Do you like him, Veeky Forums?
Do you like him, Veeky Forums?
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I hate communism and Marxism, but I like how ruthlessly pragmatic he was. It's hard to deny that he was a pretty smart guy.
bro i havent played a game of yuris revenge in years. my word
Yeah, this. I can respect someone without agreeing with them.
>tfw no revolutionary bf
he gave inpedency to finland (us) so he was better than sweden and russia
Do I like the stepson of Whillem II? No thanks, I prefer the cucked Czar
(I know the video title but he mainly talks about all the horrible stuff Lenin did, nothing modern in this one)
He has pros and cons. But mostly pros.
Like, he funded independence of my country.
>he watches normie sargon knockoffs
100% this. Lenin believed in a bunch of nonsense, but he was a revolutionary who actually achieved what he wanted, unlike all the fat betas on this board.
Like Hitler, Pol Pot, and all the other psychos in history.
Funny how commies are always the first to worship bloodthirsty tyrants despite all their talk about love and tolerance.
too idealistic
he was just asking for fuckers like Stalin to pervert everything he believed in
lenin only killed those that needed to die prove me wrong
>Funny how commies are always the first to worship bloodthirsty tyrants despite all their talk about love and tolerance.
white russians dindu nuffin amirite?
Hitler did not achieve what he wanted
>believed in a bunch of nonsense
Hit the weights, take a shower, have sex and get a clue
No, he was a bloodthirsty murderer. And I'm saying this as someone with left-wing sympathies.
Nothing can justify this.
Not that user but
>Telegram sent from Lenin 20 August 1918 to the executive committee of the city of Livny (Orel Region)
Translation from Italian
>Congratulations on the resolute elimination of the kulaks in your district. It is imperative to beat the iron when it is hot, and do not waste time in organizing life for the district's poor. Confiscate all the grain and the properties of rebellious kulaks and take hostages among the rich.
AKA: Go ahead and murder and kidnap, because fuck private property, due processes and all that jazz.
No, and furthermore, fuck Alexandra the non blood clotting bitch, and Rasputin.
Figures like him arrive almost once a century and define their age, Augustus, Luther, Napoleon, Bismarck. Great statesmen and revolutionaries.
It is irrelevant what you think of them, they are heroes that live throughout the ages.
a hero to evil fucks and misguided retards yes
Achilles was a hero.
Kulaks deserved it.
This is why communists need to be thrown out of helicopters.
Under the guise of wanting to "help the poor" or "spread welfare", what the commie truly desires is to murder those who are more successful than him, out of sheer hatred and jealousy of those who are superior to him.
That is why the commie is dangerous, and must be killed before he kills you.
The majority of people don't really know what communism is or why it didn't work. Just ask any American to define socialism and you'll see that plainly enough. I'm an American and we often forget the tensions with the soviet union really weren't that long ago, the bias is still there, just ask any American student who the first man in space was, its a commonly known fact in other countries. That bias is present in perceptions of Lenin.
Regardless of your political views Lenin was by no means a bad ruler or person, when you consider what he did and attempted to do before he died. Lenin did some shit, but it was relativity mild all considered. He was by all accounts a passionate dude, worked his whole life for an ideal, he genuinely wasn't corrupt and genuinely did dedicate his being to the success of his countrymen and any who people in the world who were oppressed. He wasn't faking that shit.
You can disagree with the mans political opinions but remember the average worker at that time lived in plain and obvious oppression, he genuinely wanted to alleviate that. Even if you disagree with how he went about it on a philosophical level, you have to admire his sincerity and attempt to make things better, its a rare trait.
mild dislike, sorta how I view peterson
I remember when he let free elections go and when he lost he did another coup. Like an angry kid changing the rules of the game when he loses.