>tfw there are YouTubers getting paid MILLIONS to play video games all day and make shitty reviews
Why is life so unfair Veeky Forums?
>tfw there are YouTubers getting paid MILLIONS to play video games all day and make shitty reviews
Why is life so unfair Veeky Forums?
Stop crying.
kid at work watches some retard roleplay GTA and i get to listen him thank people for donations all day
Your dum, faggot.
Are you really ready, to spend THE ENTIRE DAY every day playing vidya you HAVE to play not love to play, comment all the time like the worst mic whore, clown yourself, just so some 13-year old imbeciles can bing watch that shit in between watching porn on their androids?
It's a miserable existance and it's a dumb ass goal only millenial idiots take up on. Your expiration date is 2-3 years AT BEST, churn is high as fuck, people want new faces fresh meat.
Pro tip: start a business.
When your business fizzles out, you'll have the skill to start another one, and another one. Good fuckin luck re-inventing yourself being YouTube's politically correct bitch who ain't as hot anymore.
Also, don't delude yourself you won't last as long or be the next Pewds.
Honestly video games become utterly boring at some point a few years ago.
Rarely played for 3 years now and nothing has that 'magic' and joy anymore.
I doubt many of these older youtubers actually enjoy vidya anymore and it's chore-like and laborious to play them for $$$,
> Pro tip: start a business.
Yeah, you're right! Let me just get to the business-starting-river and I'll fish out some fine business. Thanks for that awesome and clear advice, haven't heard that one before.
>doing some thing you love is hell
crypto ruined vidya for me, i cannot fathom to play games now that i know i can mine shitcoins with my gpu's
> i love playing videogames
> let me make chore out of playing videogames
> i will also record it and edit my sessions
> i enjoy trying to be witty on the mic while playing vidya, that's my passion
> i love spending most of my off-vidya time managing social media, finding the next hot hashtag
> starting a business wow stupid advice
> tell me what business exactly and how much money I'll make
> preferably something that involves 0 effort and grants me a lambo in 10 to 15 work days
> i love playing vidya
> im not a degenerate spoiled clueless pathetic millenial
you want to sit infront of a camera all day playing shit games for children watching you? Plus they gonna talk shit about you
They are putting effort into providing entertaining content for you. These are only a handful compared to gorillion of others doing the same with no success. The best ones are known, what have you done lately to provide any content or value recently?
He's a degen millenial with no work ethic or life perspective so when his maladjusted spoiled manchild halfbrain hears shit like "Andy55XSUPREME makes 100000000000000 fed buxx a month from streaming vidya!!" he can't rationally assess that information.
His degen gambler brain starts salivating, like a dog, and fantasizing about "wait a minute...I play vidya too...I streamed vidya for shits and giggles before....I...I can make bank too!"
I really hope OP starts persuing this career, it's like a digital era version of darwin award when you think about it. Back in the 20th century we had all those bums coming to LA fantasizing about MAKIN IN BIG in Jewlywood, big screen actor star! But 99% of them ended up waiters and jaded bums.
But with vidya is different.
Our economy is 100% ready and healthy to support 10000000 beatmakers on Soundclouds, 10000000000000 rappers and 10000000000000000000000000 "professional streamers and gamers".
Don't listen to my FUD, OP. Don't let me stop you from your dreams. You'll make it I know it!
some of these are grown men in their 30s
as an oldfag myself, Id off myself if I had to play vida all day for a living
especially with how shitty games are these days
>makes MILLIONS of dollars through corporate sponsorships, personalised memorabilia and ad revenue by playing video games for his fans
>Veeky Forums: "l-lol w-what a d-degenerate...I would rather kill myself than make millions of dollars by playing video games all day long....jeez what a nightmare!"
mid-agedFag here. Making games rather than playing games. is the next logical move after being a failure at streaming vidya's. Learn a trade, or get into IT solutions, or something computers. YOU WILL FAIL. Take my advice son, you will fail. and when you do, it's going to hurt. soo prepare for the fall. and at lease tape a pillow to your ass, soo you can stand up after the fall. I put a pillow and helmet on. and now? im learning to run again. I got walking ability back now getting into overdrive. Prepare for the future. pls. We are all apart of the economy, we all have vested interested in all of our success. Good luck.
>Making games rather than playing games. is the next logical move after being a failure at streaming vidya's.
Are you faggots jealous or something? The AngryJoeShow makes millions of dollars by streaming video games and making reviews. Why the fuck would he feel the need to "learn a trade" or do a "real job" when he's set financially for several lifetimes?
I will repeat my advice - START PURSUING VIDYA CAREER.
Remember user, every minute you spend here puts you minute further from your VIDYA LAMBO.
We will be the grumpy broke faggots talking shit behind your back and you will get mad pucci while streaming your favorite vidya.
I'm kinda jealous already at your success, so I'll continue to be spiteful, hating on your easy money and baller life.
What percentage of these people do you think really "made it?"
Hint: it's not high. This is a medium that has a LOW bar of entry. Twitch is flooded with people just like you trying to be the next star.
You haven't done you're research. This market is beyond oversaturated. The time to try and get into streaming or youtubing as a job was probably 3-4 years ago at the latest
>le market is oversaturated.excuse
NEWSFLASH: There are 7 billion people on this earth
Every job market in the world is oversaturated.
Name ONE profession where its easy to earn $300k starting with low barrier to entry.
Drug dealer
God dammit user, you broke the matrix, you figured it out! Hurr durr 7 billion people hurr durr every single person has the same interest - watch other people play vidya!
WTF I'll go become a streamer too! FUCK!
wut? i wasn't even talking about that faggot. I was talking about someone who ISN'T FAGGOJOE not FaggyJOE himself.?
whats the name of the guy in the OP ?
The average job has anywhere between 100 to 1000 applicants per opening. even goes upto 10,000 to 1 for some very highly sought jobs like in banking or consulting.
So what difference does it make if you choose a job in engineering or video game development?
Pretty much this. If they can stand out in such a saturated market then fair play to them, they probably deserve it. Sounds like a shit job to me, the kind of thing you think you want to do with your life when you're 15 but grow out of.
El Huevos Furiosa.
Assblasted Alejandro
What the fuck you talkin about you wagecuck neet faggot?
I would LOVE to live my life like that Angry Video Game Nerd, have a room full of cartridges because I'm not a degen fomo hoarder, and also, have this great persona that is so entertaining - I will be CRAZY and PISSED OFF at quirky vidya from 1936. wow yes, and the smart 14 year old kids, the ones who know and appreciate the 8bit synth EGA sweetness, the 14 year old "just discovered reddit" kids look up to me and I keep getting MAD about A GLITCH in a 1947. Donkey Kong III level 6 secret room WHAT THE FUCK AAAAA CURSE WORD!!
Dream life. I hate being this bitter fuck who will never be the next AVGN, unlike OP who already is Lambo-ready. But I guess some people like me just want to stay poor.