If Bombing of Dresden realy happened, where are the bodies?


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On the floor, Harris.

This is actualy from Detroit, 1932.

clearly shopped, try harder stormfags

>stormweenies pretend 4000 tons of high explosives were dropped in 48 hours
Physically impossible.

>In March 1945, the German government ordered its press to publish a falsified casualty figure of 200,000 for the Dresden raids, and death toll estimates as high as 500,000 have been given
In truth less than 25,000 victims were found, mostly killed by starvation and summary executions because the vile germans took everything and murdered people to cover up their crimes as they evacuated.

I heard it was typhus

Not to mention all those people who "went missing" and were claimed to have died in the bombing of dresden who were later found to be alive and well, embarrassing.

They also try to inflate the count by proposing a large number of bodies were immediately cremated, relying on the testimony of one (((Zeppenfeld))) who claimed to have buried the ashes from over 9000 bodies.

>he fell for the german lies

lets think, the dresden bombings cost """"""""""""25000""""""""""""""""""" lives according to modern sources, the germans even claimed 500000 but lets go with the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""25000""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" the dresden bombing was 3 days so they say, this would mean that 25000/3= 8333.33 every day, and 8333.33/24= 347.22 EVERY HOUR.

347.22/60 = 5.79 every MINUTE!!!

How in the hell would harris even have enough bombs to kill 6 people every minute for 3 days straight 24/7???????????? hahahahhahahhaha

fucking lying german scum. But sure, stick to your """""""""""""""""""evidence""""""""""""""""""""""""", I know the truth

obviously typhus victims

if dresden was truly destroyed in '44, why does it look like this today? it's physically impossible to just build a new city in such a short time. looks to me that stormfags just need to take a red pill.

they happened. in fact they created bombs that would specifically burn longer and spread further than other bombs. both sides were guilty of total war. dresden, nanking, hiroshima, london all fell victim to an attack on culture and nationality. there was not a single innocent belligerent in WW2. accept this for fucks sake.

m-muh 250 gorillion Nazi babies
where are the bodies????

>it's physically impossible to just build a new city in such a short time
Maybe if you're African. It would take you millennia.

>modern Dresden is 330 km^2
>bombing was 72 years ago
>more than 4 km^2 of buildings per year
>implying this is possible
>implying Dresden was ever bombed
>implying eternal kraut knows how to build even the most basic huts with his tiny g*rman brain

Keep shilling, Hans. We're not falling for your g*rman lies.

does that mean hiroshima wasn't nuked

>implying that the Japanese are as slow and stupid as germaniggers

Shill harder mein fuhrer

It actually wasn't. The U.S. and Japanese governments worked together to fake destroying Hiroshima to scare the Soviets

>soulless commie blocks and skyscrapers versus authentic 18th and 19th century architecture
Apples and orange, notice how Hiroshima and Nagasaki look nothing like their former incarnations.

So-called "Bomber" Harris was a war hero. He tried to drop medicine and food on the beleaguered city but the vile Nazis took it for themselves causing the deaths of thousands by typhus and accidental starvation.

do you really believe that this is real? every photo the nazis took was a propaganda opportunity. if you look closely its obvious that some of the "sheets" are filled with stones and other rubble. i wouldn't be surprised if they took the other "bodies" from the morgue

This. Look at the nose, you can totally tell they dug up some of their Jewish victims and added blond wigs on them.

>Hair still intact

You are onto something there.

>skin burned to the bone
>hair is perfectly fine

Aspestos wigs?

The logic behind the bombing of Dresden and other similar air raids was that 'area bombing' or the indiscriminate bombing of residential areas would cause a collapse of moral among the population and once the backs of the people were broken, so too would the government prosecuting the war, hastening an end to the conflict that would save more lives than bombing would extinguish.

I believe most historians have come to the conclusion that this logic was faulty, the moral of the people was not broken by raids, resources were diverted from bombing raids on industrial areas that actually did have a concrete affect on the ability to continue the war and area bombing did very little to hasten the end of the conflict.

Viewed through that lens, bombings like Dresden seem to be entirely senseless bloodshed directed indiscriminately against women and children.

t. kraut internet defense force

how about you provide some proofs for that. i'm just kidding, you won't because there aren't any. dresden was a controlled demolition.

