.

Not an argument :)

That's because that nations entire I is based off of one class room of students.

>inb4 "yeah, but they didn't invent those, they have parent scripts"
So did the Greeks, and the Romans and almost everyone. Scripts being invented from scratch wasn't a frequent thing in history. Everyone borrowed characters from here and there.