Post things that you do or believe that are in direct contrast to the norms and values of Veeky Forums:
>I don't actually like the Roman Empire
>I am an Anglo yet promote the eternal Anglo posting because I love being the villain of history
Veeky Forums confession thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I value the humanities aspect as Veeky Forums as much as the history aspect of this board.
Now give me a (You).
Even though I am a straight white man, I am secretly a hopeless romantic and all the nihilism posts break my heart as I know they are probably true but can't bring myself to accept it.
the byzantines are overrated and were not roman or a empire
Culture over race
Some of my favourite historical figures are people like Kaiser Wilhelm II just because he's kinda lovable in his incompetence like how his colleagues tore up his letter to an American president (Roosevelt I believe it was) because it sounded like he was writing to a crush.
How is being a straight white male contrary to romanticism and nihilism? I straight white males invented those ideologies and are commonly nihilist and romanticist.
>I hate communists and I'd send them all to gas chambers
>I shitpost in world war 2 threads
>Nationalism is a good thing
>If the global goverment Is ever achieved, whites should be in charge and it should not be democracy
>>I am an Anglo yet promote the eternal Anglo posting because I love being the villain of history
Same. I'm an Anglo-American, and love the UK and US being called villains. It makes me laugh.
I like some humanities stuff, like map threads and language threads, but dislike a lot of it. I wouldn't get rid of & Humanities, if I could, though I think we need better moderation.
You often associate being a hopeless romantic that has soppy feeling and believes in love at first sight with qt women and homos, where as nihilism is more masculine and fits in with the emotional coldness of a traditional male.
I unironically think the 4th Crusade was justified and the Byzantines invited the whole thing upon themselves as well as all of the animosity between them and the Crusader Kings of the 1st Crusade
I'm pretty sure all of us AngloAmericans promote our nation. Except for the larpers but ultimately they're just helping misdirect our enemies.
I'm a strong moral realists
I think ethnically homogeneous countries are good, but white people are really bad
I dislike communists for reasons that have nothing to do with their economics
I try to educate myself about topics before posting, and wherever possible, cite my sources.
>people this retarded are posting on Veeky Forums right now
I think its common for men to be a hopeless romantic at heart and either hide behind a nihilistic facade or have difficulties reconciling their rational ideas like nihilism with things they feel and wish deeply to be true like romanticism.
I know I definitely fall into that second category. It's taken me a long time to categorize my romantic thoughts into something mostly separate from reality, but the longing for them and reality to overlap may never go away. I'm ok with that. I think men should want the world to be romantic, but realize it isn't. I think that's healthy on both an individual and a societal level. It promotes better values in both categories.
I want a year-long fascism/racism ban. I'm not triggered, it's just exhausting and kicks out actually interesting threads.
This is among the more reddit-y boards on this website. Which isn't really saying much, since 80% of all boards have basically become /r/Veeky Forums colonies years ago.
>Not liking the roman empire
I genuinely admire Prussia.
As well you should. They accomplished a lot with what they had and their national character was highly admirable.
The fuck does that even mean?
>1000 year Empire
>Not an Empire
Carthage was the good guys
I recommend books that I never finished or even read.
>I have no idea what "deus vult" means
>I hate the ancient Greeks
>Muslims screwed themselves over because of all the infighting. Otherwise they could have repelled the crusades and mongols, prevented library in Baghdad from being demolished and saved years of human research /knowledge which was lost
>Europa Universalis IV
>crusaders take the word of a disposed pretender and overthrow the actual emperor
>surprised when the pretender filth doesn't hand over the goods
Industrial revolution and enclosures ruined any chance of a harmonious, land-based community.
"progress" in a linear sense doesn't exist
city life and urbanisation is detrimental to society.
too much intelligence stifles and sterilizes a society through nihilism, overthinking, doubt, despondence, utopianism,...
you little shit you take that back !
But that's objectively correct.
