So has "bitcoin" cash been officially and completely BTFO?
>mfw I sold BCH at $450
Thanks for the free money, lmao.
So has "bitcoin" cash been officially and completely BTFO?
>mfw I sold BCH at $450
Thanks for the free money, lmao.
Sold at $950
>implying jihan isn't going to moon the fuck out of it again especially after the difficulty adjustment.
Even John McAfee crazy ass is going all in with jihan.
Whales are just accumulating bcc and pumping/dumping btc while they can
Even then it will never break the 1k barrier again.
theres already to much PR damage to this coins name
Bcash is kill.
Accumulating a shitcoin no one wants to buy? LOL I hope those whales enjoy wasting their money
I'd honestly would be willing to bet on it.
I'm trying to stay as neutral as possible when it comes to the btc/bcc war but this is far from over.
Tons of fanboy bullshit being spread around from both sides but listening to them will get you nowhere.
Bcash? Which side is forcing this?
Yeah, completely BTFO'ed and chinks still mine it for loss... BCH>BTC. Don't forget what made crypto so vauable in the first place: Miners.
nobody is mining this shit. cashcucks are the most bonkers people I've ever seen
lol the smear campaign ran by bitcoin shills/fanboys.
Mods of bitcoin subs purposely making bcash subs in an attempt to rebrand and distance it from bitcoin although it's truer to satoshis vision compared to this segwit close door meetings bullshit. Mention bitcoin cash get banned/censored. Some political level fuckery going on.
Also with an actual bcash coin being released soon all this fud/rebranding/distancing attempt will be null.
But BTC still has more has power even relative to price since the only miners that support BCH split hash power between BTC/BCH based on price, and other miners don't mine BCH at all.
>satoshi's vision™
the ATH was like 720 you liar
LMAO people were buying this shitcoin for 1000+ on bittrex, you should have seen that
Well no shit, this is far from being over. There's a lot of behind the scenes bullshit going on between the two with a lot of deep pockets backing both.
All this fud/shilling coming from either side on any community doesn't matter and doesn't effect any of this at all in the long term. It's just a desperate attempt to distance and rebrand bitcoin cash away from the name bitcoin.
Why would all this fud/shilling/rebranding/distancing attempts be happening if bitcoin core was not being threatened at all.
Better buckle up buckaroos, shit's still going to get crazy over the year.
>this is far from over
As someone who sold this shit at 0.4 (but got in at 0.2, don't get excited) I am biased and want to think the same. I hope for some John Woo Hong Kong action!
Also, the confidence, the hubris of OG BTC crew is so bold, they're so smug and sure that their shit don't stink and that their coin is forever...kinda makes me keep the BCC ticker always open...we'll see...
Oh and to all you OG BTCers out there - thank you you degenerated imbecile faggots for allowing BTC to become a pozzed jewcoin, you'll slap that piece of shit trash SegWit PozzWit on it and that will be THE MOMENT when BTC turns into jew direction from which it will never EVER turn back.
Thanks! Please post some "r/btc satoshi vision" memes that's a great argument for the pozzing of BTC with KikeWit.
>far from over
>"pozzed" btc
>satoshi's vision
You shills need to think of a couple new lines, its getting too easy to spot you.
not getting too excited. I just love how people brush off that John McAfee joining forces with jihan in mining bcc is nothing to even look twice at.
The dominoes can start falling at any time but ignorance is bliss and a majority of bitcoin holders have no idea what's going on other than hurr durr "bcash" is dead
Keep being blinded by the shekels
You dumb cunt faggot I don't have any BCC in my wallet you degen, I sold within those 2 hours of the pump. That being said, I'm observing and looking for opportunity and also for future situation, you dumb faggot.
I don't wanna discuss with idiots who think that KikeWit will be GOOD for Bitcoin, you have to be a full fledged retard to think that.
>say something about BTC be a BTC shill
>say something about BCC be a BCC shill
Literally all those desperate attempts at banning anyone who says bitcoin cash instead of bcash, Or btc mods making bcash communities in attempt to rebrand/distance it.
You all got strung along into shilling on a mass scale but anyone who says anything about it is HURR DURR SHILL
>your assets are safe being eating out by rats while sitting in your wallet
Why are you going on about the name "bcash"? I never called it "bcash" or brought it up. But you are mad as fuck that people are apparently calling it "bcash." Have you've been trained to instinctively defend the "bitcoin" cash name or something?
Call the coin whatever you want.
>bitcoin cash supporters downplay tx malleability for months saying its not a problem, doesn't need to be fixed
>their new bitcoin clone is victim to a tx malleability attack literally day 1
What's your defense for that?
McAfee was just trolling with those tweets, I'm afraid. Shame, but he won't be eating his own dick any time soon.
Went to 1500 on bittrex. .5 no joke.
>tfw i missed out on the BCC craze because i was busy studying for an important exam
still have 5 i even bother selling at this point?
it's still free money. I can't even make the .005 sell limit on bittrex
I would hold for a bounce play. Sell around .2.
It's a paid shiller..
Imagine the people who sold all btc for bch/bcc..and seeing their faces today. They'll defend aggressively hoping some new miner forked coin will be hyped again.. (it will granted, but no time soon)
>tfw when 6/20 confirmations still
Cucked by the Jihan slow ass farms
McAfee has fucked every single thing he has some on crypto, he's not an endorsement but a red flag
Also, pretty much everything he says it's straight up low tier trolling
More PR damage than Bitcoin has? I told some girl the other day I was into Bitcoin, her immediate reply was "thats the thing they use on the dark web right?"
yeah, it's not all that bad, lucky for me I had 1 BTC on bittrex before the split, so I could quickly sell the 1 BCC I got from them for a decent .17 BTC.
>20 confirmations
where are you selling? hitbtc has like 2 confirmations iirc
Grattis, hur mycket stålar fick du?
Jag höll mig borta från BCH en sån tur är.
ATH was 1200-ish you retard
sold for 0.5 how does it feel faggot?
thank you freind, your fudding has worked well, bitcoin Cash will be faster than bitcoin with a billion users. look at the volume its massive
buy when there's blood in the streets, baby
i could be wrong but i'm buying up some BCC to flip later when it gets its shit together.
lmao @ you idiots who think there is a concerted shilling effort against BCC.
The volume is massive because everyone sold their BCC.
No one's going to buy this shit.
correct freind. no one is buying but everyone that wanted to dump is selling. so once again who is buying? and please continue to bash the advanced version of bitcoin at will.
I want to fucking know who is bagholding at $700. I want to know their names
Deal with it.
LMAO more like shitcoin crash.
I hate to tell you guys but it was FREE! No one has any skin in the game... it didn't have to build a Reputation...
What is it about this Bitcoin Cash that should be worth more than anything else except for the False Equivalency to Bitcoin?