Is logical to hate white people after you read books on european colonialism and white imperialism?
Is logical to hate white people after you read books on european colonialism and white imperialism?
No because that isn't inherent to whites, hate ideologies, no races
If you believe that being primitive is superior, sure.
What you must understand is white people done the same thing as other people have done throughout history, they're just more excelled than the others, and later they even gave it all up
If anything you should learn from their success
t. non white
>what is european universalism
Sure but corruption, oppression and conquest are trades all groups of people are guilty of, not just the whites.
I was refering to eurocentrism.
Yes, it is rather Eurocentric to blame the worlds problems on whitey.
White people is an Anglo concept.
Hate itself is not logical my friend.
Naw, many races are responsible for doing fucked up shit. I think whites were just able/had the opportunity of doing it more. If anything, I can see how you can hate men since
there is a common theme across all races and cultures of men perpetuting all this shit. However, let's not let a few bad apples in history spoil the whole bunch and as user says>inb4 attacked by multiple replies calling me a femnazi
Hey, I'm not saying he should hate men. I'm just saying I could see why he could feel that way as wrong as it is.
It's more logical to just hate everyone on principle, because everyone would have done the same in the White Man's shoes.
There is only one logical conclusion:
Incas were superior to europeans.
No, just the white people who were responsible for the atrocities.
No. Also you are reading biased books or are just stupid.
That isn't logical. What is logical would be despising and fighting against those who benefit from racialized systems formed from that history.
I.e. the people in the US whose wealth derives from policies that benefitted whites over others while not responsible for it's creation benefit multigenerationally.
Conquest and slavery was element of every civilisation in history.
Whites are especially blamed for theirs because they were most developed and thus their colonialism had much bigger scale.
Activists of such organisations as BLM forget that their ancestors were sold to Europeans by their own people
Is it logical to hate Turkish people after you read books on Ottoman Imperialism and the genocide of armenians and anatolian greeks?
>Activists of such organisations as BLM forget that their ancestors were sold to Europeans by their own people
Do yourself a favor and actually read one article, paragraph, or even bulletpoint about what BLM states their goals are.
Of course.
Is it logical to hate OP after you read such a terrible shitpost?
Yes, yes, BLM is supposed to protect afroamerican population from police and goverment persecutions.
But it changed. Recently BLM organised a protest against depicting Tutenchamon as white. On BLM demonstrations members complain that whites built their civilisation on black slaves, they demand compensation. Also black-only events are worth mentioning
KKK was originally supposed to help poor Confederate veterans, and it neither turned out well, did it?
I hate Turks and white people.
No because not all whites did bad things. Just look at the french
Only if you are a generalizing brainlet that thinks the phenotype of people around him is reason enough to assign to them actions of people long now dead who shared their looks.
The KKK was led by former slave owners and individuals who had something to gain from continuing racial disparities in their favor. With local, state and for a time national support.
Are you really implying they are the same as BLM?
Whites did what others were already doing to each other just better. It's mostly jealousy.