Ywn join an alliance of catholics and social democrats to fight communism, fascism, and aristocracy

>ywn join an alliance of catholics and social democrats to fight communism, fascism, and aristocracy

Why even live?

Shit flag

shit taste.

>fight communists and fascists
This i like
>fight aristocracy
The fuck you on niqqa, know your place commoner
Also why did you nick Austria's eagle

Bourgeois loving cuck alert

Just be glad you live in a age were commies and fascists are impotent net and university dewellers and not taking over streets and governments.

Upper middleclass actually, and far from champagne socialist
>on the web
What is antifa, EDL march on Manchester

No wonder you want to maintain your status then, parasite

>worked hard in school
>parents worked hard so they could afford to send me to school
>will not do weed ever and sex will be saved for marriage unlike my peers who made their girlfriends get abortions adding to the genocide of innocents
Jé nón comprénd

>what is antifa
Rich kiddies LARPing as communists that only ever interact with alt-right nerds LARPing as nazis. Neither side actually has any understanding of the ideology they claim to represent.

>Worked hard in school

The difference is, ya working class boy could do the same and still not reach your standrads of living.

An upper class boy who did not go to college is 2.5 times more likely to be employed than a working class boy who did.

>parents worked hard so they could afford to send me to school

'le just work hard'

If it really worked like this as you seem to think, men breaking their backs in coal mines should be getting paid more than people like Kim Kardashian.

>>will not do weed ever and sex will be saved for marriage unlike my peers who made their girlfriends get abortions adding to the genocide of innocents

"Muh tradition" balding neocon who thinks being a soulless ass makes him 'morally upright' despite looking down on all below him and seeing the aristocracy as some kind of angel like beings with divine right to their standards of living.

>Literal "check your privuledges"
Neck yourself, the guy did nothing wrong

Gotta love the starwmans.

>I'll just move the goalposts

you'll get the bullet, liberal

Necons are Trotskyites who are just as anti-monarchical as liberals. I see you want to lump all your hated ideologies into one boogyman but it makes you look like a fool.

>Being a catholic
>Not being a monarchist of any sort

Excommunicate thyself dog

Seriously though, that is a shit flag. If you think it's good, you should kill yourself.

>/leftypol/ still trying in vain to turn Veeky Forums into their colony
Would you just fuck off already? No ones buying what you're selling.

That's a fucking awesome flag that looks like a better version of ugandas flag. You probably like the bicolor because anything more intricate gives you a headache.

thou'st'd better killed yourself senpai

Eh, it'd be an alright banner. But flag? Shit.

They got resoundingly turfed out in the first couple of weeks of Veeky Forums's life, strangled in the cradle. It's is just sad at this point.

>Also why did you nick Austria's eagle
Austria's eagle has had two heads until WWII or so. The Bundesadler of both Austria and modern-day Germany probably descend from the standards of Roman legions.
>That's a fucking awesome flag that looks like a better version of ugandas flag
Yes, it's better than that travesty you posted, but that really isn't saying much. The OP flag looks like something that AfD voters and other closet neo-nazis would wave at their rallies.

>i'm triggered by political symbols
You should try a psychologist.


It looks like a logo for fried chicken joint

Communism destroys history, it's not surprising they're unpopular here.

Yeah but the Reichsbanner members definitely would not like AfD voters and neo-nazis.

Isn't modern Germany pretty much that?

Modern Germany is communist and secular liberals fighting against Germans, Christians and conservatism.

t. Vorgartennazi