How come Protestant nations are more sucessfull than Catholic nations? Except from France and maybe Ireland
Protestant nations
Sucessful in what?
France, Italy and Spain alone can buttfuck the rest of Europe if they want....
Ireland lol my sides...
''muh strenght in numbers''
Protestant work ethic.
Salty cathocuck detected
Stay mad Proddo
>posting a map of the greatest shitholes in the world
W-whats wrong with Ireland?
Britain's former colonies became the largest economy on earth, Spain's former colonies never even got close to that.
Italy and Spain are more corrupt and less economically successful than most Protestant nations
This. When Luther translated the Bible to German, he translated 'job' as 'Beruf'. That word has an almost religious meaning, as in 'calling'. It's something you have to do.
Just look how worklike Americans are in comparison to Italians, who don't take shit seriously.
what these guys said
Max Weber has an interesting point of view on the matter. "The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism" is actually a pretty easy read.
Basically, Protestants think of hard work and economic success as personnal duty (virtue from within) and confirmation from God, respectively, while catholics tend to see work merely as a means to the end of surviving and focus more on external signs of virtue (and think being rich is a sin). Catholics rely on someting that almost resembles karma when considering life after death, while protestants tend to be all "fuck you i'm a chosen one and my success is proof", hence the differing work ethics
Ireland along with Switzerland are the best European countries, while France, Italy and Spain are third-world shitholes.
>Ireland is any good and France can be lumped together with Spain and Italy
10/10 gave me a hearty laugh
ireland is mississippi-tier get real ya sheep fucking potato starved fucks
Successful in what, exactly?
Italian renaissance period invented capitalism you pleb.
>Just look how worklike Americans are in comparison to Italians, who don't take shit seriously.
Italian Americans are one of the most successful minorities in murrica
Economy, war, etc
B-b-but muh work ethic.
No etc., be precise.
Isn't most of sub-Saharan Africa Protestant?
What the fuck are you on about? Have you ever been to Ireland or read anything about it other than angry anglo's on here saying
>Muh empire Ireland belongs to us but it's shitty so we don't want it anyways XD
Where ;do you live eh?
France, Italy, and Spain have each produced more culture and glory than the entire Protestant world combined.
>implying ireland is worse than italy and spain
Someone doesn't know what they're talking about, and it's not me.
australia is catholic
Protestant work ethic is a literal myth, it doesn't exist.
t. Lutheran
The richest part of Germany is Bavaria - which is Catholic. Switzerland and the Netherlands also have a Catholic plurality, and North Italy is one of the richest regions in Europe.
cancer up, only the province of North-Brabant is catholic, the absolute rest of the country is protestant
And muslim ofcourse ;l)
pick one
Irish user here, can confirm.
The successful regions of Europe are the same as always since the late middle ages long before protestantism became a thing.
It just happened that some of these historically successful nations embraced protestantism to wrest control of their churches and minimize the pope's influence.
French Huguenots and the Protestant ascendancy make France and Ireland excellent examples of proddy superiority.
Literally all of these places are shit holes apart from the parts ceased by proddys, California, Louisiana, the Netherlands, some islands etc.
Compare the prosperity of Spanish and Portuguese colonies with large Latino populations to British colonies with large British Diasporas. The latter art the most prosperous countries in human history, the former - third world.
Southern England has given more to the world of lasting value in the past 5 centuries than the entire catholic laity has in 2 millennia.
Except Ireland was a destitute backwater while the protestant ascendency was in power.
Reminder that Catholic Ireland is economically successful and has pretty much recovered from the recession while the 'Protestant state for a Protestant people' Northern Ireland is a complete failure reliant on British handouts.
France is superior to England in every way
The existence of a total shithole like Britain proves that protestant wealth is a meme. It's literally third world compared to Switzerland, Northern Italy, Bavaria or Austria.
>Italian Americans are one of the most successful minorities in murrica
When my great Grandfather was asked why he immigrated to the United States from Italy, his response according to my dad, in his thick Italian accent was:
"Because ya get-ta keepa ya paycheck"
What about Orthodox countries?
They're all utter shit, but they weren't always shit. Constantinople used to be the biggest European hub of knowledge, science and wealth. Turks and Mongols raped Orthodox countries hard and communism finished the job.
Protestant wealth was no meme from the late 17th century to WW1. Catholic assassination plots and political meddling compelled British Monarchs to tolerate the various new denominations that cropped up and opposed papistry, episcopalians, calvinists, quakers, unitarians, methodists, presbyterians, baptists... It led to new ways of thinking. Galileo was persecuted by authorities, Isaac Newton was given patronage.
I concede this revolution was not dependent on protestantism. Soon what was "protestant wealth" transformed into Anglo capitalism, then international capitalism. The spread to other cultures began in the 19th century and the transition was complete after the G*rmanic ruined everything. The wealth moved out of Britain, all that's left now is The City, Oxbridge and some old money.
>France is superior to England in every way
>every way
I live in Ireland so
No were absolutely nowhere near Switzerland. Our infrastructure is not maintained anywhere near their standard, our unemployment is shameful compared to their or even the UK, stop believing GDP memes, we always have been and always will be a poor nation. We don't care about competing with other countries in wealth so we have no problem in admitting it. We are poor
Ireland has recovered only so far as foreign companies come to Dublin because of low corporate taxes. Once you leave Dublin the situation is not as brilliant as you think. And the reason the north has not recovered is because, quite like the north of England, they were an industrial region and the UK has no desire to invest in a revitalisation of the north's economy. Britain is quite happy for NI to remain poor and unstable
>when the heretics start acting up again
>protestant countries are overwhelmingly atheist now
>Islam second largest religion in northern Europe