Stupid questions general

Veeky Forums edition

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Can I withdraw my BTC from my jaxx wallet without fucking over my hodl'd BCH/BCC balance?

How does bitcoin works? Is it traced back to some kind of value producing activity or it is magic moni?

way to hide drug and gun money until you are ready to buy more kinder surprise eggs for your camp of poorly compensated child sex workers

good joke

I put $20 into bitcoin and lost some, after buying some ETH, and the BTC fork, I currently have $13 in coins. This means to cap. gains tax?

Question 2: Will I have to make upwards of $50 in order to pay off the cap. gains tax, assuming I withdraw?

It's literally the only thing it's good for, that and getting your money out of China before the Chinese devalue the yuan again. I can't imagine this ever being adopted by mainstream companies. Can you imagine explaining to your shareholders that you took on even more currency risk?

>this means NO cap. gains tax


What doth life?

I see. Would you recommend any material to get a better understanding of investing in cryptocurrency? Reading this board and the success stories, it honestly seems to be a scam/bubble, but I could be wrong