Is it because of Segwit activation on the 8th?
Is it because of something else?
Help me understand, Veeky Forums
Why is BTC rising?
This has been fueled by people selling Bcash for BTC. So we have the cashlet bagholders to thank for the rise.
its because everyone is trading their free Bitcoin Cash to Bitcoin
This has been happening for 4 days already though.
Why the rise NOW?
Aren't all BCC transfers still stuck in limbo anyway? It seems unlikely for that to cause a spike in BTC price
You're not a true cryptofag unless you own at least 1 whole BTC and 1/3 of your portfolio.
>Aren't all BCC transfers still stuck in limbo anyway?
Some exchanges require less confirmations than others, Bitrex and Finex require 20 while HitBTC requires only 2.
The coins sent to Finex after the deposits opened haven't even arrived there yet. Once they do we'll see some epic dumping.
BTC was artificially suppressed by the BCH fork. It's just returning to the mean while wildly oscillating.
BTC is the entry point into crypto. Lots of newfags getting into crypto now because it's been all over the news. Since pretty much everything is traded against BTC, a rise in BTC's value means a rise in the value of most shitcoins as well.
Because God wills it.
People are starting to realize that Bitcoin Cash is garbage because it doesn't have SegWit.
Hey rat kike, care to explain why iz PozWit a good thing for crypto? I'll be here, waiting for your answer, and I do mean answer, a proper one.
Malleability fix and therefor LN transactions.
because infinite
Waste of space, fuck your dumb "muh malleability" shill.
PozWit will turn Bitcoin in jew direction forever - anyone who denies this is a shill faggot.
Great to see BTC become centralized, jew pozzed (((crypto))).
>Hey, we've got this currency with public transactions and an immutable ledger
>you know what we should do?
>change it to enable transactions that are no longer tracked on the chain individually, and instead create an artificial settlement layer!
>where have I seen that before?
>oh yeah! In fractional reserve banking like most centralized fiat systems employ!
>but wait...
>If off chain transactions are occurring then being settled onto the chain a la fiat, how is that trustless?
Muh Malleability
I sold all my bitcoins for bitcoin cash because I believed that people would see the value of not having the motherfucking bankers in bitcoin, but I was rewarded with my investment dwindling to nothing. The bankers run crypto now. The times of the average struggling shmuck making enough to feed himself and put a roof over his head from crypto is long gone.
Fuck it all.
Are you nuts? It's only just beginning.
I'm not too sure man. You know now that the bankers have BTC they'll do everything they can to keep BCH from surpassing BTC,
Because it will be dumped in the next few hours and days...
If someone bought at ATH, good luck.
I swear people need to stop larping in crypto and start voting from the rooftops...(((they))) ruined every single innovation and progress that the western men did...fuckin disgusting.
All you faggots supporting PozWit, just kill yourself.
muh bankerssss
Really nigga? Tell me this shit isn't true. The banks run shit because money talks and they got all the money. It's not a big conspiracy.
What a fuckin fag, you fuckin jew...
My fraction of a coin was in gdax when this split thing happened and they're holding my new magical bitcoin money, am I fucked?
These people get it. We are witnessing the big banks takeover of Bitcoin. Bankers are celebrating their victory of turning Bitcoin into a settlement layer and convince people to deposit Bitcoin in banks 2.0 and transact through them instead of the blockchain...
They have big money on their side, and media control, they are basically everything crypto fought against. Bitcoin cash was the last attempt to help save Bitcoin from the takeover, but so far it's looking bleak. The fight will be really hard, we are at a disadvantage. I hope that Bitcoin cash or other similar projects will succeed, but the Bitcoin we knew has been taken over by banks. It's over.
Enjoy your Interbank Settlement Layer (tm)
Transaction malleability in Bitcoin Cash can be fixed by adding SegWit.
I had my BTC on Poloniex during fork.
Poloniex is going to distribute BCC on Aug 14.
I'm glad i won't have to wait for any confirmations, I can just instantly sell/dump them.
