Come to biz after being interested in stock trading

>come to biz after being interested in stock trading
>full of shills
why's this board up?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a bunch of NEETs who know nothing about stock trading so they trade digital coins that have no monetary value and burn through their entire bank accounts, then LARP on here to edge the pain away from the fact they just lost over $1000 in a couple days, then shit on stock traders despite stock traders been richer than they could ever dream of being. Go anywhere else, not kidding, literally any finance/business related forum is miles better than this crock of shit
>inb4 are you mad you lost money on bitcoins lol
I've never bought a single digital coin in my life and I'm better for it.

what a qt.
sause ?


>Go anywhere else, not kidding, literally any finance/business related forum is miles better than this crock of shit
thanks user for the quick rundown

>I took 3 courses in finance at my local CC

> trade digital coins that have no monetary value

"I don't understand what is money "

> I've never bought a single digital coin in my life and I'm better for it.

Stay poor.

No problem. I just come here to post pink wojaks and false flag pathetic autists into selling their fake money

you sound like incredibly salty nocoiner

Excellent description. Nupol LARPers sperging over "muh jews" and "money vacuum bitches" instead of talking business, should I add.

Any recommandation?

I just told you, ANY forum. Doesn't matter, it can be on the last page of google and have dozens of virus pop up ads and still be better than here because at least they don't try to shill their crappy shiny new coins that will only last a week

wew, how's life going for you user?

Pretty great, yourself?

you guys literally proved him right in this thread, literally couldn't not meme post

Pretty good as well, it just sounds like you're angry at this place. Do you not like the memes?

No. Don't get me wrong, I think e-coins are a nifty idea and all, but I don't like how everyone on this board is always shilling a different one every week and how people trade coins act as if they're better than traders and people coming here asking for advice. There's maybe 1 good post on this board for every 100 posts shilling a coin, and it usually only gets 5 replies.

r/wallstreetbets although, with this one, a lot those guys probably hang around here too

>e coins
Stay poor with your stocks that increase by a few percent each year.

Stay NEET with your shitcoins that only increase a fraction of a penny for a year then nosedive immediately afterwards.

oh child...

now imagine if you purchased options on this stock. (the stock itself increased 100% yoy 5 years in a row)

Hard to believe there was a demand for a business board on this Cambodian map making site

updated image.

its an exchange traded index fund btw.

Well there is /po/ where the oldest post is 1 year 1/2 ago and theres only 2 posts in the archive and this is the first mention of the board in probably a few months sitewide.
Then theres /i/ which has posts from 3 years ago
/an/ and /trv/ have posts from a few months ago
all things considered its not the deadest board, at least coiners keep this board active.Wish there could be some kind of compromise between coiners and people who want to talk about stocks and personal finance and shit, because lets face it, if it was just that and no coins this board would be pretty much dead. Like maybe coiners could only post in their designated-coin's general or something? idk

>occasionally check bitcoin price for a dip
>immediately come to Veeky Forums and spread FUD
its strangely satisfying

imagine how satisfying it would be to get a life

Yeah, so the most volatile market that almost anyone can have access to means losing money? Okay bud.

I'd say if you aren't retarded you can make money on crypto.

"Muh stocks"

I tried filtering out all the coin shit from this board. I have 75 filtered threads right now. Obviously not working.

I think I'm going to dump threads through a natural language processor, then into a machine learning algorithm to determine whether or not a thread is about crypto.
If I'm successful, the board will be completely empty.

That's how it was ~3 months ago. It'll die down soon enough.

In the first place, Veeky Forums was specifically designed to be a containment board so all the crypto shit would leave /g/.
Obviously, you don't make a board where you can only discuss a single subject... that's sad. So inevitably, moot decided to expand upon crypto's basic logic, and created Veeky Forums instead. "A place where you can talk about more than just crypto."

It had a good run for a year or so, but look where we are now.

Been here is late last year, the crypto discussions have come a very long way, it's no longer purely pump and dump scamming gullible lurkers. Honestly, I really like the culture and comedy that's come with it.

I hope. Coins have their place on the board, they keep it active and I'm sure its an interesting topic to learn all about, but the problem is, not all of us want to talk about coins 99% of the time, thats why I think there should be a compromise, but coins are way more popular than other financial/economics topics so I'm hoping it goes back or we get a compromise, but theres a good chance it wont

Veeky Forums is about making money. If nocoiners can find me something more profitable than trading shitcoins I'd gladly talk about that but so far they've failed

*since late last year

I'll agree that it's a little unfortunate that there's not more variety being discussed. Stocks, forex, commodities, indices, and derivatives are all very interesting. Crypto traders should try expanding into them too.

Live Statistics:

Etheroll FAQ: Etheroll (DICE) for Newbies (FAQ) /r/etheroll/comments/6g6y7m/etheroll_dice_for_newbies_faq/

The Investment Case for Etheroll:

Latest Etheroll values updated in real time:

House Profit: 1,557.562 ETH (24h change: +157)

Next rewards/dividend period starts: Aug 7th /r/etheroll/comments/6rj9jj/1st_rewards_phase_update/

Number of bets: 73,861 (24h change: +1,842)

Addresses holding DICE: 1457 (24h change: +11)

% Total Gas Spent: 5.04

DICE Token @ 0.02084 ETH (+0.15%), $5.39 (13.43%), 24h volume: $431,994

no you have failed. no one else is responsible for your financial education but you.

