How far away is this? What are your projections?
Mass adoption
Other urls found in this thread:
-Payment processor spends 10 days downloading entire block chain
-customer gets his bitcoin wallet out which is held by a 3rd party scam like Tenx or MONACO since he can't download the entire block chain on his smart card
-customer swipes card on payment processor
-wait 3 days for transaction to confirm
-gets charged 50% of the product price on transaction fees
-1 year later the 3rd party ICO scam goes bankrupt and steals the customers bitcoin/ETH
That's how it's going to work
Unless you can do it without needing to download the whole block chain or having to hold your coins in a 3rd party ICO scam wallet, then it's never going to be adopted
thought it said CoinKike
phew, that was a close one
Yes we need the banks to fix this for us, they have experiance. blockstream is already working for us and making money so more will folow.
already exists
Buy and hold monaco
ARK will fix it for us
Then why use cryptos at all, idiot.
I heard Amy Ingram is a slut
You have it all figured out. You're a genius
Bitcoin will be never used as a payment option, simply because the "fees" will be worth shitload in few years. It should be renamed into BitGold or something like that. Ripple will be the currency IMO.
Bitcoin will never be used daily, it's basically gold to pre 1973 fiat.
Something like ripple or TenX or even anyone may get a deal with visa and that is when it will roll out. Then you'll. Have Amex on another coin.
scam. why no visa logo??
Within 2 years
Ripple? haha ripple isnt a currancy you idiot
>invests emotionally
>thinks ripple isn't a currency
Holy fuck you're gonna have a bad time.
Gotta be honest. Ripple kind of annoys me for transactions. I own about 5000 and everytime I send them to a new wallet I loose 20 of them. Kinda gay.
haha, so did I
I wouldn't be surprised if that shit was owned by kikes, though
18 months
I actually had a bunch of Coinkite cards they sent me for free. Don't remember if I ever used it though.
I thought IOTA is supposed to solve this problem
Wtf is wrong with people like you?
You're trading cryptos all day and never heard of Lightning network?
Paging Nick Szabo to the thread
And you've never heard of the miners who decide what is and isn't a part of bitcoin doing everything in their power to stop it? The lightning network would take all of the money away from mining.
The lightning network is a pipedream that. Will. Not. Happen.
The people who buy it
Came here to post this.
It's literally not though. You're the type of faggot who thinks ETH is a currency as well.
The idea of BTC was to cut the banks out you retard. What we need is some kind of way to compress the blockchain to a tiny, tiny format.
(ark doesnt need to download a blockchain)
You don't need the miners for it to work. From my understanding it works by building another network on top of bitcoin and turning the "can spend flag" off. Then these addresses are added to a network and transactions will be possible by starting from that point onwards since the addresses are locked.
>The idea of BTC was to cut the banks out you retard.
Nope it was not, it was just a shill thing to make people accept digital currencies, that at the future will be used by the elites.
Digital currencies are planned at least since the 70s, I knew about if before I even discovered cryptocurrency was a thing