If I had to choose one pre-gunpowder weapon to take into combat, I'd use a polearm like a halberd instead of a longsword or a meme weapon like a katana
>Otherwise they could have repelled the crusades and mongols
they did both of these
I'd bring a spatha.
And a shield ye boi
I think the Ottomans have about as much legitimacy as the successors of the Byzantine empire as many Byzantine emperors do.
The historical discussion here is contrived as fuck and all the greentexts where people assert their views on a subject in an expository manner make me cringe.
Don't know what's worse, you being white or you being a minority.
Pretty much. There's an ebb and flow to it but for the most part I like to imagine the people here aren't braindead reddit crossposters.
I unironically defend just about every explicitly white supremacist government except for Nazi Germany (because they mostly killed fellow whites/took it way too far and ruined it for everyone).
I've never used reddit because I can't stand the UI.
But Veeky Forums is definitely one of the more normalfag boards on Veeky Forums. You can tell just by the amount of facebook filenames in "meme" threads.
>I unironically defend all white supremacists except the only ones that weren't Mossad plants
I consider myself a far right-wing person and i'm very anti-semetic but I believe the Holocaust was real and hate the Third Reich because I'm a Slav.
>Mossad (founded 1949)
>Secretly controlling the British Empire (founded 1583)
>Secretly controlling the pre-Civil Rights United States of America (founded 1776)
Secretly controlling the Republic of Texas (founded 1835)
>Secretly controlling the Confederate States of America (founded 1861)
>Secretly controlling pre-Republic Apartheid South Africa (founded 1948)
pick one you dumb Hun loving nigger
I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was a beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman whose light was snuffed out far too early.
I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.
Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.
Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.
>because they mostly killed fellow whites/took it way too far and ruined it for everyone
Translation: Waaah how dare those evil nazis fight back against muh british empire!!!1!
I don't like to see history through romantic and ideological lens, just wanna analyse it as it were and understand the dialetics that happened
also, Marx wad retarded when he said that the financial power alwayd overcome the others
Natsocs should be shot and thrown in the same mass grave as their fellow commies
Mossad is a metaphor you retard
Yes, jews created the US, the founding fathers were literal freemasons, all further developments on modern day US soil was theirs to begin with
>Apartheid RSA
Would be surprised if not
>Secretly controlling the British Empire (founded 1583)
Well, you got me there, didn't think that back into history
However I won't really call them white supremacists since the concept of racial egalitarianism seemed alien back then.
It's more of a philosophical thing, if everyone is a white supremacist then there's nothing really to it, these words gain value only when there's opposition.
That cartoon looks nothing like her
It has blue eyes for fucks sake
Fascists and communists are essentially the only people that are aware of how cancerous capitalism and the modern day judeo-bourgeoisie is.
The revolutionary types however are retards obviously, there is no way that the capitalists can be overthrown, at least with benefit to the workers in mind.
Some colorizations of her show blue eyes.
It's not that uncommon among Jews anyway.
>t. byzantiboo
Die pedofag, reported
Drawfag did her hair (probably her most recognizable characteristic) pretty good tbqh
>It will be observed that the frequency of light,particularly blue, eyes among Jews reaches 25 per cent in some series (Ammon, Beddoe, Fishberg, Weissenberg). Some anthropologists claim that this trait points to intermixture of foreign, non-Semitic blood, especially Aryan. In support of this view it is shown that in those countries where light-colored eyes are frequent among the indigenous population the Jews also show a larger percentage of blue and of gray eyes. This can be seen in Table No. 2. In Baden over 50 per cent of Jewish recruits have blue or gray eyes; in Russia the percentage is less; while in Caucasia, where the native races have dark eyes, the Jews show 84.31 per cent of dark eyes. The English Sephardim show even a higher percentage of blue eyes than the Ashkenazim.
16 is legal in my state tho
She looks like my cousin but with smaller tits.
