Has there ever been some simulations to find the best political ideologies? What were the results?
Has there ever been some simulations to find the best political ideologies? What were the results?
The Spanish Civil War.
Top Right won.
I meant like a real simulation and you measure their happiness, wealth, education, rights.
I'd like to see some sort of MMO where each faction is a political ideology it abides by its rules.
Radical Centrism (also known as national bolshevism)
What was the simulation?
Radical Centrism is Nazism. National Bolshevism is just Leninism with a racial tint.
Serbia in the 90s
not a simulation
>/pol/ hates wealthy Jewish banker elites
>keeps shilling classical liberal free market memes
Can't make that shit up. Fucking half-revolution, man...
natsbols aren't leninists at all, more like stalinists
Fuck that's a cool flag.
State capitalism.
China is a prime example. They've always practiced some type of state capitalism since the early Qin dyasty. Qin dynasty itself was completely extreme on state capitalism. Han dynasty and the dynasties after lifted restrictions and made it more liberal, but still every dynasties after was run under state capitalism. State controlled some portion of the industries and private individuals the rest. Depending on dynasties, this balance changed left/right.
Real communism has never been simulated!
I don't think this works because capitalism and socialism are not exact opposites. For instance, in a truly libertarian capitalist society, it would be possible to have a socialist society within it. The opposite is not true.
There's been simulations to test the best morality in a game theory sense. That's kind of politics.
Like you have lucifer (ayn rand) program: screw over everyone. Never give up, never retreat.
And you have Jesus program: be nice to all other players no matter what
Turns out the most successful strategy that doesn't result in total system destruction is a simple program remarkably similar to the golden rule + an eye for an eye. Treat everyone nicely at first, attack back if they attack you, but only with the same amount you received. Immediately go back to nice if the threat is resolved.
If there were libertarian socialist society I assume libertarian capitalists could exist and establish businesses in areas ungoverned by the socialists. I just think that after the establishment of socialism and it becoming the dominant ideology in the region that capitalist communities would be seen as foreign and less advanced. Almost tribal like, clinging to old ideology and ideas. Even if they did become successful as a community I assume communists, anarchists and others would rob from the capitalists and destroy their properties because the socialist governance would do nothing to protect the capitalists since they don't respect capitalist private property rights. Just like I doubt any libertarian capitalist society in any way other than the useless NAP would protect leftist communities. Either way the minority ideology in an anarchist or libertarian society is basically open season and anything of value is up for the taking because there is no state to stop it. Basically both can exist but to actually coexist peacefully there needs to be a relatively strong state but with a strong state neither can truly exist. So it's all just a shit show really.
Economics is more art than science. What you're proposing is far more complicated than you realize.
- guy who's worked in biophysics simulation.
>best ideology
Oh, I didn't read OP's shitty chart, I figured that it was a normal one where the top would be "Authoritarian Right"
Social democracy/social corporatism/tripartism.
yeah its called real life