What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Why did housing costs climb so much?
>women get jobs
>banks see double the income
>double the price on everything
Similar to
>but if min wage goes up
>all the grocery stores will raise their prices
no they fucking wont, and if they do that's bullshit. They are paying the same amount to payroll each year, their employees wages have nothing to do with that.
shit that proved me wrong.
how about this one, jewjobs. Contractors that get paid out the ass to look at a house and tell you if you built it right. Then they just make one for each type of work that goes into a house (electrical, foundation, plumbing) and then say we're "creating jobs"
inflation happened
Cities have been attacking high density housing for decades. It especially got bad after WWII when veterans were coming back home and began to move to suburbs.
As for OP, the fact that so much wealth has accumulated at the top is a good reason why. It may not be the only one, but wages have been stagnant (relatively) but cost of living has only gone up. It may not be the only cure, but cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc, need to embrace high density living and accommodate the middle and lower classes into their own inner cities by allowing higher density constructions and so allow them to live where the jobs are. They should not be there to protect the property values for those who already live there.
Of course, not every city is LA or New York. You have the Midwestern cities that have decayed from the loss of manufacturing. In those cases, they should attempt to change their paradigm and try to get more service sector jobs. They pay better and work with globalism. Pittsburgh and Detroit are both improving from this shift.
What a cunning way to say "slithering rat leech kikes" - interesting. Gonna remember that one.
Inflation...what a nice philosophy you have.
INspectors are a plague and remind me of communist russia.
t. residential framer
Top priority for housing? Good schools.
What do you think "good schools" means?
No no, what does it *really* mean?
Real compensation has been tracking real productivity pretty consistently.
Wages themselves appear to have stagnated and been inflated away because health insurance premiums eat up a larger and larger fraction of compensation.
Sure, the acronym for that pathetic word pasta sophistry that you just spouted is j.e.w.s.
But in JewSA, the circumcised goyim aka "The Americans" (hahaha lmfao) cucked and enslaved beyond any belief have an explicit gag order on jews.
You bow to them in your senate, they are you senate what am I talking about lol, you bow to Bibi, you gibs them 10 million per day, they fuck you for money and you willingly cuck it and wageslave it because unlike us Europoors, you can get a credit card at any time of the day WOW AMERICAN DREAM.
Kill yourself, goy.
Because, when Mom and Dad both work, they can jack up the price of housing.
Isn't this about when we got off Gold standard.
The tax for your child not to get beaten up by nigs?
So you don't understand what I actually said. Check the effects of the gold standard in '73, QE in '08, then obesity/median age/insurance premiums. Then, sure, foreign aid to Israel too.
Congratulations. You are at least one step smarter or more honest than Senator Elizabeth Warren.
>QE in '08
Shabbos goy. Watch this, I'll press S to spit in your stupid and highly likely degen (israeli) face, beady soulless ugly eyes, nigger curl hair with a giant bald spot tactically covered by "religious hat"
and with that huge disgusting rat nose in front.
>Dual income
>less than 70k
>buying a house
Yah they need to get better jobs
It does seem low but cost of living and wages are dramatically lower in hayseed states.
>pre industrial revolution
>women, men and children worked
>technological advances eliminated the need for women and kids to work
>in the last 50 years (((societal changes))) forced women back into the workforce
>liberals consider this progress
>hayseed states
You mean "90% white", you cuck
not everyone can get a "better job", you dumb cunt.
Not really. The deep south and the midwest are much blacker than where I live (Cucksachusetts).
Women entered the workforce and drove wages down so they could be strong empowered wage-slave jizz jars and end up alone with 14 cats.
The (((Federal Reserve))) fundamentally manipulates the market. They are a privately owned bank, which "loans" paper to us at interest, which is printed by the Treasury, despite the fact that the Government can legally issue its own currency debt free. Having a private bank do it for you at interest is absolutely pointless. Every new Dollar is "loaned" is part debt: the more issued, the more debt you "owe". This cycle has been perpetuated for 104 years. It is also what has enabled the waging of World Wars. Furthermore, most wars have been waged to bring nations without privately owned Central Banks into the fold, to indebt as many people as possible worldwide. This was the true impetus for World War 2 especially, since Hitler had mostly cut the International Banking Cartels (IBC's) out of the loop of the Germany economy.
Imagine a drug kingpin who creates and supplies his products to dealers working under him. One of those dealers decides to break away and start his own in-house operation. The kingpin will want to maintain his monopoly by any means necessary.
But at least the kingpin's product has value, whereas the IBC's merely loan the illusion of value. If the value of these Fiat currencies is illusory, then so is the debt.
The Federal Reserve's origins read like something out of a fucking comic book: it was established in a secret meeting between politicians and IBC leaders on an island during a Congressional recess.
Other general Government interventions also contribute.
You don't need more than one car.
You don't need 2500sqft when you can fit comfortably in 1200sqft
You dont need the new iPhone every 6 months
You don't need a new TV with gigabit internet, Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and your cable subscription on top.
People are buying more shit they don't need with money they don't have. That's what happened.
Add inflation and interest to debts. You get what you have.
>They are a privately owned bank, which "loans" paper to us at interest
In our lifetime, yes - in this era, we will see the final demise of you cancerous American niggers, you degens who allowed and enabled the cancer of jewry, you are the only nation responsible for this, and your military machine was killing people across the planet to keep the jew interests greased up - but guess what burger faggot - nothing lasts forever.
And it's your hubris, your pathetic, brazen, "they gonna knock us out hahaha lmao muh back to back ww champs muh aircraft carriers" attitude that will cost you.
I can't wait for your shit cardboard empire to crumble you fucking jew enabling scum. I personally wish civil war first all across the USA so that niggers can rape you and get away with it, or immigrants, then "the angry saxon awakens" ahahhaha AHAHAHAHAHAH the angry circumcised fat estrogen ridden american jewgoy awakens and then the Jew Army attacks "their own people" lmao and then it goes down...
It will happen and I will personally let one tear of joy over each dead retard (american) I see.
pic related - the dumbfounded look of a degenerate cuck slave goy faggot. Hope he's dead now. Imagine being that stupid, even by jewmerican standards, that you have no other ability to make money in your pathetic life - so you enlist in Goy Military of USA, currently accepting faggots, trans, queers and other. What a fuckin pathetic nation.
Hope all of you drown in debt.
New York has a ridiculous housing shortage problem. There are three times as many abandoned properties in New York as there are actual homeless people. I remember reading about how a bunch of guys had to share a studio because of issues with housing availability whereas a well off middle class family got a nice spacious apartment thanks to rent control.
but that's not what it said in my schoolbook! Hitler was eval!!!111
Gaddafi too, right?
Turns out he was planning on introducing a gold-backed currency which would threaten the dominance of the Dollar and Franc in the region.
Where are you from?
Sources to this image?
Not calling it a liar, but would like citations.
Oil money pays for a lot of things, but that doesn't make it a democracy.
And he can say he's not in charge all he wants, doesn't change the regular executions of those who opposed him and the pervasive secret police.
I'm American and I agree, getting out of this shithole as soon as I can
show yourself out faggot
I wish I could, need more money first