He probably related to Roosevelt on a deeply personal level. They both grew up sickly (Wilhelm had a fucked up arm, and Roosevelt had severe asthma), and spent their entire adult lives attempting to emulate their childhood heroes (the American frontiersmen and founding fathers for Roosevelt, and the great Germanic Kings for Wilhelm).
The Holy Roman Empire was better than the Byzantine Empire
Communism and Fascism will only lead to a capitalist state that will change the logo of the cancer.
What we applied to the state, decentralization of power, should be applied to the market.
Their criticism is needed but their systems should be obliterated by any means necessary.
State capitalism, with a small difference here and there about redistribution of wealth but that will not bring any progress, only failure and the need to rewrite history so their romantic slaughter is seen as heroic.
Is she Jewish?
also post pics
post pics
What if your cousin is actually Anne Frank, but that copypasta actually happened, Jeff took her back to 2017, and she has khazar milkers from giving birth to Jeff's child?
Check those numbers boys
The Holocaust happened in its entirety.
Israel's existence and control of Jerusalem is justified. (((They)))'re pretty alright guys.
European colonization of Africa was more or less an unending stream of crimes against humanity.
Ronald Reagan was a wonderful person and an even more wonderful president.
Germany was doing just fine until Willy sperged out and fired von Bismarck.
Nicholas II deserved a little of what he got. Maybe shot a couple times in the leg or something. But he didn't deserve for him and his family to be murdered.
The reason Joan of Arc remained a virgin was probably because she was ugly, or smelled weird, or something else that made her non-waifu material.
I'm a hardcore Orthodox Christian and I wish we could get a long and reform with the Catholic Church, even if we had to give up some theological purity.
I agree with you but for the wrong reasons
Communism is fundamentally impossible to get AND sustain in the modern day and age, in the past too. In fact I think the last time something similar to communism was tried was in the middle ages. Socialism is a meme, it's just capitalism with the capital in the hands of the government with lies about communism coming in five years so repeated every five years.
Fascism is doomed too, Hitler was a miracle from a revolutionary point, he transformed a ruined country into a global superpower in a few years, but EVEN THEN it was doomed to fail. People lived a good life for 6 years and then an inevitable world war came where everyone's a loser and all are fucked.
Basically the Hitler /pol/ is jerking off to is a bad scenario because it makes things even worse in the long run, what people need is a Hitler that's MUCH stronger, so that he can actually conquer the entire world somehow, and that's fiction level.
tl;dr after a successful revolution you win, but then you lose big time
Did you just make multiple refrences to Neutral Milk Hotel inside of your pregnant Anne Frank fan fiction?
>The Holocaust happened in its entirety.
>Israel's existence and control of Jerusalem is justified. (((They)))'re pretty alright guys.
/pol/ right now be like
>European colonization of Africa was more or less an unending stream of crimes against humanity.
Yeah well giving them unfettered independence hasn't really improved it either.
>Ronald Reagan was a wonderful person and an even more wonderful president.
If you're legitimately pro-Israel, you probably shouldn't have that for an opinion. The Reagan administration had a very poor relationship with Israel.
>Germany was doing just fine until Willy sperged out and fired von Bismarck.
>Nicholas II deserved a little of what he got. Maybe shot a couple times in the leg or something. But he didn't deserve for him and his family to be murdered.
If the Soviets wanted to crush the Whites, eliminating him was pretty much mandatory. They could've just forced him to confess to some bullshit crimes in exchange for allowing his family to go into exile to justify it though.
>The reason Joan of Arc remained a virgin was probably because she was ugly, or smelled weird, or something else that made her non-waifu material.
Except all accounts of her at the time said she was quite the qt.
Maybe she was just neurotic as fuck and scared even the horniest men away.
Nigger, that whole fanfiction is basically one giant middle finger to Jeff Mangum.
Everyone thinks it's /pol/ making fun of Anne Frank when the author clearly went out of his way to paint Jeff as a creep.
If I had to pick the biggest lie in your post then it would be
>Ronald Reagan was a wonderful person and an even more wonderful president.
