What happened? Why so many people are in the slammer in the US?
What happened? Why so many people are in the slammer in the US?
war on drugs?
Profit driven privatization of prison.
This + This
the real answer is niggers and spics
nations with the exact same laws but less non-whites do not have this issue.
>nations with the exact same laws
>exact same laws
Nigga wut?
Drug laws.
bebbit go away
Go back to r*ddit you fucking summerfag
They didn't come into existence in the early 80s
Did I say they did?
He have no idea how to read graphs m8,
>actually reading the op before you post
Freedom ain't free.
>linking Tumblr the comic
>linking it and not just posting the picture
Civil rights and Gangster rap didn't either
Nations such as?
The US Prison system is pretty fucked up desu
Civil rights act was signed in 1964
Gangster rap mid to late 80s and through 90s. And the war on drugs started in 70s with Nixon.
None of those three are solid answers. The problem was something that happened after Civil Rights act/Drug wars and just before Gangster rap.
That is privatization of prison. This started early in the 80s and soon the lobbying/bribery/kickbacks started. Other things like DrugWars/Gangster rap escalated in relation to increasing prison inmate in general public sphere.
Spics did.
so like what nation
100% this
Wait, prisons are privately owned in America? What the fuck.
This is an incredibly over simplified answer and wrong on one account.
First issue is that Hispanics don't commit that much more crime than white people. Poverty is a far greater explanation for any sort of criminality among Hispanics.
As far as African Americans go it's more down to the complete collapse of the African American family unit, an incredibly self destructive culture, etc.
If it were inherently black people you'd see this among black immigrants but in reality that group is twice as likely to be college educated than the average white American.
This and this. When you make prison a for profit venture it makes economic sense to lobby for tougher laws.
Some are. It's ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is that some people don't care because they just like watching or hearing about le epic just desserts, even if it means that we incarcerate more people proportionally than North Korea (AFAIK) and regularly get cited by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other groups for torture and other barbarities.
Okay, dude. You had a good point. Correlation does not imply causation. That works.
Why couldn't you just have posted "Correlation does not imply causation"
I have a question for an unbiased intellectual user here who may have some knowledge on this.
They say that black americans commit the most crime in the country. Do the statistics support that claim? It's hard to find reliable statistics on this, but say these statistics are true, then what conclusion can you make with this? Are blacks violent? Or are they persecuted for smaller crimes?
>If it were inherently black people you'd see this among black immigrants but in reality that group is twice as likely to be college educated than the average white American.
There are some pretty significant barriers to (legally)immigrating to US unless you either have family there or are highly educated.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but making claims based on immigrants when the majority of ALL immigrants are highly educated is pretty dubious.
because i thought its a funny comic and didnt expect all the everyone to be faggots.
>They say that black americans commit the most crime in the country. Do the statistics support that claim?
>Are blacks violent? Or are they persecuted for smaller crimes?
It's more to do with socioeconomic factors than anything. I'd also say that America tends to focus more on punishment than actually rehabilitation. The end result being repeat offenders because they've been hardened in prison and have very little opportunity once released.
I'll give the for profit prison system this. It may be destructive to society in general but they have really created a winning business model.
There are a lot of reasons.
Tough on Crime legislation like the three strikes rule and minimum sentencing has put non-violent offenders behind bars for excessive sentences.
The same laws have overloaded the Justice System with cases and prosecutors as well as public defenders are incentivized to push cases through with plea bargains that result in jail time
Poorly managed prison system that has some of the highest rates of recidivism in the world. New non-violent inmates learn tricks and get connections from the old. Prisons do a poor job at preparing inmates to succeed back in life on the outside and for many their time spend in prison has done nothing but make them better criminals.
More wealthy blacks still commit more crimes than poorer white people
Prison is an industry and petty charges keep it afloat.
Source please?
In no order, drug laws, gun laws, and family laws and more anti-social populations.
>t. Jamal
Pic related, had to dig for something in non meme format
>Rich black kids
I can kind of see what's going on. Kids in rebellious phase see mom and dad as uncle tom sell outs. The want to get into "black culture" and fall in with a bad crowd.
Additionally, your graph says crime. I'd wager a lot that a tremendous amount of those crimes are merely for drug possession.
Yeah, that chart means very little, i just didnt want to post all of my arguments in meme format
How private prisons even work? Do the government pay then for each inmate? If so how can it be cheaper for the government than owning the prison?
it is more viable to discontinue a private establishment rather than a public one.
Because murder is wrong.
The justice system realized that putting niggers in prisons for minor infraction actually reduces homicide rate as well. Compare your pic to this, do you see that sharp decline in the 90s?
