>browsing Veeky Forums
>see this picture
>pull a book off the shelf
>turns out england discovered america
well Veeky Forums? was he right?
Who discovered America?
Vikings and Polynesians predate the 1400s.
Is there sauce on the original photo of the bitch in the library
It really doesn't matter which European Country discovered the Americas for Europe. It matters when the connection between the continents became significant. And that prize will always go to Spain.
I presume from her posture that her ladybits are under assault
That's why I'd like sauce
You mean Columbus. Spaniards wouldn't have left their comfort space if it weren't for him.
they were busy warring the moor, it couldn't be helped that they weren't interested in some damn fool crusade at first
America was not "discovered" in the way you are implying
Siberian-Americans came to America after Stone Age Europeans had already reached it.
looted implied there was anything to take
unless carving civilization out of savage wilderness is looting
>looted implied there was anything to take
I refuse to believe someone could actually be this retarded.
I wonder where all that gold and silver spain accumulated came from. Maybe it was Atlantis.
Good one, professor Goldberg
oh yes, surely there was much to take from the wildmen of the north shown in that pic, you tottering lardass
Colombus tried to pitch his expedition to many governments and Spain was the only monarchy that gave him support. So if anything Spain was unusually adventurous compared to other countries.
>Anglo saying Anglos did everything
Color me shocked. In other news, try reading "How Russians discovered America" from Boris Ivanovich Vodkin.
>Implying that Christopher Colomber, the famous english explorer, didn't discover America for his majesty, Henry VII of England, while working as a double agent in the Spanish crown.
Just because I already know something exists that you don't does that mean you couldn't discover it exists for yourself?
The Phoenicians
In order:
1)Siberian hunter gatherers
5)Columubs (South Europe)