>google anne frank eye color
Don't repeat my mistake, this is like ending up on a Naruto forum where people argue who's stronger Naruto or Sasuke
8 million results of autists arguing about such irrelevant nonsense
>Neutral Milk Hotel
That's the only thing you noticed?
The pasta is literally loaded with passing references to Fury, World of Tanks, Mad Max, Slaughterhouse Five, and pro-Confederate subliminal messaging.
I don't care what her eye color was. She's probably have them closed anyway while I nut all over her pregnant belly.
Consider that my Veeky Forums confession. I was fantasizing about fucking a pregnant Anne Frank long before /pol/ wrote that copypasta.
I feel weird posting her pics plus shes like 16.
I agree with you.
The circlejerking of leaders is only to reflect a personal desire, what so ever it can be. Talking about the austrian cocaine addict manlet also known as Adolf "farting machine" Hitler: the scenario was perfect for a diplomatic Germany to take their rightful claims back not by force and the retarded "total war" but by diplomacy backed by force.
Anyway, the "alternative" systems of the last century are purely baded on:
personal problem -> reflect it in a utopia -> tell your utopia to other people
the chance of success depends on what time in the timeline you are.
But all of them fucked the need of fairness, the idea of nationalism and patriotism, tradition and faith.
Last century was good for technology and pratical life, but not for the world of ideas.
>The Holocaust happened in its entirety.
>Israel's existence and control of Jerusalem is justified.
I'm still not sure what to make of it. I would say I'm somewhat sceptical of it, but I do understand why Zionism exists as an ideology. the Jewish people have suffered immensely throughout history but I don't know if that warrants them carving out their own state on land that already had people living on it
>(((They)))'re pretty alright guys.
I live in a country with next to no Jewish people so I have met literally one or two in my entire life but yes I agree
>European colonization of Africa was more or less an unending stream of crimes against humanity
>Ronald Reagan was a wonderful person and an even more wonderful president
I disagree. I see him and Thatcher as analogous to Trump and May to a degree that's so uncanny it's borderline unsettling. however Reagan was undoubtedly much more charismatic and had much better PR than Trump, whereas the opposite is true for Thatcher and May (that's not to say May is at all popular, however)
>Germany was doing just fine until Willy sperged out and fired von Bismarck
I think most people would agree, however I see very few people on this board who understand the context of Bismarck's dismissal. for once Willy was actually right about something with his socialist reforms, and Bismarck should, in hindsight, have acquiesced to those demands in order to keep his job and keep his country on the right track
>Nicholas II deserved a little of what he got. Maybe shot a couple times in the leg or something. But he didn't deserve for him and his family to be murdered
again, I'm not sure. maybe he did deserve to be killed, but certainly not the children. IMO it's sad that Russia was never able to peacefully transition into a constitutional monarchy
>The reason Joan of Arc remained a virgin was probably because she was ugly, or smelled weird, or something else that made her non-waifu material.
maybe, idk
>Reagan was undoubtedly much more charismatic and had much better PR than Trump
Trump literally stole Reagan's campaign slogan.
>It's more of a philosophical thing
>if everyone is a white supremacist then there's nothing really to it, these words gain value only when there's opposition
It helps to know what philosophical means before you use it in a sentence.
>year-long fascism/racism ban
Ya because you're afraid of an honest debate about race and the holocaust.
You'll only fuel the inner temper tantrum of kraut posters if you censure their shitposting.
Maybe this Veeky Forums thing isn't for you.
History proves that neither fascism nor communism (or what some commies call "state capitalism") are sustainable and both ideologies are completely retarded. That being said I hate fascists more than communists.
Martin Luther's heart was in the right place and his grievances with the Catholic church were completely legitimate. The unintended consequences of his movement were unfortunate, but to unironically attribute them solely to him (exemplified by the memes claiming he alone somehow "ruined" Europe) is ignorant and retarded. He never would have gotten anywhere without Frederick the Wise of Saxony, and for my money it's quite likely that someone else could have started a similar reform movement in Germany under the patronage of Frederick (or another similarly powerful elector) had Luther never rose to prominence.
