Was it really that bad? The people were happy...
Was it really that bad? The people were happy
The unhappy ones just got sent to the gulags ;)
>they were happy
Thats right user
And all the unhappy ones were sent to sibera
yeah because people in capitalism are happy too right *looks at suicide rate* oh wait
you're ignorant
>judging whether or not a social system is good or bad by how happy people report themselves to be
>if you dislike communism it means you love capitalism
Love this meme.
What would a perfect social system be about then?
Not utilitarian bullshit.
So what's wrong with Utilitarianism? Are you just being edgy or something? Give me valid argument, what's wrong about people being happy?
First try to argue why is happiness even desirable.
It's hard to argue because it's pretty much common sense, and it's something every human desires, wether they deny it or not
You're treating it as an axiom which it isn't. From an evolutionary perspective, happiness is merely a side effect, not something worth striving for. It's like saying the biological purpose of sex is orgasm rather than procreation.
This user gets it. You'd think the Nordic countries are the happiest in the world based on self-reported studies when in actuality Nordics are a bunch of drunken miserable cucks and feminist. Nordic nations happiest places on earth? More like most emotionally repressed places on earth.
Even though the biological purpose of sex is proceation, it's not even the most important purpose of sex anymore. We humans have evolved beyoned that, and sex is mostly for pleasure now. In the end, all humans desire happiness.
It is desired. There's no getting around this without changing fundamental human nature.
not the user you were responding to. but why would something being desired by all humans mean that we should measure things on the basis of happiness
We haven't evolved, we still reproduce sexually. And you can actually maximize happiness/pleasure in a mechanical fashion. You can trigger BSR in your brain in your brain with drugs or electrical stimulation and you'll die lying around in your own piss and shit but you'll die happy, if you think that's desirable be my guest.
Well if we wouldn't, what should we measure things on
I'd rather be happy lying around in my own piss, than be unhappy reproducing for the human race
But you can be ignorant and pretend to have some evolutionary high ground, believing your life has more meaning than short term happiness.
>I'd rather be happy lying around in my own piss, than be unhappy reproducing for the human race
Well that says more about you than it does about me.
I was just responding to his ridiculous question about happiness being desirable. It's desirable by any definition you apply. It has pleasing qualities, and it is worth pursuing to its achievement. You can't use logic to convince people to not desire happiness.
I don't have any proposals for what should be THE measure but anyone I give would be just as justified as basing things on happiness imo.
Well what does it say about me exactly?
Communism doesn't work.
It was better than the alternatives.
>bunch of drunken miserable cucks and feminist.
Only Fins are constantly drunk, and please show me studies linking feminism to unhappiness. Meanwhile hyper-capitalist shitholes like Japan and South Korea have suicide rates pretty much double any European country (except Finland of course).
How can he show you studies when universities and research centers are dominated by feminists and leftists? It's like saying "show me the studies from the USSR proving that communism doesn't work." Stupid.
>How can he show you studies when universities and research centers are dominated by feminists and leftists?
Sure there are plenty of feminists and leftists in some of these places but is there any actual evidence that shows they completely dominate academia?
>All those people flee from Cuba just because
what other genocidal ideologies will Veeky Forums defend next I wonder
It's less retarded than the more common
>if you don't like communism you're a NAZI
>The people were happy...
nice source
the people were so happy that they built a wall to prevent them from leaving
It was bad (going from nightmarish under Stalin to merely dreary after him), but post-1991 Russia was worse.
Suicide rate in USSR in 1984: 29.6
Suicide rate in US in 2014: 13
Cont... I mean, I don't know how accurate the figures are, but at least it's some counter-argument to the idea that the US has worse suicide rates than the USSR did.
Worse, according to my Ukrainian in-laws who lived it.
LMAO, LI T E R A L L Y blown out of orbit.
Which is why half of Europe remains communist to this day?
That's only Sweden though. I don't know about Denmark but they don't got that kinda pull in Norway.
My part ofnorway is actually number one in alcoholism and suicide. Might have something to do with the sun being GONE for 6 months each year.
>South Korea
I grew up in a commie Poland. I wasn't unhappy and by the time I realized how shit it is, the regime fell over.
I talked with my father and he said that people were generally happy between 1946-1965, when there was real progress. Standard of living improved, war damage repaired, lots of new jobs became available, education became available (first primary school in my neighborhood was opened in 1947, my grandparents didn't graduate from any school, my parents passed secondary school certificate exam, I graduated from university of technology)
In the 70's where the never ending crisis hit, population in general became bitter and pessimistic.
Nice try sweetie, but that wasn't real communism
*sips tea*
Was it really that bad? The people were happy...
Any totalitarian regime is bad because the government can always abuse it's power with no risk of payback. So it becomes a coin toss, if the ruler/ruling party is good, life is good, but they can always turn shit and then you have genocides, disease and starvation.
For those that don't know much about communism, you wouldn't have liked it, you weren't allowed to freely share your thoughts or ideas like we do today and if you pissed off the wrong guy you'd be sent to jail even if you didn't do anything wrong. People kept their mouths shut, their heads down and spent most of their life working and raising children. Those that were happy were happy because they didn't know any alternative, the radio, television, books were all propaganda.
You could however argue that too much freedom is bad, and leads to unhappiness in the general population, and I think that's an argument that needs to be made more. You know what happened when a nation switches from communism to capitalism? They over-indulge in the abundance of freedom that comes with capitalism, suicide rates increase, divorce rates increase, violent crime rates increase, people become more and more unhealthy and start spending their near perfect lives worrying about non issues.