>TFW waste all my time on /r9k/, /pol/ and /int/
If I had just stayed in Veeky Forums I'd be rich by now...
>TFW waste all my time on /r9k/, /pol/ and /int/
If I had just stayed in Veeky Forums I'd be rich by now...
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i know right. Veeky Forums is the best forum on the whole dang internet
pol taught you everything you need to know about judaism. now, you're ready to trade.
At least you didn't dilute yourself in trying to learn a skill for the past five years amounting to nothing but wasted time and effort and broken dreams.
I spent most of my effort hating blacks and other harmless minorities, not learning to be a jew
I showed up here in early June, got memed into a few shitcoins that are still weighing heavy
But I caught ARK at like 17k sats and have been accumulating ever since
I go back to pol regularly but always hit biz first
Wish I took a peak back in January :(
Your time on Pol was not wasted, you learned the truth about (((them)))
your time on int and r9k was wasted however, and you should feel like shit. 2 months ago if you got in this youd be rich,
but now you will always be a loser
We're all rich in something
thanks for making me feel so much better...
I teared up
You could've spent the last 2 months dating chick to catch her making out with another dude tonight and then fuck up your car hitting a curb bc you got trashed afterwards. Would rather have spent my time with my internet friends
at least you have a car and have dated someone fucking normie
Convert it into hating an actually harmful faction - muslims!
Humor aside, it appears the entire width and depth of Veeky Forums is kind of like a sieve when it comes to the variety of personalities on here. Perhaps more accurately, a ladder.
Most started out on /b/ for the mix of shock and awe, humor and porn. Mostly edgy teens.
Then comes Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, for late teen social conscious gains.
Then /pol/, /int/ for early adulthood edgy social discussions about society, immigration and venting frustrations that would otherwise have you ostracized from society.
Eventually the imageboard goer ends up on Veeky Forums, which is the fulcrum essentially. From here they are educated on what really matters - wealth. Wealth enables and provides for all preceding and following board interests, promising freedom.
After this usually come true self-improvement oriented boards:
/Diy/, /ic/, Veeky Forums, /g/ etc.
During an user's entire stay on Veeky Forums over the years, any combination of various extra boards are also frequented, according to personal tastes.
It can be viewed as a catalogued development of personalities through years, which is an interesting phenomenon.
The jews are the ones responsible for the muslims doing what they do anyways, it's like focusing on the symptoms of cancer instead of the actual cause (the cancercells being jewish parasites).
>ywn know the feeling of seeing one of the 4 people you talk to that you genuinely like and enjoy the company of making out with another dude in front of your face
Yea being the slightest bit normie is great user
/bizpol/ is the new deal here. see
Which is cancer in itself. I don't care about retarded racial views on a fucking business board. Hide your loserlevel goddamn.
On that topic, I must admit I don't understand what it is the jews are trying to achieve...
Overrunning the west with muslims will do what for them? The first thing I can think of is this creating a nearly globally uber hostile environment for jews everywhere. I mean, c'mon, once the world is a caliphate, the muslims with all the bombs and guns are NOT going to let Israel just sit on their little piece of holy land. They will exterminate their historical hated enemy. Fucking with the development of the West seems to me the straightest, fastest way to getting all the jews gassed and shot. Again.
What's perhaps even funniee is that the newest generations of the "old blood" families - Rothschilds and Rockefellers etc - are apparently victims of the very same brainwashing western youth receive. Instagram selfies in ancient estates, money shots, vapid shit and nudes. They wxhibit little to no interest in continuing to run the family business of illuminati bullahit. They just seem ro want to be young people who party and fuck and drink and live loud.
Maybe the old jews have lost hope even themselves. Lost control of the machine they created? Now content to just watch the world burn?
"If we can't control it, nobody can!"
Lesbian dance?
no need to be rude, sir.
You came to our website and you must accept that we are a Fascist board
Yes, to what end. I pondered this too.