Yet another among aforementioned factors contributing to ethnic divide in imprisonment and crime statistics is who gets away with what the most often.
See It is racially motivated, but it's working.
After crunching the numbers, it seems it doesn't actually save money.
And private prisons are more likely to push fines and less likely to release prisoners on probation. Because, duh, they make money out of keeping people inside. Also, in a for-profit prison system there are incentives to NOT reform crimminals: repeat offenders are loyal customers!
The US government contracts the management of prisons out to some private companies, but they're the minority (~5% of all federal prisions). Don't break out the ancap flags just yet.
>I'm not saying you're wrong, but making claims based on immigrants when the majority of ALL immigrants are highly educated is pretty dubious.
>the majority of ALL immigrants are highly educated
What the fuck is wrong with this board
Classic chinks
Private prisons are mismanaged as fuck. They literally cut down costs on everything so you end up with a shithole prison with very little CCTV system and poorly trained morbidly obese guards armed with pepper spray because guns are too expensive. It's a fucking joke.
It has other repercussions than reducing homicide rates, though. When one third of them can expect to go to prison during their lifetime (not to mention all the impediments your life has after you have a criminal record) you can't reasonably expect criminal rates to drop among the population. If their ethnic group is statistically more likely to commit crimes, caging them systematically instead of helping change the conditions that make them more likely to commit crimes is avoiding one unethical act by committing another.
>the majority of ALL immigrants are highly educated
You're so wrong it hurts.
t. legal immigrant
Holy shit your image is beyond retarded
Of course blacks are going to get in trouble more than whites. They're a fucking minority. It's the entire criminal "justice" system, which has openly discriminated against non whites for centuries, against a black kid who doesn't have any connections.
Even today, white kids are let off the hook more than any other race regardless of income level.
Thats what I thought, but there must be a reason for the government to fall for that shit
I mean how cauld the private prison lobby start before the private prisons start profiting enough to buy the politicians they needed
>the justice system makes black people kill each other
It's basically putting them away like the animals they are, ideally we'd have a permanent penal colony somewhere overseas where we could ship them, but even conservatives would think that putting someone away for life for marijuana is too much, so I doubt it will ever get implemented.
Yes, blacks commit more crimes, there is absolutely zero doubt about that fact of life in the United States. But that isn't the problem. The problem is simply that black people typically do not have the money for a proper legal defense in the courtroom. Even if they DID have the money, they would not understand the importance of it because culturally they are not evolved on the same level. You don't even need to explain to a white family the importance of a good attorney, it is just instinctual for them to go and get the best one they can find.
>stupid white kid gets drunk and kills someone with their car
>family dishes out $20k in legal defense for a good lawyer to plea for involuntary manslaughter and get 2-3 years
>stupid black kid gets drunk and kills someone with their car
>uses a public defender
>gets 10 years because public defenders are shit
Now this may become construed as institutionalized racism which it isn't, it's just a byproduct of how the legal system works in the United States. To an extent, money can alter the outcome of the case. Black people don't have money. White people do.
Politicans and their voters fell for the "a profit-motive will make this most efficient" excuse and that got the ball rolling long enough for the weasels to get settled.
The U.S. became significantly less white at the time.
Drunk driving is actually a crime blacks have lesser representation, this could be because they are pedestrian but that isn't firm.
I don't know where you live where all people are wealthy and can just dish out 20k like it's nothing. I reckon you're some sheltered suburban faggot who's never been to Appalachia or the Rust Belt.
*all white people are wealthy
I don't think our moral compass has enough overlap that this discussion can go anywhere, luckily I don't think most Americans consider blacks "animals." I can only try to compel you to reconsider your assessment of other humans, Mr. Sociopath.
>Lock up one in four black males
>Suddenly, black children are all raised by single women
>>>>Actually entrusting the care and raising of children to women
>They start naming their children shit like Ja'Kweesha instead of proper, respectable names like Charles Freeman
>Black American youth are born and raised to be Lord of the Flies-tier savages
>All of the black role models like MLK and James Baldwin die out and get replaced by Kanye and Trayvon Martin
>Somehow people are surprised that black people don't magically become geniuses in an environment designed to turn them into human trash
>More crime is committed than would have been if prisons didn't even exist in the first place
>Can't even let everyone out of prison now and fix everything, because we've been locking these apes up in criminal school for the past 40+ years.
All you white supremacist motherfuckers out there made this happen. Now we're paying to give millions of niggers a roof and three meals a day and preventing them from working, while their children grow up to face the same prospects. You and your predecessors are the cause of everything that's wrong in this country, and we should have let you secede and create your containment state for niggers and evolution deniers incapable of living without leeching from the useful parts of the country.
The majority of blacks are in prison for drug related crimes.
