I'm back. Whale suppressing and accumulating. Buy anything below 3.1 USD and you're in for a treat.
Tick Tock 7
I bought this under your guidance. I should've bought omise first. Who knows when this fucking whale will release us.
Also I just had a look huge walls in our future.
Sorry about the bad timing, I guess. Remember this is a longer term thing. Slowly but surely. Maybe it's ICONOMI themselves that are keeping the price low to avoid "shitcoin craze" movements. I expect awesome ROI in the coming years.
Get out street shitter
Yeah, I'm in it for the long term I expect this coin to go anywhere from 50-100+ once the buy back burn kicks in and coins become more scarce.
But fuck me I thought we'd atleast see 4-5 USD by now.
Pros of ICN
>plattform released
>good reviews
>lots of registrations
>good coin list
>daa managers coming on the 16th
>fiat gateways announced before the year ends
> a big fucking whale manipulates the low volume market as he wants
Result: price goes down
phuck mah laif
Ok what the fuck is the purpose of ICN? You can't even buy the Index Fund (ICNX) with it, so it is fucking useless.
Wtf is that pic
It's the angery emoji
I honestly don't know if it has a use yet. Iconomi Devs have said they are planning to use it within their system at some point.
But currently I think people are just getting onboard for the incoming buy backs. Bought back coins get burned, decreasing the total ICN which will increase the price. Especially if they do provide a use for ICN within their system
This is bullshit. I wanted an Index Fund and that is what Iconomi was advertised for and the fact that you can't buy the "real" Index Fund with your own Token is bs on another level.
It's been clear from the start that ICN and ICNX are different. Should've done more research.
Count yourself lucky. ICN is better in the long-term. ICNX you have to pay fees on.
I know that there is a difference. But you can buy ICNX only through Bitcoin and Ether and not with your own Token, this is what is grinding my gears.
Why is ICN better in the long-term?
Here you go, from the iconomi AMA.
The DAA managers will need to use ICN, which is actually huge. Also ICN better than ICNX in long-term because you don't pay fees and the value will increase as the supply decreases from the burning of coins.
This. Fucking this
I'm sure some info was leaked to the whales about what ICN is going to do, and its huge, cause since they heared about it, they are manipulating this shit so they have lots of them.
I'm going for another K of them right now
stop shilling
>slav devs
no thanks
o-ok bye
wew lad. Almost bought in.
>not claiming meta your waifu
why is that bad?
No facebook memes its rule #9
Lack of standards in that part of the world. Lack of accountability.
Because you can't trust a guy who stops having a healthy lifestyle
>hurr durr
Maybe he is the one making our bags heavy?
I'm almost ready to buy in , but it's not on buttrex, shill me some more.
What's the best exchange to get this, Kraken?
Me too I'm not sure if I should buy ICNX.
If I buy ICNX, should I buy it with ICN ? of with BTC ?
Kraken. BTC (as btc mooned, you can buy more ICN with the same btc)
ICN is something you will need to use with DAA, so that's what's going to get expensive on the 16th
>slav devs
That's the reason I'm buying in tbf. Those Eastern Europeans are good devs. I can link articles to back those words up.
you CAN NOT buy ICNX with ICN. Total BS
Holding 10k and comfy, can't wait.
Iconomi will have Eth tier gains this year.
Screencap this.
P.S. I'm still waiting from my man(pic related) to pay me.
why does it matter what you buy it with? Is it really too much work for you to convert to eth or btc and buy it?
Should I buy OMG, too?
>implying china or the us is better
Don't you just love when prejudice fucks people in the ass
Been watching not upset at all I haven't bought
look i bought ICN at Kraken, transfered it to the Iconomi web page. Now I have my ICN there. if I want to buy ICNX, I have to either transfer it back to Kraken, convert it into ETH or BTC and transfer it back to Iconomi; or buy ICNX with other funds.
I think people are finding out that the whale isn't as big as she wanted us to believe
This might be one of the last moments before returning to normal (as none of the last news are priced in thanks to the whale)
I agree. So much good news this week and none of it is priced in.
Good news that aren't priced in:
>plattform reviews
>huge registrations number
>list of coins
>use of ICN with DAA managers
>q2 financial results
>DAA managers list will be revealed on the 16th august
What's on the 16th?
The DAA managers are being recruited right now, they open the application process a few days ago. It's closed on the 13th and the 16th they announce the selection.
Hi 10k friendo
I caught that whale dumping and managed to get some at 850 sats