Is Bancor The Best Crypto For Jews?
yeahweh's chosen coin
>The coin that killed crypto
Fucking kikes. Will not be buying again. ever.
The coin that got eth over 400
with j you lose
Never forget that. The reputation they got for thousands of years isn't just blind antisemitism, they've been doing it for thousands of years.
>inb4 oy vey user dey dindu nuffin dey was a good jew
know your enemy people
mfw 100% arian german and family was in the party.
>still invested in Bancor
>will be rich
>My family played both sides
Ill tip you when you clean my lambo
It solves the double coincidence of wants... Because you're too stupid to go to an exchange and place a bid.
.008x, wew.
>le i am german please beleeve
>haha i rich off jewcoin u not hahah
sure thing schlomo, you jew shills are so pathetically obvious
German lost 2 world wars because they had a lot of Jews.
They went from the being the most powerful country in the world into nothing because of them.
yes last time I checked I am German why dont you belive user? jealous of my superior genes?
>have to try and pass laws that make it illegal not to give all your money to jews
jews yes, goyim no
Just sold 100k
sure ya are
the pajeet style sentence structure is cute, try learning fluent english to better your chances at scamming people.
Sorry, last time I checked German is the first language you learn here in Germany.
Keep projecting little pajeet.
How do you feel with the migrant rape gangs roaming your streets? Or is my media sensationalized
Debating dumping. I own 1k of these but I really think Eth is a piece of shit and this just is too connected to Eth for me to feel comfortable. I thought with the Stox ICO it might break away and start having its own fluctuation but Stox literally did nothing and I don't think there are any other Banc ICO's in the pipeline. I am going to sell and put it into Lisk, a similar coin less dependent on Eth.
Its really sad actually you can feel how the public finaly starts to slowly shift into the (right) direction. I literally predicted all of this to my friends 2 years ago and they laughed Europe will turn more and more into islamic hate but its a slow process. Meanwhile the fucking cucks clapping at the train stations and politicians ontop still want the poor refugees that are all 17 btw to come over to have a better life (save declining demographics which wont work). Ill leave this shithole after finishing my master and travel the world until finding an uncucked place which is liveable.
Bancor offers a service that will be incredibly valuable in the future but what I don't get is why is their cryptocurrency needed at all.
it's purely a funding mechanism. They will be able to create companies that create token changers and complex etf baskets, and to fund those companies, they will have an ICO that only accepts BNT. BNT is chuck e cheese tokens that can be swapped back to Ether.