Post em and rate them boys! Big day for most of us
Post-Saturday Rally Blockfolio thread
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No bully.
thats actually a pretty good portfolio
Hell, why not.
Given that I only started two weeks ago, I'm feeling pretty good.
Happy Saturday!
>he bought the memebeans
next eth
R8 my portfolio, holding all of these long term
I'm a newb but as soon as I figure this all out, we moonin!
Don't understand the MYST, and your SC rivals a gas giant. Hope you give Veeky Forums a head's up before you go all Apocalypse Now on that coin.
Poorfag reporting, what are some ways I can earn some money online to use as capital?
chaturbate while crossdressing
In a similar price range as you, OP. But we're holding different things
Please send me some BTC will send noods
Thank you sir, Ive tried many combinations and am just trying to find one more long term hold to put about 500 in and then sit for 6 months
Any suggestions?
sent 100k
we are the digimarines
Pretty sure theres someone on here with over a million SC.... my bags are nothing. MYST was a drunken gamble that might eventually pay off
think the guy ur talking about has 80+million of em
A few million dollars worth last time I saw that absolute madman here
Yeah pretty much, that guy is all in on SC. Glad he didnt rope himself during the bear market. Wait, when was the last time we saw him in a portfolio thread?
Unironically proud of you, user :)
I keep it simple
Happy caturday bois. No bully please.
Pre bear.... In fact all the millionaires seem to have gone AWOL, I hope they didn't fuck this up.
This, they have been missing for awhile now. But I'd also have better things to do than browse Veeky Forums if I was rich as fuck
Only if you had cashed out though, far too early to be doing that in my opinion regardless of bag size
So when's the dip?
Same for some reason. His coins aren't bad.
Nice to see a fellow passenger on the ark
What should I move some of the ETH to when it finally pumps?
On the DIce train
All in on the ARK
Top kek you got jihaned
Pretty nice few days, desu
Here's the chart.
I'm just pissed off I bought 100k SAFEX @ 63 satoshi and sold 2/3 of it along the way...