Based on what I've seen, it was socially acceptable to discriminate against people of other races and look down upon them before the second world war.
How did racism become a taboo in such a short time?
Based on what I've seen...
Basically this
Even back then a significant part of the population had a problem with this treatment of people of other races.
The large scale participation of black people in the labor force and in the armed forces during WW2 tipped the political balance of power in favor of the civil rights movement, which had been attempting to fight Jim Crow since the end of Reconstruction.
Throw in the fact that every US president from 1945 to 1980 was ex-military, and the widespread economic growth of the time period, and the situation was ripe for social and political change.
Polling shows that the majority of change in racial attitudes occurred in the late 50s and early 60s, before the race riots of 1967 and 1968 frightened the white middle class.
But what about other nations? African-Americans are a special case. They had been in the USA for a long time and could fit in. What brought an end to the human zoos and lynch mobs in other countries?
Low iq and inferiority suplex,times are changing though,soon the sub particle sentients will be permanently gripped by the rising awakening of the European strata.While the superior beings(whites)are in the luxury of space excursions while the remaining sub peoples are subsisting off cannibilism and cascades of impoverished ghettos.
First of all, US culture is world culture.
The US, through documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and structures like the UN, created a universalist system of international law, which forbade racial discrimination.
The US and USSR may not have liked one another, but they both disliked colonialism for ideological reasons.
Countries like South Africa that insisted on maintaining racial discrimination were systematically isolated from international trade and diplomacy.
The end of the colonial empires in Europe probably effected racial attitudes substantially, as there was no longer a financial incentive for "white man's burden" ideology.
Also, other countries saw the Civil Rights Movement in the US, and imitated the methods and ideas.
>What brought an end to the human zoos and lynch mobs in other countries?
Not every country did that, only the shitty ones.
Unless you are memeing a lot of nations at the time had human zoos in the 1870's and later and even then Belgium had one in the 1958 world fair
>white cuckoldry
you're welcome
The Holocaust. It was the logical extreme of that casual hatred and belittlement of other peoples that was completely normal at the time. Euros and Americans certainly disliked and discriminated Jews and such, and were horrified at the way they had been treated in the camps. If the Germans could do that shit to people, so could anyone. So they began to treat those other people better, so as to prevent such a thing from happening again.
It's the same logic SJWs use today, prevent hate between different peoples by forcing them all to live together, so they'll see that everyone is human.
What did being ex military affect Presidential policy?
This, i don't know if people realise that WW2 and the holocaust and the Nazis, is the entire reason we have a PC culture and are so against racism and so into acceptance. It is the only reason, if it had not happened we would still be quite racist today with only small advances.
I do wonder when it will run out, when WW2 and the holocaust is just too far away and stops dramatically influencing politics like it does now.
Because black people had served heroically in WW2 and the generation of military men that came after WW2 were more sympathetic to civil rights because of it.
>The US, through documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and structures like the UN, created a universalist system of international law
This, but it's not BECAUSE of racial discrimination. Having just gone thru WWII, they'd seen how a few charismatic individuals could seize power and disrupt basically the entire world economy. US hegemony is a dispersal of power that guards against political intrusions into the global economy, at least in theory.
There's no incentive for racism nowadays so I doubt it's making a comeback. What's more likely is a debate about nationalism vs globalism or culture vs universal systems/principles.
Well that's surely working out great. Especially what used to be the most celebrated victories on that front like Zimbabwe and South Africa.
It'll continue to fade as the living memory of the holocaust fades, and things will go back to how they were for the entire history of humanity.
The awful truth is that people overall self-segregate unless the government forces otherwise. We need to make sure that the government is always able to stop racism from gaining ground by using laws to fight it. Progress is an eternal battle.
People saw the results of such disgusting attitudes culminate in the deaths of millions in the bloodiest war and only industrial genocide in human history.
>see superiority complex lead to world war II and all its carnage
>gee uhh guys i dont think this is such a good idea anymore lol
Incas were superior to europeans.
Lol no
Mass media brought about an age of unimaginable propaganda capabilities that could train societies to be whatever you wanted.
You know in old days they used to use the bible to back up racism. Lets take for example black people. The alternate racist history: Ham was so proud of his heritage and race as they were men of reknown and located next to the Ab Ar. The center of the civilization of mankind. The area where humanity became civil. They were allowed to see their fathers likening. Meaning Ham fucked his mother. As men went out to war. And came out Cush. The Cushitic practice was that men would breed with their mothers and grandmothers to strengthen the line. It went on for thousands of years. So their noses never developed nor did their pelvic bone it was like a baby's...
However it gave the line a deficiency no one ever wanted. They were naturally too good hearted and held maternal instinct.
There are plenty of books written around the time that discuss racial prejudice, written by whites.
Such as?
