Is it true that the millennials in China has no idea on Tiananmen Massacre?

I've been searching and reading some history books about the massacre and one thing is certain: that the incident was erased from the history in mainland China, and the millennials there doesn't know what gruesome incident happen in June 4, 1989

Other urls found in this thread:天安門事件Tiananmen Square&oq=%E5%A4%A9%E5%AE%89%E9%96%80%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6&rsv_pq=b847d1fe000036b1&rsv_t=e7331YP5mam8KMxOZwiam2E01E1gkIzxkmGHyLZxPL2WqDwr0s2DgyXlm2Y&rqlang=cn&rsv_enter=1&inputT=6821&rsv_sug3=9&rsv_sug1=4&rsv_sug7=000&bs=天安門事件

It wouldn't surprise me. These faggots are champions at manipulation and history vandalism.

Disgusting mainland China

They all do. Your reality is not based on textbooks, nor is ours.

They do know. t. went into international school.

Thing is: while in the west, we were memed into thinking it was some pro-democracy/freedumbs thing, the people in China know that those only made up half of the protestors. The other half were hardcore maoists dismayed at the direction Deng is steering the country to.

So you'll be surprised why they can't give a shit about those protestors.

Even if they did, what the hell do you think they'd do about it? Get run over by another tank?

>Implying that any American under the age of 35 is aware of the Mai Lai massacre

I knew one who knew about it but she also said that info about it is banned there due to the Great Firewall. I assume it's the same where people don't acknowledge it but underneath they do know about it.

Some don't and those that do know pretend they don't know about it. Usually the only way they find out is if someone tells them.

4% tops know about it.
t. 18 year old american

then is it true that it is illegal to say or even mention about what happened in Tiananmen during that day because there is a law?

>Chinese government has to suppress facts
>American government can openly admit to wrongdoing with no consequences because of how ignorant and complacent the population is

America wins again.

This. Half of them were turbo maoists who hated Deng and wanted another cultural revolution. Because the first one went so well, obviously.

From some of my Shanghai friends, they know about it but they think the protesters would have just destabilized China if they won. Others don't care at all.

Oh, they do, maybe has some downplays, but not as twisted as your western version.

Hard to take you seriously when you use that word.

I'm a teaching assistant for survey courses on East Asian history, which typically get high enrollments from Chinese students. They definitely know that Tiananmen Square happened, it just isn't talked about in the media or textbooks. There's plenty of other ways to learn information.

My roommate and friend grew up in China. He says that he only found out about it when he came to the USA as an adolescent. When you search "Tiananmen Square" on the Chinese equivalent of google, you get a message from the search engine saying that certain results are filtered because of government policy. Information is incredibly strictly controlled there.

Somewhat related: wasn't there a similar crackdown in Venezuela recently? Why is the media not marketing it as a tiananmen 2.0? Is it because they aren't commies?

Maybe they don't teach it to kids in primary school?

The media are, literally most western news organisations are talking about the riots in Venezuela in a pro reform/democracy vs. progovernment lens.

they really just don't give a shit.

if you don't understand, go on on /pol/ and in any of the China-themed threads there'll be a shitload of gifs and webms of cretins getting crushed by trucks and machinery, and everyone just walks by.

pic related

My shitty public school covered it in history class. I graduated in 2011.

Ok sure, but no one really seems to care. Half the time I forget it's even happening. Tiananmen was met with huge international criticism and people are still making a fuss about it today, i.e., this thread. The reactions to Venezuela in 2017 seems much more tempered, and I doubt anyone is going to care if Venezuelans are taught about it in 30 years time.

Is Tiananmen overblown or is there something I'm missing?

Do you have any visual footage of the massacre in quiestion?

>merican government can openly admit to wrongdoing
But the only reason they do that is because of how pervasive the media is in covering all of its conflicts. Why do you think the govt is going after the media so fervently now? Do you really think they give a shit about the media really saying the same kind of mean shit they know the average American already thinks about them?

>govt going after the media
The president making butthurt tweets is not exactly media suppression.

> /pol/
>a shitload of gifs and webms of cretins getting crushed by trucks and machinery, and everyone just walks by.

If you think think that's really the daily life of China then you're a fucking fool. There are shills probably spent their entire life to collect all kinds of negative infos and dumps in every China threads intentionally almost daily. By /pol/'s "impressions", China should be collapsed a thousand times already.


Your roommate friend(or you) probably is lying.天安門事件Tiananmen Square&oq=%E5%A4%A9%E5%AE%89%E9%96%80%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6&rsv_pq=b847d1fe000036b1&rsv_t=e7331YP5mam8KMxOZwiam2E01E1gkIzxkmGHyLZxPL2WqDwr0s2DgyXlm2Y&rqlang=cn&rsv_enter=1&inputT=6821&rsv_sug3=9&rsv_sug1=4&rsv_sug7=000&bs=天安門事件

They may know that some kind of riot was put down but they may not know all the background details.

You have to remember the last time the youth of China rose up en masse against the establishment that was a violent and destructive event known as the Cultural Revolution, something that Deng Xiaoping lived through and was actually purged by, and which set the country back a generation.

lived there for years dude, and it is par for the course. you probably just live in some cushy city and have never been to provincial shitholes that make up the greater majority of this swarming mass of soulless humanity.