The U.S. government literally admitted that they got blacks hooked on crack cocaine in the 80's. I thought this was a history board?
>blacks kill each other
good job buddy. But out of all the blacks in prison, a small percentage are murderers. The rest are in there off of drug charges
Bullshit. America has a lower black percentage than ever due to Latin American and Asian immigration.
Hispanic people aren't imprisoned at a high enough rate to warrant this increase. It's all about the dollar.
>it's sociopathic to remove people who are defective by nature
>small percentage are murderers
I would say most of them are violent fucks one way or another, the fact they incarcerated them for drugs and not some other offense is irrelevant.
Oh, now you're also a geneticist? Evolutionary biologist? Developmental psychologist?
Stick to the imageboard shitposting.
Homicide rates for black people from a household making 85,000 a year or over are higher than the rates for white people from a household making 10,000 or less.
In fact, they're more than twice as high.
>First issue is that Hispanics don't commit that much more crime than white people.
Back that up with government stats, rhen. I dare you to go down that rabbit hole. Unless you think the FBI is trying to pad things to be racist.
>black people roam free
>murder rate through the roof
>black people get jailed
>murder rate sharply decreases
This isn't hard to figure out you fat fuck.
lol you got much bigger problems if you don't have $20k to spend on a legal case that might put you in prison
Did this "family unit" also collapse in Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, South Africa, Bahamas etc? It just seems that the biggest predictor for having a high homicide rate is the presence of black people.
Does that guy need to post the xkcd "correlation not causation" cartoon for you again?
"Commit more crimes" =/= "defective by nature," there are tons of middlemen between nature and complex behaviors in adulthood (like crime) that you choose to ignore (unlike most of the people qualified to make these assessments) because the mental shortcut requires a tenth of the effort and you're a lazy thinker.
And most white people don't.
Then they aren't white.
Race is the single biggest predictor for crime, more than poverty or population density or any of that shit. Rich blacks murder at a higher rate than poor whites. Rural blacks murder at a higher rate than urban whites. Blacks are just a race of murderers.
>It's working
What world do you live in where a system works when people are being disproportionately targeted?
I'd rather live in Botswana than Honduras.
In fact, the highest homicide rates seem to all be in Latin America.
I blame the hacienda system of agriculture and unresolved political tensions.
So what, genetically engineer the criminal behavior out if black people?
>le race is not biological but a social construct determined by how much money you have maymay
Go back to plebbit.
Nigger detected.
The average white family has $100,000 in wealth.
>Latin America
Latin America has a fuckload of blacks and mulattos. Brazil and Dominican Republic are great examples, a lot of Brazilian pardos would be considered outright niggers in America.
>I don't understand the difference between net worth and liquid assets
You're the nigger here.
So basically we should just round up all the black people is what you're saying?
I mean let's put it this way, if you discovered all pedophiles also drive on red light, wouldn't it be beneficial to society to put them away for a long time for traffic violations, considering a child molestor cases would be hard to build?
This. It's literally a self sustaining cycle at this point.
Yeah, but they have higher homicide rates than most of sub-Saharan Africa.
Now I imagine some of this disparity is simply the result of African governments keeping worse records, but the primary factor is going to be landless peasants.
Latin America has an economic system built on peasant farmers, and peasant farmers have absolutely no good reason not to go join a cartel and make some beheading videos.
In Africa, the average person would be more likely to have title to the land they farm on, and would therefore have a community and a family that they have to keep happy in order to not get ganked.
Of course, it depends on the country. In places like the Congo, the homicide rate is probably so high that they simply can't measure it, because all of the statisticians and social workers have left. In places like Namibia or Botswana, where there is relative political stability, it's much safer than in Central America.
>he isn't going to take a loan to hire a defense attorney and use any assets he has as collateral
>he's going to risk losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential earnings over the course of his lifetime by getting a felony conviction
crime rate in SA has been going down since the apartheid ended you retard.
FakeNews factory, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Why doubly think so many black men wer wee locked up in the first place?
Yes, oppression was a huge contributor. But Africans just commit more crime all around the world. No matter what the circumstances, political representation, or culture, blacks are just plain violent and shortsighted. From Jaoan to any African nation to Canada to the U.S. to Russia to the middle east and everywhere else, black crime rates are always higher than everyone else.
>(((take a loan)))
Back to Auschwitz with you.
>he's going to go into a felony trial with a public defender just to avoid paying three or four figures worth of interest
>>>/Section 8/
This. Once you've been charged with even the most minor of felonies it becomes practically impossible to improve your life once you're out of prison and your time in there has hardened you and made you more violent.
Take into account what posted and you keep a perpetual cycle of violence within a particular ethnic community.