Whats the deal with tipping?

Whats the deal with tipping?

Do you tip Veeky Forums?

Yes I tip. I'm not black.

I usually start with just the tip and only for a minute
then I go balls deep jackhammer mode

bet you don't tip for fast food though. why waitresses and waiters but not drive through people or cashiers?

>b-but m-muh tipping
>muh $1 a coin

>why waitresses and waiters but not drive through people or cashiers?
Because they're black.

i don't often go to restaurants in order to avoid tipping
in the rare chance i go i tip ~15% I don't give a shit how good or bad it was it's not my job to evaluate them, if its bad i just never go to that place again

Tipping is the stupidest idea ever. It is actually doing more harm than good...

They aren't allowed tips.

Half the time I don't even pay the bill.