They either have a master plan or leftism is a brain disorder.
I've been on Veeky Forums since literally 2006. Fuck off with that "we" shit. The ONLY running theme Veeky Forums has ever had is it's a bunch of contrarian edgy faggots.
I think even for the high level old jews, it's largely subconscious. Jews have some in-built paranoias and hyper-sensitivity to (real or imagined) threats and think that white hegemony and solidarity poses a risk for them, so they try to destroy the family unit, Christianity, and import millions of shitskins to dilute the population and make it a "melting pot" where they're just another group.
I don't hate all of them personally, but I do want 100% of them to leave or be forcibly removed.
Wot m8?
I knew ppl were making ez money on biz. but i was just too lazy.
When did loving your country and wanting whats best for your people/race become edgy contrarian bullshit?
unless you are under the guise that the Hitler rumors were true, which is just ignorance
I think you just proved his point dude, lmao
Let's be honest, all this diversity isn't making the average westerner's IQ higher.
"One day the people will know that Adolf Hitler was right!"
This is ringing more and more true, desu. Especially among northern and western Euro youths. The east is already predominantly conservative anyway, but they are becoming increasingly wary of what is going on in Europe.
It's not a good thing to admit. But the rabid smear campaigns of the leftist regressives and turboliberals are literally pushing away, alienating and disenfranchising wholly half of the entire population of Europe/US, while also scaring those left leaning people who don't quite swing THAT far on the scale.
The politicians are seemingly not listening, as aren't the media figures. The right-leaning population is increasingly agitated with each passing day.
What's weirdest is that there is apparently NO dialogue possible at this point. It's nearly impossible for the regressive left to reconcile that not wanting uncontrolled, unchecked and unscreened illegal mass immigration of unknown people from a shitty part of the world is NOT in fact comparable to the Nazi party marching down the Champs-Elysses and the Reichstag flying a swastika again.
I don't understand why the left fails to realize that this dismissive attitude is directly responsible for the increasingly frustrated and agitated right.
I don't want nazis on the street. I simply also don't want muslims rampaging and killing my people in the streets.
Leftists have got this way for a number of reasons, some of them "natural" and others because of willful calculation on their part.
For one, the large-scale destruction of Christianity and wholesome traditional families served as the rudder on the ship of Western civilization. Most older leftists were still touched by the "cultural inertia" that Christianity still had even when it was declining, and it informs their decisions at least on a subconscious level. Modern generations now don't even have a semblance of this, which is why you see both mindless hedonism as well as hardcore moral/philosophical subjectivism. When your personal fee fees hold the same weight as God's word or even just a generalized ideas of a higher standard, you tend to become highly agitated towards anyone who disagrees with you. Combined with most of these people growing up with no resistance or interpersonal conflicts, they literally have no capacity to manage even minor discomforts which is why they go into meltdowns over "microaggressions".
It's not all just emotional baggage though. Leftists have lost every single presidential election since 1964, at least when it comes to the white vote. After the 1960's you actually saw (at least in voting patterns) a large scale rejection of Marxism in the United States and the Democrats have been getting slaughtered amongst white voters no matter how shitty of a candidate Republicans run. That's why they passed the Immigration Act of 1964, to flood the US with shitskins with an average IQ in the 80s who put absolutely no thought into voting and will just pull the lever for whoever promises free shit. The demographic collapse of the United States has (at least leftists thought until Trump was elected by a razor thin margin) made it so they don't even have to pretend to give a shit about fat, stupid "muh union" type white Democrats anymore, as brown people will vote for leftists literally unconditionally as long as they get gibs.
Today's progressive left are treasonous scum. They're either perpetuating extremism or they're supporting it.
I'm sorry, I don't care about your feelings. You can contact the feels police and they will gladly take you away to a "safe space" where you will be nurtured and coddled. Just head to any university campus and say someone said something you disagree with.