I've never watched a single LindyBeige video but based solely on what Veeky Forums has told me I already dislike him intensely.
I have unironically masturbated to the pregnant Anne Frank art and stories but I already had a pregnancy fetish before that was a thing. I would bet money that copypasta has given at least one person on this board a preggo fetish.
Why is sustainability even desirable?
Systemic change is usually violent and destructive. People fear it for this reason.
I'm not talking about environmental or even necessarily economic sustainability. I'm talking about running a country based on an ideology that *doesn't* inevitably collapse
No, I understood you correctly. Why is sustainability of an ideology desirable?
I unironically think social democracy is comfy and I'd rather not have my country be run on principles that lead to war and/or famine
It was suggested in the Veeky Forums improvement that /pol/ Holocaust denial infographs be automatically replaced by Anne Frank pics and Communist propaganda be replaced with similar artwork of the Romanov girls (if we can find or convince someone to draw it) to shame stormies and tankies for their worshipping ideologies so shamelessly stained with the blood of the innocent.
>lewd pregnant Romanov girls
>I have unironically masturbated to the pregnant Anne Frank art and stories but I already had a pregnancy fetish before that was a thing. I would bet money that copypasta has given at least one person on this board a preggo fetish.
Time for a survey
I'm the guy you replied to; I put my answers in
>hitler wasn't a jew puppet
>Fascists and communists are essentially the only people that are aware of how cancerous capitalism and the modern day judeo-bourgeoisie is.
No, they're treacherous thugs that hope people are as dumb as they are into believing things would be better if they were in charge.
Everything communists and fascists say capitalists currently do or have previously done before is EVERYTHING that communists and fascists would actually do if they were in charge
>The Holocaust happened in its entirety.
It was actually much worse than reported.
>Ronald Reagan was a wonderful person and an even more wonderful president.
He really was, he kept our country from drifting back into isolationism in post-Vietnam America.
>you probably shouldn't have that for an opinion
Child, you have to be at least 18 to post.
>That being said I hate fascists more than communists.
Do you hate hurricanes more than monsoons too? Fyi, Martin Luther did nothing wrong and exposed the Church for what it was, an aristocracy.
I would just leave the images as is, but change the filename to OY_VEY_THEY_KNOW.jpg or something along those lines.
>He was only 25% Jewish and his grandma wasn't jewish! Therefore following ((((((their))))))) rules Hitler wasn't jewish!
natsocs are literal brainlets.
I don't think anybody here knows politics or political theory really well. It's always ironic jokes, blatant ignorant remarks, or sometimes covered up by pseudoscientific/pseudo-intellectual comments. People here are proud of their stupidity, especially the pseuds.
Except that's what /pol/ wants
I like germans and do not see them as the spawns of satan
>Do you hate hurricanes more than monsoons too?
>Fyi, Martin Luther did nothing wrong and exposed the Church for what it was, an aristocracy
I agree and that's the gist of what I was saying, but it's honestly hard for me to reconcile this with having grown up as an Irish catholic (and all the historical baggage that comes with).
I found a mega dump of ww2 images and one of the folders contained 200+ images of krauts taking a shit that Veeky Forums could use as substitute images.
You're not a pseud are you?
What? How? In the first war they just wrestled for sicily and the second war was just carthage being assblasted.
Y'all a bunch of retards
>grown up as an Irish catholic
I'm curious, what did your parents tell you about Martin Luther?
>I was fantasizing about fucking a pregnant Anne Frank long before /pol/ wrote that copypasta.
>I have unironically masturbated to the pregnant Anne Frank art and stories
Jesus and I thought I was all alone here.
I just like to think about starting a family with that tender soul and living a wholesome Christian (if not in religiously, then at least in principal) life on a farmhouse somewhere.