Is this correct? The middle guy posted about how he was rejected by many girls.
Is this correct? The middle guy posted about how he was rejected by many girls
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Fuck off.
The last guy definitely isn't correct, if that's what you mean. It's pure reductionism and you could literally make the same argument for most things in ethics.
Veeky Forums - History and Humanities
wrong, women want to fuck, just because some bitchy stacies reject you while you're acting like a twerp due to unresolved mental illness or a dysfunctional upbringing doesn't mean /r/theredpill circlejerk reddit memes are true
unless you are seriously fucked up you will get some ficky with a fat chick eventually
Take this gay shit to /r9k/ and kill yourself
get this shit off this board and die /r9k/
It's complicated. I'd say the most important thing is having some Charisma, money and means to be active and entertaining without being boring or a talkative drone who doesn't really say anything she wants to here.
Women just pick the guys that chase them and those are the cocky confident guys.It is not rocket science.Confident nice guys usually get better women than cocky cunts.This alpha-beta bullshit is so redditish and is only relevant to redditors.When you see a numale acting cocky you sure as hell are talking to a redditor trying to overcompensate
yes, this is definitely from reddit not /r9k/
Reddit believes that a midget with a potatoe face that acts "alpha" is an alpha and will be swimming in pussy. /r9k/ believes that getting laid is mostly due genetics and that personality is the least thing that matters as long as you have a big social circle and above average looks.
Definitely a virgin poster
You seem a little lost , do you mind fucking off?
Is it worth it to become a worse person in order to sleep with dumb bimbos?
You gain pleasure by doing so. You gain the recognition of sluts.
But pleasure is fleeting and is not something that will make you happier or a better person.
And if you measure your self worthy based on the opinion of sluts, maybe it is time for you to start to ask questions of where you have gone wrong.
Take a look at this:
>Is it worth it to become a worse person in order to sleep with dumb bimbos?
The thing is that an ugly socially retarded cunt will just look like a dumbass and will get no pussy.You get girls through social circles or just being a straight Chad.There is really no other way
Look at it this way. It you're a know it all ,acting arrogant and acting like you're hit shit a you will be off-putting. It's not simply "being a douche" which makes girls attracted to you. Something more is needed.
*hot shit.
Fuck off alex
Why don't you fuck off back there
Saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, alerted the FBI, telegraphed the cyberpolice, sent a courier to the CIA, a mail pigeon to the FSB, faxed GRU, texted MI5 and tweeted CSIS
Do you seriously believe that acting like account attracts any girls except single mom raised sluts? Women want to brag about their bf and introduce him to her group of friends.They just want someone that looks decent,has a car and is not a social pariah. Unless you are a literal 10/10 acting like a cunt will just make you undesirable.
>except single mom raised sluts
PUAs don't want nice pure girls to marry and go to church with.
They want to stick their penises in a warm hole. What is the easiest kind of women to do so and how do you attract this kind of women?
pretty much this
>how do you attract this kind of women?
With a motorcycle. The weird cunt will get no pussy either way
They are both wrong, you can be a nice guy and alpha. Alpha isn't about being an asshole its just about being confident and self assured.
"Alphaness" is context dependent. In America in 2017 it means one thing, and in other places/times it means something else.
The older I get, the less relevant this alpha shit seems to me.
It's great for picking up insecure, dumb sluts in college. It enables you to pick up girls that you otherwise wouldn't be able to with all your post-teenage insecurities and anxieties about women. It gives you the veneer of a manly, confident, assertive personality when your real self is anything but those things.
But, honestly, I've found that once you hit your mid-20s, and you've grown up enough to feel comfortable in your own skin, you don't need it anymore.
The tables begin to turn somewhat around then and it's a process that only accelerates as you get older. You realise that women don't really have the upper hand in dating anymore. That they're often more desperate to be in a relationship than you.
And you don't need to pretend to be anything other than yourself.
You would be better off asking an existentialist or some general continental about this than asking an ethicist or some joe who "tottaly knows the science behind women".
Alpha is about killing the other ones who think they are alpha, leading to the strongest to win and rape the women of the looser. Women don´t want such assholes, at least most of them.
>it´s just about being confident and self assured.
That´s what i call a civilized alpha male, those are aware that they can´t be as alpha as they want, because of the law, police. We have no real alpha males in society. Even the president is elected, an alpha would never be elected, would never want to be elected. A dictator is what an alpha really is. An alpha would kill the babies of the woman who has babies from another alpha, only allowing his children to live, thus women don´t like a real alpha. Nowadays is the time of the beta male, cheer up if you are one.
>born just in time for sexbots, artificial wombs and f*male genocide
Truly the best timeline
I have serious doubts that the 'alpha' ever actually interacted with a woman, let alone had one.