Bitcoin can't be translated into real money, you stupid goyim

>bitcoin can't be translated into real money, you stupid goyim
>i-it costs more than buying with fiat!!

Other urls found in this thread:

>trading your bitcoin for something that gains value more slower

You can buy gold bullion with bitcoin on many websites.

That's now I plan to cash out my bitcoin, that way I can avoid taxes.

its a bitch rid of actual real gold tho, physically that is

why would anyone want to buy a dumb piece of metal that is practically useless or without any special properties, biggest bubble ever tbqh

dumb shit isn't even shiny, silver, even iron is more shiny than that garbage, it only got that nice yellow hue, but so does bronze

How hard is it to covertly convert gold into cash without getting raped by jewish gold buyers and taxmen? I'd imagine most places get the seller's info and report it if it's over a certain amount?

B-but when the happening comes everybody will trade using gold
It'll be the new money

>selling your gold and silver


Gold has real world applications though.

are you the same poster who pointed out that one of the devs for a particular coin was a tranny or something along those lines?

Everyone i know who buys gold does it in case of crazy inflation or complete dollar collapse

Gold is the ultimate HODL currency

>Gold has real world applications though.
No it doesn't. No one uses gold anymore in anything. It's useless.

Protip; gold goes up when real estate goes down.

Extra protip; US real estate markets will crash circa 2020

Potential homeowner here, I hope so

No shit!
I was trying to buy in Co a year ago. Can't even get into a shitty condo for under 200k

Don't take my word for it. Read what people are saying about it.

Just think of Bitcoin as money for the internet which is more secure than credit cards and PayPal etc.. You can't send an oz of gold through your browser.

Keep your gold for a rainy day, but if you have a lot and you plan to cross a border without it being seized, sell the gold for bitcoin, cross the border, buy the gold back. See its use yet?

>Get BTC rich
>Move to some tax haven
>Sell BTC
>Fly back

Jews manipulate gold supply. Better to own crypto. It's Jew free.

>No one uses gold anymore in anything

So when the next market crash happens these will be completely useless?

I hear CO is really booming. Must be all the white flight.

I'm in New Aztlan. If that wall ever gets build I'll be looking good.

wew look at all those shitcoins

why didnt you buy OMG, user, you'd be MOONING right now

Imagine if I had traded all of that in 2011 for bitcoin.

How could I know?

I had $12,000 in fiat savings back in 2014 when BTC was only $200, and just waved it off as nerdy bs...didn't buy. I agree with your point, how could you know, and at which point do you say to yourself: ok, enough is enough, I want to enjoy life and spend some fucking cash, instead of constantly worrying about making more gainz.

owning gold & silver really does provide peace of mind, even though it doesn't gainz as fast as other investment vehicles. that's why it's annoying when nogolders talk shit as if they themselves could see the future.

is it true you can avoid taxes this way?

Redpill me on tax evasion with BTC>Gold>Fiat

If you sell gold>fiat on ebay you get hit with 10% fee + 2.9% paypal fee, and on top of that you might have to deal with fags who try to scam and say they never received it.

If you sell gold to local shops they will buy UNDER spot price so you also lose money.

either way the point is not to go from btc > gold > fiat but to keep the gold, unless you really absolutely need to cash out and don't mind all the fees/costs involved with selling gold.

it costs less because you have to pay the transfer fees

>when the next market crash
this can literally be 30 years amazing strategy annon lets hold on metals for 30 years for that juicy 90% yield hehe

I guess this is a good place to ask this, how can the IRS prove you made money when you sell some gold coins? I bought almost all of the coins I posted before 2006 so if I had sold them all when gold was like 1800 per ounce I would have made a really good profit but how do they know when I bought them?

What if gold gets back up to say $1600 per ounce and I sell ten ounces to get my kitchen redone and a new roof? How can they prove I didn't buy those when gold was $1700 per ounce and I lost money? The places I bought them from probably wouldn't keep records from over a decade ago and my memory is a little fuzzy where I got them anyway.

Steel is the ultimate "market crash" investment imo

Bitsquare (now bisq I think) is pretty good if you want to sell or buy bitcoin discreetly, but you need patience. I'm not sure how cucked localbitcoins has gotten but I'm pretty sure that guy I bought bitcoins from on localbitcoins cash in mail $400 per btc regrets selling these days lmao

>i-it costs more than buying with fiat!!

that's not true either. only fee for a shift card is ATM fees. buying shit straight with bitcoin costs nothing.

well everyone you know is retarded then, because gold will be useless in that situation.

The master race move is to not sell Bitcoin, and just hold it like a true patrician.

