UK managed to be pretty clever with keeping the Northern Ireland for themselves.
Why has this not happened more?
I'm talking about the collapse of the Soviet Union, which saw the opposite happening. Huge areas of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus Latvia and Estonia are Russian ethnically but with the way the borders were set up, Russians didn't get a good deal out of it.
Was it just a lack of foresight from the Soviet leaders?
UK managed to be pretty clever with keeping the Northern Ireland for themselves
>Keeping Northern Ireland
It was a temporary decision to appease protestant loyalists at a time when Britain really didn't need more conflict.
They don't care about NI and never have; they literally offered it to the Republic in WW2.
NI as a state is a failure; it produces nothing, it contributes nothing and is really nothing other than a money drain for Britain and a humiliation for the British.
It's an artificial statelet which not even the biggest "muh empire" english man would be proud of.
Honestly, the sooner we let it go the better my man. All of Ireland, or none of it.
I don't know if this was their intention but an alternative way of looking at it is that if they allowed other countries to keep areas that are majority Russian it gives them a permanent casus belli against these countries and a large segment of the population that's more loyal to Russia than to their own government, potentially making it easier to install puppet governments or maintain influence over the entire country rather than just keep part of it.
what you describe in fact has served russian interests perfectly, they have potential "fifth columns" in a number of countries
>tfw a conflict breaks out as Ireland and the UK bicker over who gets NI as both don't want it.
They didn't have much choice. Loyalist in northern Ireland had threatened a civil war over the home rule acts. A good radio series on bbc iplayer by Michael portillo called 1913 the year before goes into the Ireland issue
>northern Ireland is a humiliation for the British
More like an eternal source of butthurt for Eire nationalists
>All of Ireland, or none of it.
Sort of this.
But isn't having it as a part of the country better?
If anything it cuts out the middleman
you see Russia hasn´t annexed those bydlo republics in Ukraine like they did with Crimea because they are useful.
Why do you think that they have Kaliningrad?
as an early warning/missile launching pad I guess
When Ireland got its independence,Northern Ireland was an economic powerhouse. They had tonnes of factories and produced a big profit for the empire.
As time went on however,traditional industries collapsed and Northern Ireland was left in economic turmoil whereas Republic of Ireland managed to attract new foreign multinationals with its recent joining of the EU and it's low corporation tax.
At the current,nobody really wants Ireland. It drains money from the UK and the politicians in Ireland have to pretend they want it in order to please the nationalistic working class. Truthfully,if Ireland were to become United at present it would be a disaster for Ireland's economy.
Guess all the free healthcare and cheap booze keeps them loyal
No abortions though.
There is literally nothing wrong with abortions being illegal
But its part of the NHS, except for N Irish.
As an Irish Republican, I can say with certainty that I'd take the North back in a heartbeat if I was given the chance.
Just give it back. We're a nation craving indépendance from an age old tormentor; colonialism is supposedly vilified in the modern west, why not wipe the last vestiges from an otherwise peaceful island?
Why is everyone missing the point of this thread
I'm willing for it to be a money drain if it means the Irish are eternally butthurt.
Because the leader of the USSR gave Ukraine that land for whatever reason, when dividing the borders he could have if he wanted to but didn't
They're not at all, though. The people in the Republic don't really care and the nationalists in NI just throw votes at Sinn Féin while taking British money.
The loyalists stir up trouble and make an absolute mockery of british-ness, cost the country countless millions in scandal after scandal, and everyone in between just sort of festers.
Ironically enough the most assmad people in regards to NI are the loyalists as they seem to be constantly on the defensive as though their culture or being is being attacked by the fact that for every pro-union meme page there's about 20 pro-nationalist ones.
People really don't understand just how big of a meme Northern Ireland is nor how through the actions of us here in England we've pretty much doomed it to join the republic in a slow, kind of awkward slide to nationalism.
Would it be that bad though? On the scale of East-West Germany? Can no transitional period be made?
