Are there any worse "we-wuz'ers?"
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I am Greek
OP here
t. a Greek
I assume you were trying to prove the point.
Modern Greeks are ethnically the same people that have been there for millenia. So how does calling them wewuzers make sense? Do you even know what they means?
This and Mexicans.
Kurds and Assyrians
Greeks were blonde and blue eyed people
>t. Nordcuck
Watch as we witness the same arguments for Egyptian wewuzism being made by "Aryans"
B-But that's impossible we wuz egytions n shieet
Any people that have a past, apparently.
this guy is a paranoid schizo, i wouldn't take his opinions seriously.
We Greeks are irl Dunedain.
We don't need to we wuzz.
I know, I don't but /pol/ worships him
>Modern ethnic group is the same as ancient ethnic group
That's the essence of wewuzing, yes. And unlike the other troll I don't give a shit about genetics.
You're more of a Gondor if its conquered and mixed with Uruk-hai
You're a lot closer to the Drúedain actually.
Blacks and ancient egypt
don't know any, but i guess you're right
I know alot of italians and they are certainly wuz'ers
But, i'm austrian and we suffer the same illness
We wuzzing is pathetic, but what's more pathetic is countries with no history wuzzing.
I'm a muslim so I have no reason to defend Greeks, but its BS to think Modern Greeks aren't overwhelmingly from the same lineage as Ancient Greeks. Overwhelmingly, modern populations in the old were are descendant of the neolithic people that settled there .
The Turk rapebaby meme doesn't work considering a child begotten by a Turkish father would have been raised a Muslim and have descendants sent to Turkey following the population exchanges
Yes, black people.
But they actually wuz . . .
>On 8 October 1912, during the First Balkan War, Lemnos became part of Greece. The Greek navy under Rear Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis took it over without any casualties from the occupying Turkish Ottoman garrison, who were returned to Anatolia. Peter Charanis, born on the island in 1908 and later a professor of Byzantine history at Rutgers University recounts when the island was occupied and Greek soldiers were sent to the villages and stationed themselves in the public squares. Some of the children ran to see what Greek soldiers looked like. ‘‘What are you looking at?’’ one of them asked. ‘‘At Hellenes,’’ the children replied. ‘‘Are you not Hellenes yourselves?’’ a soldier retorted. ‘‘No, we are Romans."[17]
Turks, Hungarians, Koreans, Lithuanians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Ukrainians. Oh and Macedonians.
Yeah, Of all the fictional balkan nations FYROM is the least credible. What does that have to do with Mexico?
no we dont
Literally 2000 years of arab and turk rapes babies
>we carry athenian blood
No it isn't. It's a completely unrealated group stealing the glory and history of another group.
>That's the essence of wewuzin
Wewuzing isn't talking about who you really descend from. Pretending to be descended from someone you're not is wewuzing. Genetic test go back thousands of years btw. Your psyops campaign to turn "we wuz da real kangz" into "nobody is decended from anyone" won't work.
Nordshits and nigges. Greeks are the actual people they claim to be so they don't really wewuz at all.
Nothing, I'm adding that Mexicans are just as big WE WUZers as Macedonians.
I think it's weird how there are role playing followers of the Olympian pantheon that hold rites or whatever at the acropolis
Except they actually wuz. If you're going to make shitty meme threads at least lurk long enough to understand what the fuck you're saying so you could avoid such scenes of ignominy.
>blue eyed and blond people were native to the hot climate of greece and egypt where they'd get roasted
Also i love how these nordcucks claim to have started great civilizations all around the world EXCEPT for the place where they were natives.
You fags are so similar to africans it's not even funny
go back to your afrocentrism board
Varg sounds like a broken record
He's also quite delusional, but at least he's kinda aware of it in that he admits he's a stubborn fuck
back to /pol/ with your rape baby/population replacement meme
Greeks really do make the most obnoxious and annoying nationalists
>Modern Greeks are ethnically the same people that have been there for millenia.
lol no, the Greek nation was practically reinvented in the 19th century through Hellenising masses of Albanians, Slavs and others.
Explain why Cretans stayed relatively isolated but look the same as other Greeks.
Hyuck, another pointless /int/ thread on Veeky Forums.
I'm just joking I wanted to see if anyone would agree with it
The entirety of Balkans, Turks and Kurds are the worst we wuzzers
t. Roach
They wouldn't get roasted. Anglo/celtic people would, scandinavians and germans tan very well. Actually ironically blond anglo/celtic people would fair much better then brunette ones who tend to be paler. Blondes do suffer damage to their skin from the sun but not as much as most darker haired northern/western/eastern europeans.
And blondism isn't exclusive to nordic or northern european people at all, its also a mediterranean trait, its just not as common. So by your logic that blondes couldn't survive in greece, there should be no blonds native to greece, but ancient sources show there always have been, they've just always been a minority.
Even mediteranean semites have blondism, you can see it in lebanese and syrian people, and its not just from foreign genetics, because there are blond egyptian mummies whose genetics show they were syriac in origin, or jewish
The funny thing is that Greeks identify with eastern Rome way more than their classical past but westerners go on criticizing them for we wuz'ing. They don't really care that much about classical Greece. Their identity is way more Byzantine.
Obviously jews. They have PACs to propagate their "we wuz da original hebrews" myth