There's hundreds of guys like me with about a million or more in Bitcoin because they're smart and never sold. For oldfag 2012 bitcoiners $400 is a lot for one bitcoin, over 3k is just insane. I really don't know how to cope with all this digital money I have

>I really don't know how to cope with all this digital money I have

That sounds so funny when I hear that. It sounds like "where am I going to keep all these Pokemon I captured."

Apparently people enjoy getting cucked and panic selling or buying bullshit altcoins.

There has to be some people out there who will never sell. 3k makes my day. Have a drink on me good sir.

Holding is stupid. Crypto is so volatile it could drop by 50% in a week.You're stupid.

Someone redpill me on gold
How much of its value is because of people simply believing it's valuable, and how much is because it's actually useful? How is gold going to avoid getting outcompeted in every way by some cheap new polymer in the near future?

gold is used in electronics, you wouldn't even be even be able to type this retarded text if we didn't have gold, dumbass

How much under spot price?

Like, if I buy gold at 2% above spot price and sell it for 2% under, it's only a 4% loss.

And lets say I hold the gold for a long time, it could easily go up over 4% during that hold.

>why would anyone want to buy a dumb piece of metal that is practically useless or without any special properties

Lol, retard, did you learn that from your history teacher?

Both gold and crypto are more "real money" than fucking fiat paper "loaned" to us by privately owned central banks, which we then have to fucking print. The Treasury can issue its own fucking currency debt free.

The only advantage fiat has over crypto is that it's around even in a power outage, and it can be used as tinder for fires.

>its a bitch rid of actual real gold tho, physically that is

Dealers all over. Walk in, sell for slightly below spot, cash. Paying for gold and silver in BTC instead of just electronically depositing a large quantity of fiat right into your bank account is a good way to avoid the tax bullshit. Buy the metal in quantities small enough that it doesn't have to be filed with the IRS though. Both Provident and JM Bullion take BTC, so you can split a purchase the two if you have to.

>why would anyone want to buy a dumb piece of metal that is practically useless or without any special properties

Why would anyone want to buy 1's and 0's on that exist in fiber optic cables and chips? Or in paper with dead people's faces on them?

Gold and silver are good for money and for backing currency. They also have industrial applications in electronics and medicine. Crypto? Not so much.

>biggest bubble ever tbqh

No, that would be everything else. If anything, metals are manipulated and undervalued.

>if anything, metals are manipulated
this. read up on the silver "flash smash" the week of july 4th...

I've only sold silver at a shop for $1 under spot.

For gold, I recall that they quoted me a buy price of $100 under spot but I could be wrong, it was a while ago.

Look up your local gold/silver coin shops, call them up to ask how much they are buying for, and check their reviews.

For example you can see prices on this reputable shop:

You can probably find fellow gold buyers online through forums/blogs etc., network with them, get a feel to see how they deal with buying/selling. Lots of people make jewtube vids on PMs.

There are also ways to buy gold/silver at very close to spot price. For sure you can buy 10 oz of silver at spot on JMB, that is their "welcome" deal.

Metals are actually near 5 year lows, anyone who says they're in a bubble are fools. Also, check this out, gold/silver are antimicrobial:

being into crypto doesn't mean you can't hedge with some metals, guns, food, antiques, etc. on the side.

>The transaction is almost always private. There is no reporting requirement from a gold dealer to the IRS of what we sold to you, unless BOTH of the following conditions exist:

>1. The transaction(s) exceed $10,000; AND

>2. Actual cash (or money orders, bank or certified checks, etc.) is used to make the purchase(s).

Like I said in a previous post, if you have over 10k in BTC to sell, you could buy just under 10k at one online dealer and the rest on another, and pay with BTC at each, and you're fine.

I prefer silver because it's more liquid. If I'm looking to flip BTC into fiat, I buy kilos of silver. If I want some silver to hold, I buy one ounce bars, rounds and coins, and sometimes 5 oz and 10 oz bars. Silver also made proportionately higher gains than gold during the recession.

Its value is mostly from scarcity. It fulfills all criteria of money. The industrial applications are a secondary factor. Gold is more hoarded, silver is consumed.

Silver's value is also from scarcity, but it is used industrially even more than gold, which is why it's more volatile (higher highs, lower lows). It's the best conductor for electricity, it's used in solar panels, and it's antibiotic/antimicrobial as well.

Didn't know gold was antimicrobial as well, thanks.

I don't think it is. Silver and copper yeah but not gold.

>what are tooth fillings


how do you know it will still be the dominant coin in 5 years time

[spoiler]you dont[/spoiler]