What are some examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
What are some examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
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Your mom in thinking she was suitable for carrying a baby and raising it.
Confidence of a person inversely correlates with Dunning Kruger effect.
Anyone self-publishing a webcomic
Veeky Forums, /g/, Veeky Forums...
It's easier to list ones that aren't, really.
/po/, /diy/, /out/.
Americans are walking example.
Most cosplayers as well.
what does cosplay have to do with it
(((Philosophers))) using science in there reasoning
>you can know nothing because QM
Religious using science in there reasoning
>evilution is wrong because thermodynamics
I've never heard that evolution argument.
You must be new here
The (very flawed!) argument goes something like this:
>Disorder (Entropy) must always increase
>For evolution to work, order must increase
>So evolution violates the laws of thermodynamics
i love that argument. I really do.
Last time one of the jehovas witnesses coming by my house was saying that (they also have it in their pretty neat books/pamphlets discrediting evolution, and i just asked him:
"what about the sun?"
He didn't understand and even after 10 minutes discussion he didn't understand.
I love that argument simply, because it always reveals to the people bringing it up that they don't know what they are talking about
Don't ignore (((((scientists)))) using science when discussing philosophy.
>when a gene mutates, where does the information come from.....?
>Hah! God!
>>For evolution to work, order must increase
Isn't that seriously highly debated in biology though? I mean there are gazillions of very simple and very old organisms around and they make up most of the bio mass.
ikamusume a cute
i've actually never heard that one before
that's a good one
>only empirical science is science
>math, astrophysics etc.
You are away that literally all scientific methods were developed by philosophy though, right?
i think he's referring to people like sam harris who want to base a ethics system on science/scientific data; it's not about analytical philosophy/logic (i think)
>For evolution to work, order must increase
>Isn't that seriously highly debated in biology though?
well, i don't know what you mean by that. Do you mean there's a discussion in biology about the need of keeping a level of "order" i.e. of keeping entropy down in order for life to exist? Then yes, you need high levels of order and reparature mechanisms and highly specific processes to keep even a simple cell alive. But the problem of creationists/intelligent designers is that they advocate a dangerous half truth. Order must be maintained for life not to break down, but the overall entropy nevertheless increases. That's basically happening if you "burn" food. For you to keep your level of order intact your body increases the entropy of the food you take up (that's now of course put very simplistic but you get the gist). Assaid: "what about the sun". That basically means: if you just look at earth as a closed system, life indeed wouldn't be possible (with exceptions like organisms feeding off of geothermal energy, radiation, breaking up of non organic chemical compounds). But you need to include the sun into this system because most life gets it's energy from the sun (directly and/or indirectly). So while our level of order here is maintained the entropy in the sun constantly increases.
What i also don't get about the creationists angle on that topic: argue with thermodynamics, a way of describing natural processes with natural laws, but all of a sudden don't continue to search for natural laws and insert a godly power into your model even though that makes it completely redundant to argue with natural laws in the first place. It just isn't a inherently coherent philosophy
pop music artists, dj's, hip hop stars
literally every human being i have ever met online or IRL, myself included
I really don't know why we even need a term for that
What about (((scientists))) using (((science))) when discussing testable (((explanations))) and (((predictions))) about the (((universe)))?
Blacks. Despite being less educated, lower IQ, more STDs, etc. they generally have more confidence than whites.
I'm a scientist i can confirm
Take a 200lbs guy. Not counting professional fighters, the probability that he thinks he can beat Mighty Mouse is inversely correlated with his fighting skills.
Guy who never trained in his life: "I'm too large and strong for MM, I would crush him".
Guy who has trained in his life: "There is no way in hell I want to fight MM".
I'm As for areas where the people have the lowest amount of knowledge and the highest confidence in their capabilities, I would guess:
>"Gender Studies"
The champion, they want to shape society based on their poor knowledge. Somehow, sometimes the very same people who say Economics is not a science and we should be cautious of Economic theories (which is true) also believe we should go 100% behind Gender Studies crap.
>Psychology in the 20th century
i don't even know who mighty mouse is, but isn't it generally the case that guys who have never fought are eager to fight somebody, while the people who did aren't in the least (except if they are the kinds of psychos who's idea of a good knight out is bashing some people)
It's just if you know how to fight, you automatically realize that the next best dude on the street could potentially just be stronger/a better fighter than you without realizing knowing for sure
Noam Chomsky criticizing neoliberal economics in general and Milton Friedman in particular
what about his critique of americas foreign policy and his reasons on who is to blame for terrorism?
That's because it's not a proof they use, it's an attempt to use one of your naturalistic concepts against you. It's like using the Quran and Hadith to convince Muslim that Mohammed was a baby fucking madman. You are already convinced of this for your own reasons, but You want to use something that is apart of the Muslims world view to convince him it is flawed. Since your own world view doesn't include Muslim scripture, it's hard for you to construct an entire argument based in it so you slip into and out of that line of reasoning and your own.
so creationists also don't believe in thermodynamics?
This is exactly what the other user said, and is an example of Duning-kruger in action.
Life uses energy from around them and increases the disorder more than it orders itself.
So the more confident you are less confident you are?
Gayest example but Twitch chat during fighting video game streams
i get your analogy, but you could make an easy point of showing mohammad being a baby fucking madman based on Hadith alone, without the need to slip in and out of your scripture based arguments.
You can't do the same with thermodynamics and evolution as a proof for god
Thermodynamics isn't why they believe in God. They attempt to use thier understanding of it to dislodge you from pure athesim.
Browsing reddit doesn't automatically make you a scientist, m8.
They lied to you.
yeah, but i actually am though
(and i unapologethically regularily browse certain subreddits)
They also have a major insecurity complex in non-black nations. It's more pride than confidence.
look no further, you've found 1
What country is that pic from? Certainly not one with a sect of Christianity which teaches or cares about creationism.
>what is google?
i just typed: oliveros nun
>Thermodynamics isn't why they believe in God.
The question was if they believe thermodynamics to be true. Since they use it to disprove evolution.
Aren't all conspiracy theories rooted in D-G?
Anyone who uses "low IQ" as an insult and hasn't been administered an IQ test themselves.
The proponents of Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies.
Or should I say, the Dunning-Krugerrand effect.
Basiliscus was basically a retard and his expedition to Carthage failed miserably, yet he still wanted to overthrow Zeno and become Roman emperor