Worth investing long term?

Worth investing long term?

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Best long term investment. Not gonna make you rich overnight, but it will make you rich guarenteed.

All the evidence we have today says yes, probably. Only coin that meaningfully protects your privacy.

get xvg instead

This. There are only two serious contenders in the privacy coin space.

>public blockchain

made me think


>infinite supply
>good investment
pick one.

syncing blockchain now

this gui is nice and stable

Which is the second one?

Zerocoin protocol coins such as ZEC. The tech behind it is rooted in actual academics, some serious brainpower went into that stuff. XMR being actually on par with that stuff/even surpassing it is reallyreally impressive.

whats the likelihood of xvg ever hitting $1 though

Zerocoin protocol is coming to PIVX soon.

Why the fuck would you want a public blockchain for a privacy coin??? Hahah this is actually retarded. And who cares about IP address obfuscation, do that shit yourself if you are worried. Nodes don't log IP's either. And adaptive blocksize is a negative?

I can't tell if you're playing dumb with this

Pivx is the superior coin

Verge trans per second is too high. Pivx has the ideal amount and uses Zerocoin protocol

monero just got fucked

pic related


So say you try to hide money from the government and you buy bitcoin and then shapeshift them to monero(or do exchange -> monero -> monero). they still can't know what ip address you have.

i think this only shows that if you are running a monero node you can see the ip's of people connected to that node. seems fairly limited in use.

is there a electrum like wallet for monero?

SHIT COIN MONERO IP LEAKS. GET verged my friend.

It's already confirmed to only show if you're running a node. Nice try though

The scam is strong with this one

Transactions have been traced to the initial sender, worthless shitcoin. Buy zCash.

If you're that concerned with private you're probably using a VPN anyways.

>buy my halfass "private" shitcoin
>no, buy MY halfass "private" shitcoin!

Imitators stay ass blasted, I'm buying even more monero





He's full of shit, it's not true. Zcash is backdoored to hell and back anyway.

First time looking at XMR, what's a good entry price? It looks like it could drop as low as ~$40 within a few days

Holding off for now might net you a better price desu, everything's on a surge right now. Unless you're buying in from btc, which has surged even more

Holy shit, the Verge devs don't know how nodes actually work? As if I needed any more proof that XVG was a scam PnD coin. Thanks, user.

it went $39 not long ago, normally is $43ish. Wait for a bit

thanks anons

lmao, reading that was hilarious
its like watching a 3rd rate reporter on a shitty program trying to attack someone in an interview