Economically similar. NI is on a par with ex-bloc countries, and while ROI isn't the full Celtic-tiger anymore it's pretty good.
Also the lunatic nationalists would almost certainly start blowing people up because they unironically believe the Pope to be the Antichrist.
NI is just sticking plasters on top papered cracks over stop gaps. The only real solution is just to wait until the demographics change and the loonies have died.
T. Muirchertach mac Néill
>blowing people up
I refuse to believe this on every level.
The pro-british paramilitaries have not been a force to be reckoned with in a long time; without support from the British state and army they can accomplish next to nothing. They'd not have their "defenders of ulster" status that retards gave them anymore, and it'd be over before they could do any harm. Same with pro-irish groups once the border vanishes-once neither state has any real reason to (realistically or theorhetically) support either group, they'll be shunned by communities and condemned by all.
I'm a filthy mick living in france now and he's not wrong. To imply Northern Ireland as a concept is anything other than absolutely pants-on-head retarded is sheer denial.
All of Ireland or none of it is correct.
Thats such a weird map, why have tiny places like Westport and Claremorris on it while the rest of the country has been left unlabelled?
>I refuse to believe this on every level.
Obviously I hope you're right. But I don't think the depths of Ulsterman autism have yet been accurately plumbed.
Has anyone got the kekworthy screen shot of the nationalist guy trying to argue that Protestants have been in NI since the Neolithic?
That mural cant be real, it's not real, holy fucking shit!!
Jesus christ
This is the one.
You cannot ever overstate the level of retarded that Ulster loyalists are.
>this entire fucking mess
top wew, lad
>they literally offered it to the Republic in WW2
It's a well known fact that around 1940ish Churchill stated that the UK would take a pro Unity stance in return for Ireland joining the allies.
This was kept a secret until De Valera's rejection was made public in 1970; not even the government of Northern Ireland were aware of it.
Specifically, though:
Anglo-Irish Relations, 1939–41: A Study in Multilateral Diplomacy and Military Restraint" in Twentieth Century British History (Oxford Journals, 2005), ISSN 1477-4674
a legendary exchange
I want to study this person, at least perhaps the brain
Head over there for the 11th and 12th July. There is a huge proportion of people who think just like that, if not worse.
>irish pagans weren't real, they're a myth
>but they actually were real, they went on to become the first protestants on the island
>by the way, there was nobody on ireland before christianity
>but there WAS protestants there before the reformation
jesus christ
That guy is a retard, but last time ireland had a crop this bad they had a fucking famine
>that final REEE
my brain did a weird insideout flip when he claimed that the ulsterscots settled scotland
is this a jojo reference?
we wuz cúchulainn baahahahahahah
This is a happy picture
I want a monkey bro to share watermelon with
You say, as a minority.
>what you describe in fact has served russian interests perfectly, they have potential "fifth columns" in a number of countries
A nice theoretical but in reality it's been the opposite. The Baltic nations treat Russians like garbage, Kazakhstan and Belarus remain in the Russia sphere not because of Russian minorities but because of they're leadership wills it and Ukraine has been a disaster.
You all forgot one extremely important thing. The union Jack. Without Northern Ireland, the UK would no longer have justification to have a Red Saint Andrew's Cross on it's national flag. It'd be a big pain to work out since the Union Jack in it's current form is so ubiquitous.
Psh, I could see them bluffing and just keeping it.
Ireland has the tricolour without giving a single toss about Protestantism.
it will stay, no reason to change it, it's fucking perfect
and like it or not, those little guys are in our isles
>our isles
In name alone, really. I think our flag could do with a mixup, especially if it appeases some of the scotcucks by making them a bigger part of it. Once NI leave if scotland leave too it'll be just us and wales, lad.
I was in this thread lmao
it already has st. patrick's saltire incorporated into it, despite our having no authority in Ireland proper for a century not before long
NI really isn't the reason for its design
as the chorus I should hope
I posted the Protestant Schoolboys image and a couple other posts
There was a lot of people in the thread. Everyone seemed to realise that it was absolute meme gold so for a while there was about 5 versions of the screencap all with varying amounts until that one appeared with the whole thread.
