Capes were cool in history. Why does nobody wear them anymore in the military/politics?
Capes were cool in history. Why does nobody wear them anymore in the military/politics?
Fashions come and go
Same reason you don't see leaders wearing naval style coats and three piece suits literally everywhere. It just grew out of fashion and also more American fashions became popular for both leaders and common people which phased out European style clothing.
Because everybody in modern politics is a fucking faggot
Capes are always cool though.
indeed, I wear a bright red cape to work everyday
People don't like it when real humans try to look like ideal humans.
Its like the fedora, people make fun of it partly because I think they hold the fedora in such reverence that modern man, especially geeky ones, don't seem worthy. Same thing with 50s fashion in general in regards to women. You got people online saying that things need to be like the 50s again, and when people actually try to look like that they get mocked into oblivion.
And its not just online retards too, Imagine if Obama worse a Cape? The dude was criticized by Fox news for having Dijon mustard on his burger because that's elitist mustard. Notice politicians roll up their sleeves during debates to show they are every man kinda people who do work? Also notice the Spanish royalty have really downgraded the splendor they show off so as not to offend average Joe Spaniard? Its the exact same reason many communist leaders often just did plain military uniforms.
The plebs rule the world.
cloaks stopped being the prime choice for protecting oneself from the elements
>Superman posts here.
Disgusting, but you are sadly correct. The best way to go around this is to not give a fuck and wear what you want proudly and well.
Good post
I already see suits and uniforms are now considered too fancy in some places
Damn plebs
can't for the life of me explain it, but it's just buffoonish to don one
the worst thing about neckbeards wearing fedoras is they manage to ruin clothing that can look nice when worn properly for everyone else
Well put. Also to mention: uniforms nowadays adopted much simpler design and styles since it's easier to mass produce. People don't want these big fancy uniforms even in parades, because a uniform has to look as crisp as the comrade's right next to you. So leaders stopped wearing it, to fit with the common person right next to them
umbrellas were invented
>t. neckbeard
capes will always be cool
A combination of and central heating.
>Soldiers of 21st Podhale Rifles Brigade (21 Brygada Strzelców Podhalańskich) in dress uniform during Polish Armed Forces Day military parade, 15th August 2014
>Milan, Italy: Carabiniere with capes in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.
Because clothes now are cheaper and can now survive rain much better.
I love that places like Italy and Eastern Europe in general aren't cucked by the ethernal anglo yet.
In my country (Philippines) they give you one after you finish your doctorate.
*tips fedora*
Damn nice
*I vant to sawk ur blud :DDDDDD
Officers in the US Army are authorized to wear capes but I've never seen one.
My mailman wears a thick USPS cape like pic related.
He wears it in all weather types. Pretty based.
Look how happy they look wearing that.
If quasimodo is ever in town I know who I'll need to call to rile up a peasant mob
wish JT would wear a cape like his dad
This. Leaders in a democratic country needs plebs not to feel lesser than them. You don't get votes if you consciously try to make yourself look like a leader, rather than a humble man dressed formally.
I know that if I were to run for any kind of office, I'd put on a hypothetical medal.
That seems to have worked pretty well for fedora fags
Certainly puts the Trump election into perspective, the man was called a "blue collar billionaire" by the media and gave every impression that he talks in real life privately the same way as he speaks in public, with simple words and no filter or sophistication. Yet at the same time he sat on a golden chair in his Trump tower.
I guess he gave off the impression that he was a regular guy without the upper-class bullshit, and so deserved power just like he deserved the money he had, unlike 'the elites'. Don't think Trump could pull off the cape though.
that one soviet soldier waterproof cape was actually a mini-tent that could be reassembled if necessary. Need to be unbuttoned and with the hood off to look cape-y
there are also burkas and they do look cool and in this case they were doubled as a bed if needed
Autistic obesse kike puppet that ruined his country´s economy.
You're right, but there's something deeper behind the intention not to be an ideal human. Other posters have mentioned that capes could have just been a fashion. I think they deeper motivation is the combination of these two:
Right now, dressing, acting, talking, etc. like a prole IS the fashion. I'm not sure this is permanent. But it's certainly relevant to the past one hundred years. And it's not just people of immense wealth or power: even the somewhat wealthy people who could easily afford luxurious clothing and accessories simply do or buy the bottom dollar like the rest of us. A main past-time of elites is apparently running. Mansions are generally frowned upon, so they buy several houses, but each house is small enough to keep up appearances.
But the main thing that indicates to me that resembling proles may itself be a fashion is that if you even tried to think of behaviors associated with the very rich, you probably couldn't even think of many that aren't about making money. Very rich people play the stock market, invest in high tech start ups, sell self-help books about their success. If they're young, they may go to big parties that are no different from others besides that they alcohol is more expensive. A few rich people may own yachts or "love to travel" as their hobby, but those are the only truly rich-exclusive activities I can think of, all the others being the same as or slightly upgraded versions of things the rest of us do frequently.
If a modern politician wore a cape they would be called faggy, specifically for the cape. You probably need to be an aristocrat to get away with it.
This has always been the case in part. I can't remember any specific examples, but I know there were a couple of clothing items that were popularized among the elites by the plebs even during the 1700s.
I blame the internet completely on that one
can come back to the days where the only people worth noting were models and actors when we were redpilled about what "normal people" looked like