Lots of buttdevastated cashcucks ITT
enjoy having thrown your money in the garbage ;^)
Yeah, it's technically their money and they may not feel like sharing.
Good luck, you will be lucky to get .02 by then.
People are dumping BCH for BTC
I want pol to leave
we should send you all to madagascar
>the r/btc shills are still here
Fuck off Pajeets
It's because the bulls are back in town and the bears are going to be wiped clean out again.
This shit always moves in boom and bust cycles.
segwit is cancer. there's other malleability fixes that are better.
litecoin is still decentralized:3
Fuck off and kys
whats wrong with that layer? Its just for normies.
I can still send my coins as usual.
Who thinks it will dip again below 300?
I'm holding. Slept on this dip desu.
They already started arriving but it takes over a day to fully confirm
>muh /pol/ ruining the world
You sound like a conspiracy theorist
now new ATH 3267
nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nyaaa
3319 on finex
This may have had something to do with it.
theyre not ruining the world
theyre ruining MY FUCKING BOARD
Moonmen, here we come.
Literally no brakes on this train
$4k here we come
its because ur gay
The entire site is pol you new dumb fuck. This happened a long time ago.
After BCC there were articles talking about the bitcoins combined hitting 3k+, now there are articles about bitcoin alone hitting 3k+, look at the total market cap for the last 7 days -
We're going bull again.
Not me, /pol/ is pure fucking cancer.
/pol/ increasingly pollutes discussions of crypto with all their insane garbage. "black dick made me buy ARK, it's a conspiracy! the ebil joo is charging me exorbitant interest on my mail-order katanas!"
now, I do think the antisemitic shit is a real factor helping keep Bancor prices low so I can continue accumulating, which will pay off huge for me in a few years, but it's annoying having to wade through all the incoherent nonsense from "muh ethnostate" shut-ins polluting this board when I'm just here to make $$$$.
Don't get me wrong-- fuck israel, hope it's destroyed-- but it's also very tedious to have every discussion infected by all these /pol/ dead-enders for whom crypto is just another proxy in which to unsuccessfully fight their doomed racist mind-war.
soon your step dad will get butthole cancer and you'll get sent back to the orphanage.
>any given board on Veeky Forums
>anime posters are the most obnoxious, annoying, fucking stupid, obviously mentally ill group
>on Veeky Forums
>anime posters are all desperate for spoon-feeding
>constantly insecure, uncertain, worried, panicky
Should I take a 10k loan before Bitcoin reaches 5k?
Better double the initial loan you were thinking
Put in 7k€ a few moments ago.
Things will go nuts, there is no going back.
Absolutely fucking not
The 24h trading volume for BCH is less than 10% of BTCs volume so even assuming they're all conversions from BCH to BTC (They aren't) how do you account for the other ~1.7 billion.
Basic mathematics kids.
I think it's far more likely to have something to do with the political instability in Venezuela, not that you faggots read the news, or anything that isn't Veeky Forums.
your question started the 1929 crisis.
people taking loans to buy stocks.
Go all in. Max out your credit cards. Get a mortgage. BTC will only go up! :^)
>I want pole to leave
All I wanted was some mad crypto gainz user. Guess I'll leave now and go back to the street :-(
But /pol/ predicts financial shit 100% better than biz can. Just because they don't indulge mental illnesses by and large, doesn't make them wrong
But, if you do, go balls out and margin 5Xs+ at least.
Not sure what or who to blame. I have been on 4C for awhile and visited /biz on occasion. Started getting on /biz daily around October. October to April was an amazing time for /biz. The community as a whole seemed to work together, debate things in a logical way, etc. Around the beginning of May, /biz fucking changed for the worse in a bad way. It was seemed like a targeted campaign to literally steal our own brothers crypto through shilling trash and fudding legit coins. We should embrace each other and find a way to help each other reach common conclusions and goals and to push crytpo to normies so we all can become Lambo drivers.