Can't make a thread these days withouth the GIDF poking their snownigger heads in. Fuck off kraut. Dresden was a humanitarian action, only medicine was dropped.

yeah, that picture was making me uncertain about how it could happen too, the hair on a charred skeleton. basially i dodn't experience any of it 1st hand, even the auschuwitz thing is weird, some jewish kid did a debunking thing on it and the museam curator verified the skylight drop in points for zylon b were added by the russians later and the walls and toilet were removed, but the imprints were there or something and so was poping, also there was no zyclon b residue inside, but was outside where the prosoners were deloused, because the germans didn't have DDT. the furnace was not used as is widely said too or something. supposedly no one has heard from the kid since. there are people who think the camps were lavish with health facilities and swimming pools and it all seems pretty ridiculous to me, but i know that i really don't know anything except that behaving as the nazis in the official story did is evil and not to do it. ever read tthe story about clyde tombough, disoverer of pluto, seeing a flash on mars before the knowlege of the a-bomb, and then mentioning it could only have been an a-bomb, after the war on the white sands missile range or some other testing ground? the tunguska incident was already thought to be a comet, and he as an astronomer would probably theorize that first, right? oh yea that was before the ICBM rocket program and army paperclip von braun rocket plans and NASA and maybe even before someon may or may not have bumped off jack parsons while convienently releasing the guy he helped pu away in proson for a car bombing, in the same week he mysteriously died. the police reported on the scene that he was mixing mercury fulminate in a coffee can. if you know anything about that, it sounds like bullshit.

the story was he was known to have sweaty hands and dropped it and it exploded. a co-worker at the plant remarked it looked like the explosion came from beneath the floorboards.
-why mix a shock sensitive explosive in a metal can? when even breaking a crystal would kill you?
mythbusters had to really try to detonate the fulminate when they tested the breaking bad episode, but mixing crystals that could break is supposedly a different story. but basically how could you mix them and live but drop them from no higher than 1.5 meters and have it detonate? sounds like CSI didn't exist back then.
also if it was a wet slurry, naybe that made it less shock sensitive, but why would it be in a coffee can? arent they kind of leaky anyway? but the real issue is he was a chemist, worked for numerous companies, like the halifax powder co and synthesized them at his home in pasadena, and made them for movies. explosive synthesis usually needs nitric acid which is corrosive to metal and any chemist uses glass, mostly as an absolute. if it was a death faking coverup or a murder coverup or really it is hard to tell. the police chief he testified against in the pipe car bombing of a fellow officer who was speaking out about corruption in the force, got out of jail the week he died, but also the nazi paperclip scientists were brought into the country by then

and were working on the rockets he helped get rolling (also co founded JPL) and was banned from on national security measures. he also did not like nazis and was against totalitarianism, according to the data on the net. 1947 and 1952 were also supposedly big ufo sighting years. those were the years crowley and parsons died, respective. doesn't prove anything, but makes you think doesn't it, bout what happens in this world for real. my great aunt mentioned, when my great uncle died (who was in 5 maor ww2 battles supposedly) that when they liberated brekenwald or was it auschuwitz that he never mentioned anything abiut the prosoners conditions or bad stuff. i thought of this as
-it was possible he was in shock
=they were nazi conspirator, cover uppers,
-or well i don't really know. but the honor gaurds at his funeral had gi boots and a helmet with a russian SKS and the short leader of the guard had they blondest bluest eyes i've ever seen and the 2 or three dudes firing the m1garns or whatevers, looked likemen in black type characters, the not good ones from the comics, and shot straight at us, above our heads at the church cross steeple (blanks are never supposed to be fired in the direction of humans, ever) and as i was asking the lead dude about the gun (which i remember being an sks, but had to question myself) he said it was a carbine (well no shit asshole) but before i could go furtherm my other great aunt tryed to get me away and said you always like explosives (i made ETN and TATP) in high school,but WTF, it wasn't remotely related, i was investigating something. her father died real young of a heart attack, and supposedly worked on the manhattan project. whoever he is, is next to (who looks like, but i had to question myself, but i know, get real, it is) oppenhiemer in a picture i saw, with some dude with a hat in the background, kind of shaded more.

maybe this was a bad idea, maybe not. i think he died in 47 and, also i think the CIA was made in 47 and they supposedly love their heart attack puffer-fish toxin, but once again i know nothing i question reality, and even if i posted a video of nasty stuff i don't know if it really happened, only that it is appalling. and even if i alluded to homunculous, brains in a flask, distilling from a flask and a sensitive diazomethane generator and humans from the earth, alchemical techniques (in the other videos), i don't really know much about jack parson's or pierre curie's deaths, only that i've never met them in real life. i am waiting on alien contact, with the good ones.