Genuine question here
Heart Of Darkness
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Literally white people incapable of not enforcing their moralfag complex on the world.
kikes pushed the holocaust lie on everyone
rabid leftists ran with it
>tfw you'll never own a qt chocolate neko slave
The Union should have never won
You're honestly saying it was racial rhetoric that lead to WW2 and not realpolitik?
holocaust and denazification forcefully pushed all ideologies and opinions away from claims of racial and cultural superiority
You know 20 years ago Bill Clinton signed a law banning gay "marriage" but suddenly after 2010 if you don't accept sodomites getting married you are literally worse than Hitler and a monster? It's social programming from the top down.
Allies fought for freedom, no wonder they had to show they actually believed in it for all people.
Hitler's superiority complex is what started the second world war, yeah. First he took "germanic" lands, then he invaded a people he called inferior, simply because the "superior" people needed living room. Doesn't matter how precise or exact this is, it's what the entire world saw and what they equated hitler with
What caused WW2 was geopolitical ambitions leftover from WW1 and Versailles. Europeans countries needed two world wars to be reminded that their moment of glory was over already.
Europes moment of glory is eternal. Stay butthurt shitskins.
t. eastern european leech
>blacks paid the blood tax in WWII leading to freedom
Blacks have always paid the blood tax, in every war since the civil war. The fact that they participated in WWII and received civil rights afterwards is irrelevant. There must be some other reason.
White supremacy to the point of eugenics advocacy and bunk racial science was common in all Western nations before WWII. There are three reasons why multiculturalism became popular in the second half of the twentieth century.
1) The Nazis made white supremacy HIGHLY unpopular. No longer could people tolerate anything even slightly related to Nazism.
2) The presence of the huge ideological rival in the USSR forced NAFTA nations to fix some of their internal anti-democratic contradictions, like racism (also sexism).
3) The capitalists of society benefit from multiculturalism, immigration, women's rights, etc. because it extends the labor pool. This is what Marx meant when he wrote about capitalism beating down old Chinese walls.
When answering the question of racism's rapid disappearance after centuries of common practice, you must also answer the parallel question of women's rights sudden advocacy after millennia of discrimination. It is no mere coincidence that these long upheld institutions fell at the same time. It was a drastic cultural change spurred on by the previous points.
Continued on next post.
The end of de jure racism is a separate but related question to why modern European imperialism ended. I actually did a report on this a while back. Imperialism fell when it did for several reasons, of which white supremacy becoming unpopular is only one:
1) The major colonial powers had been so thoroughly weakened by the war, both in materiel and war enthusiasm, that even holding onto colonial possessions was a political battle.
2) Many released nations had strong anti-capitalist movements that the powers did not want to be exported back to the mainland. The case I studied was Madagascar. Leftist Malgache nationalists like Jacques Rabemananjara had been imprisoned or exiled to mainland France where they continued their writings, influencing both the Malgache and the French.
3) The US exerted major pressure on its allies to release their nations to capitalist democracies to avoid the former colonies from siding with the USSR. In Egypt, in which both Britain and France were ready and willing to go to war over the Suez Canal, but ended up returning the vital strip to Egypt under threat that Egypt would go commie.
4) War changed. Mao Zedong popularized military tactics that assisted weak, pre-industrialized nations in fighting wars against much larger, better supplied foes. Even if the colonial subjects themselves didn't read Mao, the governments of the imperial powers knew after Vietnam and Algeria that it reconquest after independence may not be as easy as the initial takeover.
5) Many colonies just weren't worth holding onto. For example, the only useful thing in Madagascar is coal, which had stopped being very useful after about 1920. From a geopolitical aspect, both France itself and its allies occupied enough other islands in the Indian Ocean to use as naval/air bases that the loss of Madagascar was not a critical security concern.
6) You may not need to own it to profit from it. See Nkrume's work on new imperialism and, again, Madagascar.
South Africa's Antigone
So, the main motivator was living space, aka plain old imperialism and settler colonialism. The feeling of superiority was not the reason for Hitler's expansionism.
>NAFTA nations
Some cultures used to kill people with certain eye or hair colors. Then they realized how completely fucking retarded that was and stopped.
Same exact thing with racism.
A lot of social change was fought for and won in the 60's, including the modern legal interpretation of freedom of speech.
That scared the people in power and so the pushback in the 70's that's continued into the modern day. They really learned their lesson on letting people get the funny idea in their heads that they can do anything.
Its no coincidence that the quality of life hasn't improved since the 70's even though the nation is more wealthy. The 70's is also when American corporations started to seriously shift away from production into the financial sector which doesn't require depending on normal workers to make profit. the 70's also saw the spread of ideals that the deregulation of corporations and banks is always good and unions are always bad. This wasn't a popular idea until then.
woops, NATO nations
>Some cultures used to kill people with certain eye or hair colors.
>unironically believing this
It wasn't just a blood tax thing, it was an "improved socio-economic status due to everyone else getting sent to the front" thing