When you first saw the Ulsterman, were you blinded by its stupidity?
I'm from NI so I'm used to their particular brand of mental retardation
>It's another "Gerry's shitposting on twitter" episode
Gerry is fuckin hilarious and you know it
>there was a lot of people
They were pretty good at the somme weren't they? They have some pretty good songs
And wasn't NI pretty industrialized in comparison to the rest of Ireland?
The Ulster Rifles were pretty good in the Somme, but not really anywhere close to "the best." It's just paraded around as reasons why Ulstermen are a valuable part of Britain.
Industrialised yes, largely due to the dockyards. This has however long since fallen far into ruin through both changes in demand/NI's economy/the Troubles as well as general neglect from dear old England; now they just chuck money at them to keep them afloat.
In regards to Industry, Collins laid out plans to revitalise most of the industry-deprived parts of the Ireland but after his death not all of them were effectively implemented, however Sean Lemass did an okay job of it.
All in all, Northern Ireland was essentially:
>Artificial memecountry with borders going far past actual pro-union areas because if it was any smaller it'd be too much of a meme to justify
>People tried to make it into a proper country
>England offered to give it to the Republic in return for the ROI joining the allies
>Republic said no, NI remained unaware of this exchange for decades afterwards
>The country became a cesspit of electoral regret and false-flagging about the IRA in order to secure power
>The IRA actually did a bit of terrorism
>Now it's a useless statelet again with Irish nationalism forever enshrined as an essential and integral part of it
England's approach to Ireland should be "all of it, or none of it" as people often say, any other result is a humiliation.
Thanks for the insight professor.
what does all of it entail?
What does all of what entail?
"all of it"
>>England offered to give it to the Republic in return for the ROI joining the allies
>>Republic said no, NI remained unaware of this exchange for decades afterwards
wait what
I need to read up on it
>Ironically enough the most assmad people in regards to NI are the loyalists as they seem to be constantly on the defensive as though their culture or being is being attacked by the fact that for every pro-union meme page there's about 20 pro-nationalist ones
Which is probably a result of loyalists being so defensive, they're just like feminists and just as easy to trigger.
Moldova in a nutshell
This is a genuine example of what the average Orangeman believes
It was bs bait and Dev Valera knew it.
Brits were mad Lloyd George gave Ireland back the treaty ports just before ww2 broke.
For all of Dev's faults he was smart enough not to take the bait.
i love these nuggets of what could have been. Like the franco-british union. WW2 could've resulted in so much cool shit
but why???
surely the hatchets are now so old and withered that no one should be able to tell even where they're buried?
Ireland is what historians call the "cesspool".
Turks have their kurds.
Spanish have the basque.
Russians have the chechens.
We have our potato niggers.
To be fair the irish are worse than any other problematic gibmedats minority ever.
Few things are as bad as the irish.
Really putting yourself in with a good group there, m8
While some argue it was probably bait, it's more used as a testament to the fact that England themselves have always seen Northern Ireland as not a proper country nor one that was really meant to exist for very long; they've never really wanted it and all attempts to improve relations or ties were only ever done to simmer down the autists threatening violence.
Is Spain bad?
Are the Basque really that bad? Besides the whole lmao continental terrorism thing weren't they the original inhabitants before the Goths settled there? From an outside perspective it looks like they were the least influenced by the Moors and had better than average ship tech back in the day
>we have our potato niggers
What? But you don't own Ireland.
If anything I'd say Ireland has their loyalist/connacht shitters.
England has their northerners, their scots, the welsh, the southeasterners, etc etc etc
The Scots originally came from Ireland. They displaced the Picts, who had been the original inhabitants.
Well, Britain is a chav-infested third-world country after all so it makes sense to lump them in with Turkey, Spain and Russia.