Secularism and the decline of theology is inevitable for any advanced culture. Unfortunately the erosion of our Judeo-Christian foundation is leaving the west without support for the most vital elements of any sustainable culture.
We're now contending with rising religious extremism, socialism, communism, perception of inequity among inferior minorities, and to top it all off, the left's deluded moral posturing aimed at literally anyone who resists.
In short, unless western men man up, we really are doomed.
>actually spending time in /r9k/
Just lurking there is autism
>Secularism and the decline of theology is inevitable for any advanced culture.
I wouldn't call it "advanced".
No such thing. It's a term made up by hardcore Zionists and dispensationalists (think Glenn Beck types) and atheist infiltrators into churches. Judaism existed as an almost 100% insular religion within Western society that had no interaction with Christendom as literally 95% of them until modern times couldn't even speak the same language as the lands they lived in, and communication was banned with the Goyim by their Rabbis.
The silent blessing that most red pilled people don't seem to notice is that salvation for the West could literally come by nothing other than the staggering disparities in birth rates between left-wing secular atheist types, and fundamentalist religious right wingers. Just demographically this whole childless catlady and manchild phenomena of the modern white person will die off on it's own. The only threat is that leftists will flood us with their little stinky brown shitskin vote-monkeys who will overwhelm us before we can get our own numbers up. At this point we're beyond the point of no return demographically so I pray for a massive race war (or a more unlikely voluntary exodus).
I'm quite convinced the post-atomic mollycoddling of children raised a whole 2 generations of spoilt adult children, incapable of conflict resolution or compromise. Weak people are bringing hard times, which will in turn mold strong people to build good times.
I believe what he had in mind was Abrahamic in general, not Judeo-Christian.
On the matter of "falling birth rates", that's what perplexes me. Why import potentially dangerous, wholly unknown people to bolster an allegedly declining population, maintaining immigrant enclaves (because that's what they form, as we have now seen) on the taxpayer's dime and funding extensive yet ineffective "integration programmes" only to have the immigrants outright kill, burn, blow up, desecrate, accost and annoy the local populations. And those that aren't openly hostile still segregate themselves, refuse to cooperate with authorities and shield their criminal cousins from justice. This is fucking surreal.
Why not take all those untold millions and instead invest in schools, kindergardens, maternal leaves, family support packages and family growth incentive programs. If the government wants more people to maintain the system, then provide for them the security to breed! What's so difficult to understand? Don't bring jn alien cultures that cause chaos. Incentivize your indigenous population to grow the workforce!
I just fucking don't get it. Cultural suicide on a global scale.
i'm sorry brah, be a man, dump & ghost that bitch and move on to the next chapter. I feel for you
>On the matter of "falling birth rates", that's what perplexes me. Why import potentially dangerous, wholly unknown people to bolster an allegedly declining population, maintaining immigrant enclaves (because that's what they form, as we have now seen) on the taxpayer's dime and funding extensive yet ineffective "integration programmes" only to have the immigrants outright kill, burn, blow up, desecrate, accost and annoy the local populations. And those that aren't openly hostile still segregate themselves, refuse to cooperate with authorities and shield their criminal cousins from justice. This is fucking surreal.
>Why not take all those untold millions and instead invest in schools, kindergardens, maternal leaves, family support packages and family growth incentive programs. If the government wants more people to maintain the system, then provide for them the security to breed! What's so difficult to understand? Don't bring jn alien cultures that cause chaos. Incentivize your indigenous population to grow the workforce!
Social unrest and urban decay makes a "justifiable" reason for shit like gun control, civil asset forfeiture, militarized police, high taxes, etc. Muslims and 60 IQ Congoids are therefore prime candidates for importation not only because they cause all kinds of problems leftists can "fix", but because they vote by 90%+ margins for Democrats.
Liberals are not stupid, this is all not some "Oh no! Why are all of my policies not working!", their policies are working exactly as they fucking intend them to, because they're evil.
The real redpill is making that fucking money and becoming tha jew
Welcome fellow bizreli