>a voice speaks to me in my head
>it tells me to mutilate my own dick, kill my son
>people died over this
A voice speaks to me in my head
Mutilate or made better?
Based as fuck. Fuck off you cuck. Atheists are the most dangerous religion.
>getting herpes after having your dick sucked by an elderly weirdo is based
Uh, ok... Nice religion and worldview you have there.
Totally cucked. Sort yourself and clean your room. Remember that you NEED GOD to be a successful person and not some neckbeard fedora numale virgin.
leddit, compose yourself
Schlomo pls go and stay go
KEK, is that all? You can't argue because you know that you are wrong. I will pray for you. God loves you. Maybe one day you will grow up, otherwise you'll suffer for eternity.
>this is the best the supreme gentlesirs of r/atheism can spurt out
Pretty sad.
You need to go back.
>We finally know god
>god no less
>what does he want?
>he wants us to mutilate our penises
It was just a prank, like that time God fucked up Jobs life to prove a point, OT God is the final form of shitposting
*tips fedora*
*inserts banana*
>let's worship a particularly evil creature and call him god because of a claim in a book!
>let's disregard hundreds of years of philosophy and masturbate to cuck porn while white race dies because we're intellectually lazy!
>let's disregard common sense
>white race dies
Christianity at this point is not even European, it's an exclusively African and Latin American phenomenon. Vast majority of Christians are not white.
Jeremiah 8:8
How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us’? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.
1 John 5:19
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
According to the bible, a fallen angel wanted to be God, and his people populate the earth and are the majority.
This fallen angel was to deceive all so they worshipped him.
According to the bible, God is evil as fuck, just like a demon, very unjust, very boastful, very arrogant.
It is very easy to tell what has happened here.
Christians, muslims and jews, all of them worship the devil.
It is a dark pact done initially by the jews, most people who follow the religion are unaware, just look at how well it goes for the jews.
What the fuck does being white have to do with literally anything in the bible?
Common sense proves the existence of God, who died on the cross for your sins.
>Common sense proves the existence of God
Common sense puts a mile of distance between a god believing person and a bible.
There's not a single lie in the bible. Everything was proven time and time again to be 100% true.
Stop hating your Father and clean your room.
>you're anti-white if you don't subscribe to a religion literally worshipping a jew
wew lad
Religion is the ultimate free pass.
ANY other person putting his mouth on a baby dick for ANY other reason would go straight to jail. And rightfully so.
>but its muh holy dick sucking ritual
Never mind, keep on sucking & cutting
>Common sense proves
Lel. Common sense is never the proof of anything, ever.
>Everything was proven time and time again
>the wrath
>the pettyness
>the contradictions
>the capricious nature
>the anger
>the unjustified hatred towards humans
>30 replies
>8 posters
>people cannot make multiple posts
Adam: Hi, I can't tell good from evil
YHVH: K, don't eat from this tree
Adam: Sure
Adam: *munch*
YHVH: What the fug
Adam: I didn't know good from evil, now I know
YHVH: No excuses, I'm petty like that.
>0 point
>basing shit off the old testament
There's a reason it's called the old testament user, I know it's a lot harder to whine about the New when Jesus isn't a total cunt to everyone but at least put the effort in, also fuck protestant pseudo-Jewish cucks
>old testament
I have not come to abolish the law
Super sedation isn't abolition, read between the lines
Russian peasant women would often suck a babys dingdong to make it stop crying.
>when Jesus isn't a total cunt
If someone wants to take your clothes give him your cloak also, if you have, give, love your enemies and bless those that persecute you.
>I have a special theory where I do what I want but it counts as if I didn't.
Just like in my hentais!
Just going to contribute my autistic input.
The god in the genesis myth is actually Elohim/El, not YHVH. YHVH is from another textual tradition that was inserted in the final redaction of the Hebrew bible. There are multiple textual traditions.
Other than that, good bantz.
>clean your room
I wish nu-/pol/ would fuck off with their worship of memelosophers and jewish e-celebs.
>I have a special theory where I do what I want but it counts as if I didn't.
It's called Catholicism faggot, go beat flagellate yourself over the 3rd Temple not being built yet you puritan cuck
Oh, but I'm not a slave of the demiurge like you are.
Try that today and watch the mayhem
>believes in the demiurge
>everything in the Bible is true but God is the bad guy
Retard tier. It's like saying "Fuck Star Trek" in Klingon.
>Implying it's not deep cover
When is god good?
It´s a holy tradition instituted by g*d himsel!
Believing in any religion = you're a brainlet.
Justifying it with philosophy bullshit written by retarded medieval monks = you're a double brainlet and deserve death.
t. Veeky Forums
This is an urban legend, give me a good source for this.
We've advanced some 400 years.
I think it's a pretty safe bet that Newton today would be an atheist.
I wouldn´t go so far. I could see him being a deist. Even Christian philosophers such as Bill Craig can only argue in favor of SOME God, but no intelligent person can in good faith believe in the God of the bible, especially the OT. I say this as a nominal Christian.
What other part of the body is made better by cutting out the muscle and nerve endings?
What a coincidence that the only part of the body that is too sensual and too muscular in its natural state and is "improved" by having the nerve endings and muscle cut out happens to be the male sex organ. Pure coincidence, nothing to do with controlling sexuality at all...
Do they actually do this when its an old guy getting mutilated?
>I think it's a pretty safe bet that Newton today would be an atheist.
How do you figure?