Look at this shit.
Your board is so saturated with shilling and shitcoins that you're getting bots literally advertising in unrelated threads.

thats the beauty of traditional investments; free time

how's the next moon mission going?

feel free to leave

This is the first time I've come here in months. Feel free to improve your content anytime soon.

Live Statistics:

Etheroll FAQ: Etheroll (DICE) for Newbies (FAQ) /r/etheroll/comments/6g6y7m/etheroll_dice_for_newbies_faq/

The Investment Case for Etheroll:

Latest Etheroll values updated in real time:

House Profit: 1,557.562 ETH (24h change: +157)

Next rewards/dividend period starts: Aug 7th /r/etheroll/comments/6rj9jj/1st_rewards_phase_update/

Number of bets: 73,861 (24h change: +1,842)

Addresses holding DICE: 1457 (24h change: +11)

% Total Gas Spent: 5.04

DICE Token @ 0.02084 ETH (+0.15%), $5.39 (13.43%), 24h volume: $431,994

The fact that people like this still somehow exist is actually good for Bitcoin™

lurk more

my mistake, the assumption of cryptotard is usually a safe one here

>This nocoiner delusion
top lel

>>full of shills
welcome to crypto nucoiner. show me a successful coin that doesn't have shills.



>why's this board up?

because /shill/ has been renamed to Veeky Forums

maybe its not shills.

maybe people genuinely don't know what they're talking about.

the whale is a metaphor for a school of autistic fish

I'll take the left for 5000 internet points thanks

Looks like ethan from h3h3prod. Kek

I made more money in absolute terms this year by parking everything in low cost index funds than the vast majority of cryptocucks will ever make, and I've only had them since February

>come to biz expecting discussion on value analysis of companies
>find a board in perpetual cycle of crypto mooning!!!! >> crypto crashing!!!! > kek people who bought crypto!!!

Most of these crypto coins have negligible value as currency.

If you want theoretical profit go buy the power ball. It has the most skewed returns if you win.

I made 10k alone in the last 5 days by trading BCC. Started with 5k a few months ago.

I'm not against stocks, but 4% a year after inflation will not get you anywhere if you are not already rich.

Stop messing with my head. Makeup should be illegal and punished with heavy fines.

>4% a year after inflation
stop with this meme
long term equity return has only been this low if you dumped everything all at once at the peak in 2000

>Buy shitcoin.
>It moons making me 300% profit.
>Buy stock.
>3% profit, 1% after inflation.

Stocks are boring as fuck and only worth it if you can invest a shitload. Crypto is interesting since even neets can make big bucks. I mean what is the difference?

You can even do your company analysis on the projects if you like.

What about day trading penny stocks? I see it as the perfect compromise

The S&P averages ~12%. Hell even in this low interest rate environment triple A bond yields are 3.6%.

>buy shitcoin
>99% of them are dead ends

Crypto in everything but bitcoin is a zero sum game. You're just as likely to lose all your money than double it. Stocks you're investing in companies that on average grow their assets and earning power in line with the economy.

In real life its not about one time gains but having a framework of investing that yields consistent gains. A system that yields 7% consistently is equal to a system that yields 100% than yields nothing over 7 years. The richest investors are people who've made consistent gains over decades in the 20-30% range and all value investors. No one has exceeded this over a long period. Maybe you're the first person in history to have the ability to accurately forcast human emotion, but 99% chance whatever gains you make are short term luck.

There are extremely profitable high yield stocks/securities which are also high risk. Near bankrupt companies, drug companies, leveraged options.

Guranteed replies.This board is so full of manchildren that they will get butthurt enough to reply to obvious bait

I made 300% gainz in a few days. How's your stock investment going?

>My money will increase by 300% every few days,I will not be a bagholder doomed to sitting down and waiting for my bags price to rise

>all these newfags

>i dont understand btc is a new asset and when I will it will be too late

Congratulations. If you keep that up for the next two months and assuming you started with one dollar, I'll be hearing on the news about the world's first hundred-billionaire

I was thinking about this

At what tiers of investment do behaviours change? You know the drill: start with 2 grand, make 5% a day every day, by day 100 you're at 200k and between day 120 and 130 you're a millionaire

Where does it break down? around 100k? The 5% a day thing seems reasonable looking at market fluctuation and obviously you will get days where no matter what everything goes down by 20%, but even more than that I'm thinking about how you're supposed to cash out making money on low volume coins, where suddenly you realize you're trying to make 5% on more than a coins entire daily trade value.

So at what point do you need to start fucking around with smaller purchases, price suppression, maybe splitting your total so you can reinvest less at a time, but obviously once you hit a certain amount of money, going all in seems crazy

So what's the deal? is it 50k? 100k? 300k? Who has been from the bottom all the way up and noticed a difference in how you had to move your money around?

u gotta diversify your portfolio nigga

>asking who has gotten millions from crypto


I had to get used to some shit but people actually put in some work. It's really a community compared to this shithole. Still think some reddit shit is cringy af tho.