On reflection - did the British Empire bring more good to the world than bad?
On reflection - did the British Empire bring more good to the world than bad?
>Created modern Indian state
>Greatest contributor to scientific discovery and technology
>Birthplace of industrial revolution
>The empire provided the resources and manpower for Britain to fight in the world wars
It's alright
Is this a list of reasons to hate the U.K.?
I don't get it
You list all terrible things the U.K. has done.
Is this a new meme?
Is this thread about to be flooded with eternal anglo posts?
Only butthurt frogs and krauts say otherwise.
The British Empire ruined my teeth!!!
oh sweet child
Seemingly so. This is at least the second I've seen today.
Jealousy is a powerful thing.
this is just stupid
>created indian state
Can not even poo in a loo. Also created Pakistan which is an artificial Islamic hellhole.
>Greatest contributor to scientific discovery and technology
Continental Europe's discoveries and technologies have been far better.
>Birthplace of industrial revolution
Enslaved man to machines? Alienated man? Gee Thanks.
>The empire provided the resources and manpower for Britain to fight in the world wars
Allies were the "bad guys" of both world wars.
Yes, they killed and destroyed people for their own personal wealth. They started wars like the Boer Wars and WWII for no reason besides personal wealth.
>Continential Europe's discoveries were far better
Britain's scientific contribution excels any single European state. And no Hans, claiming credit for every EU member does not count
>The industrial revolution was bad
Nice, anarcho-primitives, don't see many of 'em
>cannot even poo in loo
Yes, but having a space program despire being a former colony is still pretty good
>created pakistan
That was necessary to prevent religious internal conflicts in the indian state
>Allies were the bad guys
Butthurt kraut detected. 2 world wars and one world cup :^)
To be fair they were getting kind of annoyed that the Boers were interfering with British colonization in south Africa and harassing Anglo emigrants
>Also created Pakistan which is an artificial Islamic hellhole.
Bold choice for you to start with a straight-up lie. Really makes you seem worth bothering with.
>Continental Europe's discoveries and technologies have been far better.
Demonstrably false.
>Gee Thanks.
So Europe did more to industrialise us and that's good, because Britain industrialised us and that's evildumb?
>Allies were the "bad guys" of both world wars
What a pathetic,lying, dopey, sack of shit you are.
>What a pathetic,lying, dopey, sack of shit you are.
Guess britfags get pretty salty when faced with the fact they've ruined the world.
whoa son careful with that edge
>HURR anyone who points out when someone else is lying must be a Britshit!
Guess again, you dopey prick.
>britfags didn't create Pakistan
Nice revisionism.
>Demonstrably false.
Oh really?
Compare to
And England looks like utter shit.
Yes really. The fact you question this, in English, on the internet, powered by electricity, is just laughable.
Is this bait? The English article is much much larger than either the German or Italian.
Also I like how you used the 'English' article to make sure any contributions from Wales or Scotland wouldn't be included
Wikipedia lists are a ridiculous way to compare the output of nations but even using this barometer...
>You've whittled the rest of the UK off for some reason, this thread is about Britain not just England.
>Even though you've done this, the English list is longer than the German one!
>The quality of England's (better Britain's) contributions is not only greater than that of Germany or Italy - but of any nation's.
>Isaac Newton, who is but one English man is widely regarded as the most influential scientist in human history, eclipsing as an individual the contributions of most nations.
Don't take my word for it, here it is from one of Germany's most venerated polymaths:
>At supper with the Queen of Prussia, she asked Leibnitz his opinion of Sir Isaac Newton. Leibnitz said that taking mathematicians from the beginning of the world to the time when Sir Isaac lived, what he had done was much the better half; and added that he had consulted all the learned in Europe upon some difficult points without having any satisfaction, and that when he applied to Sir Isaac, he wrote him in answer by the first post, to do so and so, and then he would find it.
>Goethe was in awe of Shakespeare
>Wittgenstein wrote of the English: It seems to me as good as certain that we cannot get the upper hand against England. The English — the best race in the world — cannot lose!
The English (better the British) and their Diasporas have excelled in all academic disciplines, this is not a point of controversy. To argue otherwise is just demonstrating a lack of comprehension.
Also, I feel obliged to point out that the remarkable innovations happening in Britain in the 17th-19th century were by no means inevitable and it's quite conceivable that a world without Britain would still be languishing with an understanding or reality that was barely better than Aristotelian.
