Why should we care wether or not something is true?
Why should we care wether or not something is true?
Can't derive proofs without a distinction between true and false.
You can't not care. The fact that you even pose such a question reveals this.
I disagree, you CAN not care, but it's not easy or natural. Many respected philosophies are based around learning not to care, cf Stoicism and Buddhism.
The structure of the mind means that all human action is intrinsically related to the idea of truth. Engaging in any activity presupposes certain concepts such as the law of causation. The way one thought in your mind moves to the next is an inherently logical process.
Stoicism and Buddhism are all logically coherent systems and therefore value truth regardless of what they claim. The only way to consistently deny you value truth would be to screech incomprehensibly, but then probably not because even that would be something you decided to do as a logical response to what you were presented with. All logical action presupposes truth and coherence, and it is impossible for humans to consciously do something which defies the structure of their brains.
The fact you responded to me demonstrates that you (albeit mistakenly) sensed something was untrue in my statement and valued it enough to respond. Any continued response is a performative contradiction of your own argument. Even if you stop responding in an attempt to win the argument, you are falling into the same trap.
Disagreed completely, the mind is made up of countless subconscious agents, each specialized to fulfil its goals without knowing or understanding any bigger picture. Truth is an abstraction we use to categorise macro-scale concepts, it cannot be found when looking into the structure of the mind. Wrt to practise, in a state of meditation one does not value truth or even have any conception of it at all.
Didn't Kant prove that Reason is out of its depth for divining metaphysical truth?
Metaphysics is exactly the kind of place the concept of truth belongs. It's a purely human-made world that follows iron laws of logic, quite unlike the real experience of the physical, which must be understood empirically and defines the notion of truth.
>Wrt to practise, in a state of meditation one does not value truth or even have any conception of it at all
You can't do something incoherent without fatally calling into question whether "you" are actually doing that thing. The whole point of meditation is that you do nothing, so it seems odd to claim it as an example of how one can do "not caring".
Prove me wrong by doing something genuinely incoherent.
>You can't do something incoherent without fatally calling into question whether "you" are actually doing that thing.
Buddhists reject the concept of "you" altogether, as does neuroscience. "You" is a state of mind, your mind is perfectly capable of functioning without it, as the minds of animals do, and as the minds of people meditating do.
>The whole point of meditation is that you do nothing
This is so completely wrong. Hilarious that a clown like you feels the need to tell people about things you know nothing at all about.
>Hilarious that a clown like you
You sound annoyed, friend.
The question was "why should we care about truth". Focus on the "we". If there is no "you" in meditation, there is no "we" and therefore your meditation point is entirely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Furthermore, if meditation involves being in a state of mind where the concept "you" disappears, explain to me how it is possible for my statement equivalent to "in meditation you do nothing" to be false. What exactly are you doing (other than nothing) in meditation if meditation is a state where there is no you?
Of course, this really doesn't matter. You could simply and instantly disprove my entire argument by demonstrating that you are capable of doing something incoherent. Please, I am waiting.
Truth is relative
falsehoods which are known as such to you are unable to motivate you into action. no one is making a case for or against it being this way, it's just the how it has been for everyone ever.
you can make that case if you want to. I'll try to be there to make fun of you.
You are a true simpleton. A classic Dunning-Kruger.
gg :^)
There is some immanent Metaphysics though, like Schopenhauers Metaphysic of love. And a physical thing like a piece of wood can´t be hard and soft at the same time, so the physical world is logical.
>as the minds of animals do
Every living organism must have an inherent concept of ''you-ness'', as being ''alive'' would be impossible without that concept. I think you misunderstood the other user, as you speak of the ego more than the physical and mental ''you''. An animals knows when it's hungry, or when it's tired. This is inherent ''knowledge of youness'' and biological existence depends heavily on it.
t. leftist
I don't know maybe because it avoids letting stupid mistakes to be made.
“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
-Harlan Ellison
is this the Pink Floyd thread?
Saucerful of Secrets most underrated album
>I'm sorry user, but it says here, that there is no more money in your account
>b...but that can't be. I know it. I just looked yesterday! That isn't true!!!
>Why should we care wether or not something is true, user?
don't eat that death cap mushroom, it will kill you
"I don't care whether that's a true statement" - OP, died 2008 - 2017. May he rip in peas
All should care for it, if our interests or lifes are depending on it, if not we shouldn´t care. It may be true that a random chinese man has an itch in his ass, but who cares? Only that dude cares, because it´s his ass.