Why were the Commandants of Nazi Concentration Camps given trials and murdered but the people who ran Boer concentration camps, Japanese Internment Camps and gulags never had to face their rightful justice?
Why were the Commandants of Nazi Concentration Camps given trials and murdered but the people who ran Boer...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why did people who ran camps based around the annihilation of certain ethnic groups not get treated the same as preventative internment for foreign nationals?
Dumb Forschposter
>Japanese Internment Camps
Not death camps
>Boer concentration camps
Not death camps
Soviets weren't defeated
Mittlebau-Dora wasn't a death camp either.
The inmates were enslaved
Whatever helps you sleep at night wehraboo
Because those never caused 20 million deaths .
jews actually matter in western policy
>foreign nationals
T. Bill the Butcher
Gulags werent death camps as well.
>Japanese Internment Camps
>Not death camps
Deaths: Over 3,000 from inside experiments and tens of thousands from field experiments
Gulags weren't death camps either, as demonstrated by the fact that their death rate was not much higher than that of the general population. You could get sent to the gulag and come back out to be a member of society, they were more like particularly harsh prisons. The fucking Marshal of the Soviet Union was in a gulag. Literal SS officers survived the gulags.
The lowest punishment ration in a Boer camp was higher than the normal ration in a German KZ.
>he thinks "japanese internment camps" refers to people being held prisoner BY the Japanese
He means American internment camps for the Japanese.
We DID hang Japanese prison camp commandants.
We didn't hang the guy behind Unit 731 though.
Three heads of the NKVD were executed, one specifically for his horrendous crimes. Other Soviet criminals were convicted in absentia but fled to avoid trial.
They gave us their knowledge in exchange for immunity.
Honestly without what was learned through human experimentation by the Japanese, combined with what was learned through German rocket scientists we would have never had a space age.
Not saying Unit 731 was justified...just why they escaped prosecution.
We learned a lot from them.
Boer women are children were literally intentionally starved to death as a way to blackmail Boer men into surrendering.
Because the Nazis lost.
that's actually really clever when you think about it
>3k same as 12 gorillion
What a stupid fucking question.
Soviets were in winning faction and they were great friends of the west like immediate cold war clearly showed. Like FDR said, world was safer with Russia under communism.
meant for OP
The Brits learned how to fight guerilla wars long ago. If we had listened to them Vietnam would have been a victory, and we'd already be out of the middle East. Unfortunately nowadays there's laws against "war crimes" and "inhumane practices"
Gulags were pretty fucking horrible, but they weren't death camps.
>If we had listened to them Vietnam would have been a victory
You aren't making the mistake of comparing Vietnam and Malaya are you? It worked in Malaya because the commies were chinks and the Malays fucking hated them anyway. Taking the Vietnamese out of their villages was probably the worst idea the Americans had because that's their home, their cemetery, their entire culture was based around that village
"Why weren't the winners treated like the losers"
>Boer women are children were literally intentionally starved to death
I don't think there's any proof of this. While the concentration camp system was pretty poorly run by the Brits, basically each camp was the responsibility of an individual officer, more than one of whom were not up to the task they were given thus the inhabitants of those camps suffered from lack of necessities and basic facilities to prevent unnecessary deaths, there were others that were the model of efficiency where much less people died.
It's also important to note that more blacks died in those camps than Boers, suggesting that most of the deaths came from negligence rather than an outright policy of systemic murder
>Japanese Internment Camps
they did. the US held trials similar to nuremburg in japan after the war
Yeah but that was still pretty fucked up towards the victims to allow him to live on to keep practicing medicine. Fuck it though, everyone wasn't that great during and after the war
>literally intentionally
Sources for this?
Are you retarded? Japanese Internment camps arent the same as the Imperial Japanese Biological Testing Units
because the nazi camps were built for the purpose of slaughtering millions of people in an industrialized genocide. They werent even just really brutal prison camps/slave labour camps like the gulags were. They were built for the express purpose of slaughtering people.
I dont understand why stormfags continue to smash their heads against the wall on this shit in the hopes that reality will somehow just magically change in their favor instead of just admitting they were gullible and fell for retarded neo-nazi internet conspiracy theories
*5 shekels have been deposited to your account*
You sure showed him user
Thanks dad
so this...is the power....of aut-right arguments
Who said I'm alt-right
>Commandants of Nazi Concentration Camps given trials and murdered
They weren't. Only death camp commandants (and sometimes staff) were executed, those who ran concentration camps generally were not unless they committed actual war crimes.
Litterally the exact same thing actual holohoax deniers claim about there's. Of course they weren't called death camps but that doesn't mean that they weren't. When Nazi posters try and point out the hypocrisy of you guys calling all of the other abominations "internment or work camps or gulags" than you just say "go back to /Pol/" can't you see that all of the interment camps were death camps? Not just the Nazi's.
Forschener was executed and he didn't do any wrong.
Every stormtard thread in the same
>make thread with rethorical question implying a conspiracy, a mistreatment of nazis, or both
>get instantly btfo by everyone
>the few other stormniggers in the thread either reply to the OP to cry about da jews or reply to other posters with /pol/ memes
It's pathetic.
Fuck off reddit.
Thanks for the example.
>there were others that were the model of efficiency
I don't think this was true of any of them except for a very long time after the British public caught wind of the fact that their military was mass-starving women and children. Also while the casualty rate in the black camps were very high and more blacks were interned overall IIRC, current estimates place the amount of blacks who died at roughly the same as the amount of whites (~26 000), however white deaths in the camps consisted almost entirely of women and children, while black deaths were across all demographics.
I don't deny that it was a highly effective military strategy, but it cannot be denied that it amounted to a genocide, or at least mass-murder. One cannot complain that it is not one's fault when women and children starve after one has burnt their grain, salted their fields, and poisoned their wells.
Also as to the intentionality of it, in many camps families of men still fighting were allocated less food. There is no way in which that is not a way of targeting civilians in order to motivate the soldiers to lay down arms. Sure it can be argued that that was up to the individual officers, but by most contemporary standards of morality and military ethics (including the one held by the British public at the time), if an officer is given license to slaughter civilians, the fact that he could choose not to does not excuse his superiors for failing to prevent him from doing so in the first place.