Reminder that buying into ICN/ICNX before the fiat pairs come in a few months is like buying into Amazon stock in 1997.
Reminder that buying into ICN/ICNX before the fiat pairs come in a few months is like buying into Amazon stock in 1997
i already own 200 ICN and desposit them on their website but dont understand shit about that ico
should i have ICN or ICNX ?
This. Pls explain in brainlet terms
Both of you can.
Do you know why I know that ICN/X will make me rich?
Normies. Normies are the key.
How many of your friends or "friends" have asked you for crypto advice in the last few months? Are they total idiots with no knowledge on the subject? Does this sound familiar:
>wtf bro can't I just pay you to handle my magic internet money? lambo moon nigga
Normies don't want to think. They want to throw money at things and hope all goes well. Cryptos are just beginning to boom, and Iconomi offers the perfect solution for the problem that is 9001 shitcoins + normies who barely understand what the blockchain is who want to take advantage of them yet know not how.
ICNX is like an index for approx. 97% of coins (measured in market cap). It's like investing in the whole crypto world. Like S&P 500 in stocks.
Accumul8, w8 or h8. It's up to you. ICN is the true ticket to lamboland, even if it takes some time.
This 100%. When I tell people I 40x my money in crypto in 3 months, they all ask for me to mange their money and get them some gains. Iconomi will solve that, and at the same time make me rich.
do you get anything special for storing your ICN ICNX on their website?
whats the point of iconomi? Tons of companies already do what they do. They don't have a coin, but its 9000 time easier to get an eth coin than it is to have an established business already.
Buy both, both will see enormous returns.
ICNX is an index fund that represents the top cryptos. It's pretty much a bet that the whole cryptoverse will grow.
ICN will benefit from people buying ICNX, as well as large corporations creating DAA's(which they have plenty waiting to do).
ICN token holders are guaranteed profits because of the buyback program that utilizes 20% of the Iconomi gains to buy back ICN tokens and reduce the supply. Also, I forgot to mention, $100k minimum is required to create a DAA and coorpoerations will have to do it by buying ICN tokens and burning them, which also reduces supply.
If you can't see why this is a $50+ coin before the new year, I feel bad for you son.
ok thanks lads
No problem senpai. Just trying to help out my fellow bizbros.
Good karma means good life, bless you anonymous internet man.
ICNX has 3% yearly management fee. don't be a cuck.
ICN not on bittrex? wtf user gtfo
Wait til they introduce fiat pairs in a few months and normies eat that shit upppppp. Buy ICN if you don't want ICNX and reap the rewards.
Can't buy ICNX with US citizenship
>3% management fee for an index fund
why the fuck are they charging such high fees, its not like ICNP where they have to pay the expanses of like hedge fund managers to pick out the juiciest shitcoins, all they have to do i create a moderately even spread of top coins by market cap
Another day, another icn hard shill post.
kek, what a shit coin
Can someone please explain Why would normies buy icnx instead of a crypto fund offered by Scottrade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity? 3% management fees is absurd. You can buy already buy crypto funds today for much lower expense..
>Scottrade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity
old world bullshit and if they want to jew you, they will
Iconomi is _all about_ crypto and in the long run jewing isn't beneficial for them; ICN tokens will give you voting power on Iconomi related issues like the aforementioned management fees.
I'm not saying the old world shit is better, but why would normies open crypto accounts, research a relatively obscure alt coin, and invest in that, instead of just buying a new crpyto fund offered by their existing brokerage firm advertised to them in an email? And the cost is a clearly defined fixed amount, not "whatever the voting power determines at any given time."