Absolutely, I'm sure it's complete shithole which gonna collapses in no time, and there are countless soulless people are murdered, bridges fall, cars explode...etc by peculiar reasons on daily basis and no one care at all. As a native Chinese I totally believe you.

you believe in Chairman Fucking Mao and whatever the government tells you, John Chinaman, or rather, you believe nothing at all, except when it suits your purpose to shipost against other nationalities.

I don't think the place will collapse soon, at least, not in the way most on pol seem to think it will though.

but I have seen more than enough sick shit and observed more than enough inhuman attitudes to last me a few lifetimes.

you, if you are posting from within China, are undoubtedly a privileged little fuck who needs to visit the countryside and learn from the peasants cause life ain't you see on CCTV.

>a privileged little fuck who needs to visit the countryside and learn from the peasants
t. 上山下乡知青

obviously a dumb ESL teacher LARPing as a chink. thanks for the confirmation.

who would have thunk it?

It isn't true, they are aware of it, but they don't really understand, they can't search for it, and most don't care, but those interested can find it out.

And Chinese students who travel or study abroad always find out.

>you believe in Chairman Fucking Mao and whatever the government tells, you believe nothing at all, except when it suits your purpose to shipost against other nationalities.
>if you are posting from within China, are undoubtedly a privileged little fuck who needs to visit the countryside and learn from the peasants cause life ain't you see on CCTV.
Keep guessing, user, I'm sure you'll hit the nail some day.

>I have seen more than enough sick shit and observed more than enough inhuman attitudes to last me a few lifetimes.
What a redpilled fellow, I'm sure you won't ever come back. Thanks goodness. There are still millions of foreigners here anyway, maybe you can "redpill" them all.

Does the government allow Veeky Forums over there?

Yes, but we can't post without a VPN, since the captcha is provided by Google.

It is more likely that out government doesn't know about Veeky Forums.

The propaganda people in China are pretty fucking lazy and really doesn't care unless one makes a big noise about a sensitive topic.

I am born in this century and most of my peers know about Tiananmen.

It is not a secret to anyone, we just don't talk about it.

I like pointing out to left-wing Westerners who idolise it that one of the motivating factors was anti-African sentiment

Having spent a few years working in China, I would summarize Chinese government control as: "tries harder, does less." Everything has to be registered and reported, but no one actually seems to go through with any of it: there's just too much information coming in and too many people to keep track of.

The USA government frankly has orders of magnitude more information control and censorship power than the Chinese government, if only because there's way less people to monitor. But as with the case of espionage, invoking the Chinese is a convenient way for the USA government to distract its citizens from the fact that the USA government is doing it a lot more and a lot better than the Chinese are.

Look. At my college there are tons of mainland Chinese students. They know about it, but don't care.

To be fair the average American millennial doesn't care about the US war crimes either.

Really. If we are going to throw stones we can go all the way back to original sin.

Accurate to say so. They may have heard about the word Tiananmen protest, or even gathering, but I doubt they heard of "massacre". Not only because of government censorship, but the common Chinese people self-censor and try to erase the bad parts of China.


I worked at my university international office in Canada, with over 5000 international students. 2000 of them are Chinese. Of the ones I have spoken to, only one knew about the massacre before coming here. We give them the skinny on China when we would sit around and have coffee or a drink. They couldn't believe it.

There are protesters on the daily downtown who waive signs about organ harvesting, the human rights violations, and Tibetan issues. Once they go abroad, they can't not know. They just don't know what the hell to do about it once they go back.
>Everyone I talked to knew the basic outline: Student protests, government crackdown, innocent civilians shot dead. But they weren’t all sure why the protesters were so upset. Jenny, a sharp 25-year-old legal expert living in Beijing, guessed it had to do with corruption.

As a Chinese from china with my slow vpn, this article is about correct

Most young chinese know about the event but there is little discussion about it .
Some times my family talks about the event .

I don't mean to hijack the thread, but who the fuck are the Falon Gong and why does the CCP care so much about their suppression?

Asians REALLY don't like talking about their mistakes

See: The Rape of Nanking

Some kind of weird yoga cult.

I can't blame the CCP for freaking out after what happened with the Taiping heavenly kingdom.

>organ harvesting, the human rights violations, and Tibetan issues
>someone still believe in what Falon Gongers said.

Chinese here.
I feel so grateful to Deng for what he did,considering how is Russia look like after getting the "democracy".

Yeah, but look at Taiwan.

A political joke propped up on American money?

Hey now, European money too

Better than the PRC, despite spending their entire existence living under the shadow of a country 20 times their size waiting to gobble them up.

Political joke, yes, but Taiwan hasn't received 'foreign aid' money for decades.
Better largely because they weren't sanctioned for 20 years and also because they were composed of China's richest people and ran off to Taiwan with the entire treasury.

They also didn't have the kind of huge swathes of peasants that China was saddled with, they had infrastructure and educated class created by the Japanese, and didn't waste time pissing around with the Great Leap Forward or the CulturalRevolution.