How can we fight against the influence of hollywood in mainstream history?
How can we fight against the influence of hollywood in mainstream history?
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Thank god all the moronic commies who fought in the french """"resistance""" died with their silly ideas about the war.
Why would you want to? It's thanks to hollywood that the true heroes of WW2 are finally being recognised today.
Make better/more popular movies than them.
The Soviets role in the second World War is extremely overrated. People try to play it off like they won the war by themself. But the only thing they actually did was force the Nazis to fight a 2 front war in Europe. They did next to nothing in the African or Pacific front
>inb4 the Japs surrendered because of Manchuria
While Tankies did a lot of fighting, they did not win the war themselves.
>African or Pacific front
Oh, it's nothing.
why isn't "l'Allemagne" an option in this quiz?
also: as it is a french quiz it migth be that indeed the role of the US might be valued more from their point of view
Well the survey is about the fight against Germany. The pacific front is other topic
WW2 didn't have a pacific front?
We literally can't.
Normies never learn.
Is she drinking a gallon of horse cum?
We can't
Every country overgloryfies its war effort.
We are used to see it in Hollywood, but it is also visible esspecialy in Russian war films
Still, China will forever have a place in my heart for their hilarius bias
Yeah, because THIS is the most dangerous message propagated by Hollywood.
Lmao frogfags btfo. Normandy was a mistake, we should have let Hitler holocaust them.
Not to mention they were a literal Nazi ally from 1933-1941.
>The Soviets died in huge numbers from incompetence, and that proves that they were useful
Maybe check the Axis casualties on the Eastern front, too?
Casualties the Germans received from the huge material aid of the US?
>this same stupid argument every fucking ww2 thread
There's no arguing with murrikans
>debunked everytime you make this same shitty thread
>"there's no arguing with Murrikans"
French education. D-Day was a mistake.
Why do people always make the argument that either Lend Lease gave the soviets super mechs that did all the fighting for them, or that Lend Lease sent over three pieces of string and a few bullets after the USSR had already taken Berlin?
Why not recognize that Lend Lease significantly aided the USSR by providing trucks and other material, while also recognizing that the USSR tied up huge amounts of German manpower and pushed them back significantly?
Both were contributing factors which required the other to have an impact.
Because that simply isn't true. While it is only fair to acknowledge that the US and Britain supplied considerable useful material to the USSR that helped them a lot it is pretty much beyond doubt the USSR would still have won (even if it took longer) and that the vast majority of German military deaths would still have been on the Eastern Front if they had never received any lend-lease.
Those are the facts and while you are pretending to be reasonable it's pure bullshit to mischaracterise the people pointing this out as claiming "Lend Lease sent over three pieces of string and a few bullets".
Oh ffs. You lefties are all a bunch of god damn closet anti semites you know that?
After that first poll was taken the Soviets proceeded to do horrible things to east Europe for half a century, or are you planning to conveniently forget that part like you lot always do?
What fucking retarded logic. It was the soviets who actually FOUGHT the battle.
How does that negate the impact of the Soviet Union on the war effort?
I'm a conservative from a country that was under socialism for half a century but I'm not going to deny that the communists were the main force behind the liberation (even if they did commit to revolution at the same time).
Pls tell me this is what I think it is
Is there more?
>it's another russians won ww2 thread
>this thread again
Both sides made significant contributions to the war and it's difficult if not impossible to say with certainty how each independent member would have fared in the absence of another's manpower, resources, and cost to the Axis.
Can we stop having stupid national circlejerks now?
>Can we stop having stupid national circlejerks now?
Where do you think you are?
>It's an America did nothing and the Soviets did everything during WWII episode
>It's an America did nothing and the Soviets did everything during WWII episode
I find increasingly on the internet these days you can tell which side is wrong by the way they wildly misrepresent what the other other side is saying.
I remember when I first saw that arrow meme pic btw, everyone laughed and mocked it, strange how it keeps getting reposted, I guess some people are just stupid and it has been posted so many times that other posters just roll their eyes and don't bother acknowledging such silliness.
>It's an Australia did nothing and the Americans did everything during WWI episode
what an absolutely retarded map
breddy good
>Conveniently leave out the invasion of Manchuria
Woo buddy
One death is a tragedy. One million deaths is a statistic.
I dont know. The UK contribution should be at 0.5% at max.
You don't have to be a tankie/commie to see that the USSR did a disproportionate amount of the actual work.
>Pacific front
Irrelevant shit.
it's just juxtaposition, user. she's drinking a protein shake.
If the UK folded in 1940 and went full "can't beat em, join 'em" mode, Germany would definitely have won the war.
>it's a "/pol/ doesn't understand how corporations appropriate and commodify social liberalism to uphold the dictatorship of capital" episode
Hollywood influence on history has generally been absolutely catastrophic.
Take Vietnam for example - almost every Vietnam movie is about some young midwestern buck being drafted into a war he doesn't want to fight, fighting Close Quarters Combat against scary gook peasants, traversing through the thick jungle and getting eaten by mosquitos, writing letters to momma, while It ain't me is playing in the background. South Vietnamese forces flat out don't exist, neither do the Australians or the Koreans, you never see NVA regulars, tanks or the fucking Soviet jets, it's always just shitty illiterate pajama wearing peasants wearing bamboo hats sniping American boys in the jungle.
Now contrast that to the actual Vietnam war where VAST MAJORITY of both combatants and casualties on the coalition side were South Vietnamese troops, not Americans. South Korea alone provided 50 thousand troops. Most of the war were aerial bombardment campaigns and around 50 to 60% of casualties were caused by artillery fire, not some shitty jungle skirmishes. The shitty pajama peasants in bamboo hats (Viet Cong) were absolutely crushed by the end of 1968, guerilla warfare was close to irrelevant and the North Vietnamese military were equipped with top tier Soviet, Chinese, and even Czechoslovak and East German weaponry.
Movies just completely fuck your perception of history to the point it's not even funny.
You mean the invasion of Manchuria that Stalin had been purposely delaying and only started right after the US dropped the first A bomb?
The one that was a literal land grab at the end of the war even thought the US had been asking them to open up a second front (which is hypocritical because Stalin bitched at the Allies to open up a second front but wouldn't do the same and held a non aggression pact with the Japs for the war) for a while but they didn't because the Soviets were scared of a bunch of Samurai ghosts after the Russo-Japanese War?
The Invasion that was a literal stroll in the park for the overwhelming larger Soviet army fighting what was left of the Japanese army after 3 years of the US handling the Pacific war by themselves.
Take comrade Stalin's cock out of your fucking mouth and think for once before you post something so unbelievably fucking stupid you colossal faggot.
I don't know. Go ask /tv/.