Yeah the big blockers will centralise Bitcoin. Yes that's bad. I think it'd be worse when Core devs enrich themselves by depositing your coins with banks. Yeah they call it lightening network or whatever but it's a bank. A bank that will follow your transactions, step in for the government to watch over you and tax and eventually enslave your asses all over again. yeah, that is so much preferable than some greedy chink making more bucks. Fucking cucks.
Bitcoin will be centralised. The Banks or Chinks, the choice is yours
Its ok, bitcoins deflationary nature will make us all rich. The banks can't print money into existence anymore, its like going back to gold standard. I like it.
Great analogy!
Do you remember what happened to all dat GOLD? It was confiscated, dumbass!
The gold standard sucked though.
How are those bcash bags holding up Rajeesh?
So you'd rather have a centralized layer one instead of a centralized layer 2? Kys
>implying Veeky Forums actually cares about decentralized money
everyone here just wants to get rich
If that happened, BTC would just be forked to a variant algorithm that renders all those billions of dollars worth of ASICs absolutely worthless.
Can any of those smart asses elaborate?
Whats wrong with bitcoin+banks its like bitcoin+more money. I can just keep on using it as usual.
aka vertcoin
This centralised story is fake, miners are not centralised, they are everywere. Blockstream and Core are centralised, censoring, coordinated hacking atacs, stealing, secret agendas, etc.
Not really. It'd just be a hard fork of BTC and would continue to be the real BTC. You can change any aspect of a crypto with community consensus, and if BTC became centralized you wouldn't have any problem getting that consensus among the actual users. The chinese would go on farming their worthless fork for a while before giving up, and investors would probably be hesitant to build massive farms again after something like that. The ASICs wouldn't even have much resale value since they're so specialized.
> Hey dude, I can hold your BTC bags, as long as you deposit them into the Fed's Network. In return, you can spend up to 100 BTC for every 10 BTC you deposit.... as long as you pay them back...
> Oh you can only spend those in our network. But don't worry, there'll be no transaction fees, maybe just 1% of how much you spent every month.
> Do we actually have the BTC to back up the credit we issue? SUUURE, it's nonsense to believe that we don't have them.
Shit like that.
I don't know why people hate on the Chinese miners so much, they literally took a huge risk minting a pseudoanonymous currency in one of the most oppressive nations in the world, meanwhile Blockstream and core cucks are groveling to the taxman and rent seeking class here in the states, they have no bravery or spine to stand for anything but making a profit and sell out Satoshi's vision.
>banks adopt bitcoin
>Bitcoin use rises 10000%
>all current holders are millionaires
I don't see the problem
>Core is bad Blockstream is bankster coin!!
Except you'll have Bitcoin crippled at ~2k because its not actually used while the derivatives are. Just like the total value of gold is barely anything.
Better chinks than yanks or kikes.
Core devs are the most centralised aspect of bitcoin. The fact that they have so much power is a flaw. Bitcoin was supposed to be governed by nakamoto consensus, but apparently it is governed by social consensus and so not much better than a banker coin.
Still, I'm rich off it so I can't complain too much. But the idealism with which I originally invested has been destroyed.
Looks like the Bcash shills are out in force again. Did Roger tell you to leave plebbit and go to a Corsican flute playing website instead?
The most amazing part is the most libertarian anti regulation control and censorship invention since the Internet was taken over by the corporations. Core is funded by AXA and will never let BTC win as a platform (a.i. as Ripple), so it'll do a take over of all hubs and limit the blocksize to only 1mb, AGAINST THE EXPLICIT ORIGINAL PLAN OF SATOSHI - he planned to go VISA scale using the blockchain (it could be easily accomplished using smart contracts on sidechains).
>Let's maintain an outdated system run by jews that led to multiple economic crashes where only the poor and middle class felt the consequences and exponentially widen the wealth gap bc fuck the hardworking orientals who risked their livelihoods to invest in an illegal internet currency
ok op
"Hello sir, this is Pajeet, id number 3352. I am not a shill, I really think bcash is the future of money. Core and private investors evil, Chinese comunist government good"
If you dont like the lightning network you don't have to use it, retard