Display your bios Veeky Forums
>Estimated Net Worth
Display your bios Veeky Forums
>Estimated Net Worth
> 20s
> high school certificate
> neet
> $0 because im a manchild neet leach living at home
> $50k USD in meme coins
>Homeschooled (Tbqh don't know what I am equivalent too)
>Dishwasher (second job dishwashing, fml.)
>$500 average every two weeks, so about $1000-1500 every month, so about 12k a year.
>None yet
>Absolutely fucking nothing.
>high school drop out
>$640 in USDT
> 29
> Msc.
> Engineer
> $40-45k
> crypto (LTC, ETH, BTC) in that order + Precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum and Rhodium, some mining companies)
> $1 million
M.Eng, MBA
Business Owner, Technical Director
technically $0
Business, property, real estate, solar energy, some index funds, classic cars (hobby)
>Estimated Net Worth
Enough to fund these things
What is your business ?
gay white male 21 florida
>bachelors & 2x diploma
>illustrator/concept artist
>$75k in stocks/bonds, $600 in daytrading stocks/crypto
>$75k, I don't count cash and gambling as NW
>Age - 18
>Education - High school done at end of year
>Job - Dishwasher
>Salary - Made 17K last year, various on shifts
>Investments - BTC, soon stocks and later real estate
>Estimated Net Worth - 12K (BTC, Money and Money Owed to me)
>All in AusFag Dollars
High School Last Year
Crypto Currencies - Land - USD
>Estimated Net Worth
- 130389.19$ realtime data
Finished college
Work at a milk bar
$100-125 a week (don't get much hours)
$217 in meme currencies
>>Estimated Net Worth
Prolly around $3500 (motorbike, computer and bank account)
>Left school at 16
>Work in Westminster
>Salary 30KGBP
>Trade ETH
>20kGBP from crypto, 20k in ISAs, 10k in assets
What's your job, are we talking something related to politics?
How did you get work there if you didn't finish school.
International business and management
Callcenter for ISP
2K in Crypto, 1K in stocks
>Estimated Net Worth
> job
Software developer
> Salary
$40k, first job
> Investments
> Estimated Net Worth
>ongoing phd in eee
>$17k, being eaten away by devaluation
>BTC, DOGE, XMR, eurodollar bonds, defense industry and gold ETFs, a lot of hard cash in a safe because reasons
Yeah related to politics (loosely in my case). I got a direct entry to a specialist role at the FCO when I was 19.
Don't honestly know why I was hired but if I had to guess it would be because I'd worked in an office from 16 and continued to study in my own time. I'm pretty sure they also have a hardon for low socioeconomic status 'go-getters' at the moment. Socioeconomic diversity falls under the diversity recruitment shit as black people, gays, etc.
bachelors in accounting
> job
> Salary
> Investments
Index funds
>Estimated Net Worth
>Age 31
>Education High School
>Job - merchant shipping crew
>Salary: 145k dollarydoos
>Investments: 1 property, cryptos (80% Neo +Eth/Ltc)
>Estimated Net Worth $775k
Nice work. At least you used the diversity directives against them lmao.
Having long-term experience there is worth 10x an undergraduate degree in the field.
>When able-bodied cis white males begin to exploit the diversity agenda
Software dev
Long-term value stocks, index funds, real estate, crypto.
>Estimated Net Worth
>MSc Financial Mathematics
>100% ETH
You think this bunch of fuking degenerates have jobs. Most of these kids moms wipe their asses
Geez, everyone seems to be a success here.
>Master's Degree in Marketing
>Senior Marketing Associate
>20k/year (the wonders of a life in SEA)
>None. Shitcoins went through because it keeps rising and I cannot get in.
>10k I guess
I only managed to unfuck my career one year ago. In the meantine, time was wasted with unemployment, shitjobs for my father and crappy investments in small businesses that ruined me.
But hey, for someone who was a professional failure for 5 years straight, it's not that bad. Now to move in the US next year and quintuple my salary.
>classic cars (hobby)
What kind of cars? Does that really count as an investment though? I've heard that hobby is quite the money sink.
>still in school, in my 4th year of a 5 year program
>sustainability co-op not in classes rn, make 17.5 an hour not bad for a college kid
>don't have a salary yet but when I graduate it'll probably be 50K
>Investments 1K in meme coins
>net worth 2K
>high school certificate, working on my MBA now
>$600-750/pweek 35k/year
>50% ETH 40% BTC 10% alts
>$90k (memecoins)
>What kind of cars?
Mostly old BMWs ranging from 1939 to 1964. Also got an old Beetle and a VW Bus just for fun.
>Does that really count as an investment though? I've heard that hobby is quite the money sink.
Yeah that's true for most cars, especially those on the cheaper side. I got lucky with one expensive car that's worth almost 3 times the purchasing price now and a few other are just about breaking even with restoration and repairs figured in, so my over/under is positive at the moment.
But if you aren't a car mechanic who can do all the work on their own, I wouldn't purchase them as an investment.
That's why I said it's more of a hobby.
bachelor's degree in business administration
networth: $47.6 million
> 19
> 0
> Memecoins
> ~$130k
Casino dealer
>30k Crypto/50k stocks/150k property