It was a 19th century Rome
>great feats of architecture and civil engineering
>a sense of civic duty
>huge Empire
>strict moral codes combined with a sense of daring and adventure
>pax Britannica
>crucible of great scientific and technological achievement
Should be far more respected than it is
the bad:
>they fucked up lots of places (including my country, but we came out of it pretty well so there's my bias right off the bat)
>most of it was purely about making money/consolidating power with the pretext of civilising the savages (white man's burden and all that)
>fucked up the middle east along with France
>kinda fucked places like India, Ireland and Nigeria with divide and conquer bullshit but I can't really blame them
the good:
>they built lots railroads, schools and other infrastructure
>brought the rule of law, which along with the above you can say about almost any empire
>unironically civilised some of the places they took over (e.g. banning "suttee" in India)
>finally, IMO they were pretty nice about decolonisation after WWII especially compared to the French and Portuguese
even though their motives were almost entirely selfish they did bring some good and I personally think the former British colonies which turned into proper shitholes would've been that way even if Britain (or another European power) hadn't conquered them
>Is this bait? The English article is much much larger than either the German or Italian.
Larger doesn't equal better. The anglos can invent 10 ways to have bad dental hygiene but it doesn't make it better than continental Europeans developing one way to have good dental hygiene.
You can add French, Spanish and Russian inventions to that list as well. British can't even compete with continental Europe.
>I know that Britain has more inventions but they're STUPID inventions hahahaah
Oh look, it's another one-eighther who thinks he's the masterrace because he's got a Cherokee great-great-grandfather, an Italian dog and a penchant for croissants
>Allies were the "bad guys" of both world wars.
t. Riley Chadson, 1/64th Norwegian, 1/128th German heritage, Aryan
>those English inventions/discoveries in Medicine
You could have just posted that list alone and it would have been enough to blow the fuck out of your own argument.
This is 100% bait. English discoveries are seminal.
>The Pencil, calculus and the Scientific Method kek, did you even skim through the lists you posted?
>Electromagnetism and Induction. dynamos, electric transformers, , incandescent light-bulbs, radio transmission and communication, radar
>RAM, computing/ computers (Programmable, Electric and Digital), the world wide web, Boolean Algebra
>Steam pumps, Steam, Internal combustion & Diesel engines, Gas Turbines, Superchargers, Hydrogen Fuel cells.
>Discovery of more elements than any other nation, modern Atomic theory, the Atom, Protons, Neutrons and Electrons, also splitting of the Atom.
>Selective breeding, Vaccination, Aspirin, Penicillin, General anesthetics, blood transfusion, DNA, the Theory of Evolution and Natural selection
What was the rest of the world DOING!?
Don't forget IVF and the first cloned animals
Meager compared to Italian, French, Greek and German tho.
Show them then
Anglo civilization is modernity. There's no real argument against it unless you are a luddite.
> pretending the English didn't start the industrial revolution
That's four countries. You are unironically comparing the discoveries of four seperate countries against... fucking hell, a part of- not all of, a fucking part of- one nation.
And you're still losing.
>bongs think they are more accomplished than Greece, France, Germany and Italy combined.
Your misguided pride is as offputting as your teeth. At any rate, if you're comparing Great Britain (England, wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) its only fair that 4 separate nations are compared with you.
Northern Ireland isn't a country or even a principality you spaz
Northern Ireland didn't even exist as a political entity when most of the inventions he's describing were discovered.
>Your misguided pride is as offputting as your teeth. At any rate, if you're comparing Great Britain (England, wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) its only fair that 4 separate nations are compared with you
I don't think we need a flag to guess where you're from, Cletus
No, it was complete shit and actively held back its colonies from developing by exploiting their people and resources.
Nice cherry picked time period. Pretty sure France plus any other nation on that list would surprise Gayr8 Britain.
Lmao birts get triggered so easy and fast
>That was necessary to prevent religious internal conflicts in the indian state
>ends up creating ethnic conflicts and religious ones in pakistan anyway.
>>unironically civilised some of the places they took over (e.g. banning "suttee" in India)
>literally only paid for the ticket of a brahmin who went to bongland to plead his case knowing that he would never be able to return home.
>larping as an anprim nazi to argue against the brits
Only the lowest scum can't recognsise the British empire as the GOAT
It prevented conflict as in by giving the muslims a country it prevented a literal Israel-Palestine situation with muslim militants effectively revolting and taking de facto control of territory
>prevented conflict
India and pakistan have fought 4 wars and have some of the most highly militarised borders in the world.
>prevented a israel - palestine situation
thats very much what kashmir is.
Yea but it's allowed India to be much more stable than it would've been without the split.
Pakistan was simply the removal of the muslim tumour.
The religious conflict is bad, but its still much better than if Pakistan had not been created
It's not even close, the achievements of the British and their diasporas dwarf that of all other peoples combined.
I don't know where your from, but apparently they're incredibly good at making idiots there.
>12 year old
Find a graph for 20 year old and Britain will be number one.