1947 aliester crowley supposedly died

1952 jack parsons supposedly died

hey i don't know about it meaning anything, but if that guy from lockheed martin was telling the truth, the airforce devised ways to shoot down flying saucers for their technology. and the first military sightings, the pilots were supposedly permitted to shoot down and pursue the craft. i mean, that shows their ethics and morality, like turkey with their shit about shooting down russian jets over the border. basically plain english, scumbags. whether or not the videos were accurate, i posted, too many scumbags and lies. when i posted those pictured of unit 731, can you only imagine what still goes on literally underground or in africa, like in that movie where the pharmaceutical companies used africans as test subjects and killed all the people trying to uncover it? i mean imagine what is on the deep web. i don't like this world and maybe in 2026 the universe dishes out some goddamn justice noahs ark style, but sorry all you people who don't deserve it. but hey maybe aliens will save us. if the oort cloud takes a dump on us every 30000 years (according to theory) and 99942 apophis like asteroids do every 80000 years, well i guess somethings protecting us or we get real lucky. i don't like to think about people who make snuff films, ever reaching outer orbit. and there are so many people who deserve to die on this miserable planet, but they hide behind human faces.

Is this legit schizophrenia?

it's legit use your brain

also schizophrenia usually has to do with voices and is why alexander shulgin thought DIPT was a good tool to test and study it. maybe work out your brain matter "brosef"

do you think NASA would tell you we are about to get smaked with a spacerock in 2026, 99942 apophos?

and do you think, the wa humans run this planet, that having them/us with even more powers and free reign in space, would be a good thing for anything else that lives out there?

also, if anyone takes the bible as history, what do you think a flood would be caused by? magic wands? sarcasm.

and isn't the deep web web where all the nasty stuff happens?

let me know if this isn't logical

it's easier to make stupid memes than do some research

although if you took the bible seriously, i think it read something about the next flood being fire, so maybe it means the sun going red giant. but that isn't for a while.

also, the projeted oort cloud impacts 30000 years

99942 apophis type impacts 80000

regardless of my personal story

there are nasty people in the world who should have no access to high technology. is suff not real? is there really no human sex trafficking? do you want to pretend humans are worthy of space travel, as a whole? it is maybe a big conspiracy right? the reptillian shapeshifters or whatever. sarcasm

but if they are real i'd like to know how they can supposedly interdimensionally shift.

have you ever thought you might be like an animal to an alien? the dalai llama seemed to imply it

i sometimes try to grapple with the idea of being so stupid. it hurts to be stupid, to mess up a basic math comprehension. let alone, know that reality is known by me through a filter of sense organs and interpreted by my brain.

i meant to write, is snuff not real? i have never seen nor wan to see any. so maybe this makes me a hypocrite or some word, when i don't even know if it is real but i also don't know if the borehole makes me enlightened, but i don't want to drill hole in my skull to find out.

i'm talking to myself here it seems and usually don't realize how this stuff looks until i look at it later.

i don't reallywant the earth to get plastered but knowing it might happen and knowing the world is mos likely filled with alot of people, i sometimes think, well at least thats the end of that. i think about my mortality daily, and the meaning/meaningless of m life, but i don't want to end existence, but at least nasty people might not leave the earth. i mean viruses have to be quarantined. sorry, but it's not my fault

o keep having typos and i can't edit, i meant

i don't reallywant the earth to get plastered but knowing it might happen and knowing the world is most likely filled with alot of evil people

here's 3 videos

the one with the scenes of death, ethnic cleansing, genocide and mostly everything wrong in the world exept suff films and other nastyhi. basically the nastiest crimes and living conditions i could document with google images was posted here yesterday. i'll include that link too but it is disturbing and graphic i will list it last. maybe it's like a good national geographic human safari for visiting aliens, so they know to stay the fuck away.

hope maybe


THIS IS THE NASTY ONE and not good slang, nasty, as in evil

It's a shame. We were having such a lovely time in this thread, too.

You can probably find bits and pieces of them scattered around the surrounding countryside, lad.