can any of you oldfags share some advice with new/poorfag? How do I get good at this cryptoshit?
Can any of you oldfags share some advice with new/poorfag? How do I get good at this cryptoshit?
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I started out begging and collecting coins from faucets.
This past month I sold a ton of shit on ebay to help me afford buying all of the weakened coins..
There are lots of ways to accumulate currency, OP. In what way do you wanna make money off of crypto? If you're a starting-up poorfag with 0.00 crypto in your pocket, I suggest grabbing a snack and a drink and spending an afternoon watching horrible advertisements in order to earn tiny amounts of bitcoin.
Another bit of good advice for newfags is: Never ask for advice. Nobody really knows what they're doing and will try and sell you bullshit.
-don't get greedy
-don't panic sell
-don't panic buy
Buy whatever you can afford in the top 100. They're all going to moon.
Go forth, and read their FAQ. Get familiar with Bitcoin itself before you come here to worry about altcoins. ICN as it's being accumulates by manipulative whale
2.hodl until the 16th they announce the DAA Managers
Buy Via - anything near 40000sat is good.
Buy Wings - anything near 14000sat is good.
Buy Bancor - anything near 65000sat is good
Buy IOC - anything near 32000sat is good.
that's the list. Dont Fomo buy the hype such as NEO and SIGT.
thanks for respsonding
>In what way do you wanna make money off of crypto?
mainly learning how to work the market. When to buy/sell kind of things.
Currently a wageslave, so I don't have much to throw in from my bank, but I try and toss in $20 or so once in a while. Mainly messing with BTC and ETH until I get a better grasp on all this.
and to anything else reading this thread, give me some shit to read. websites, books, whatever. I just wanna learn about this crazy world of crypto, inside and out
Buy a promising coin with a good dev and good future at an undervalued marketcap.
Don't buy at the height of pumps.
If you think a dump won't go further, it usually does.
Best holds are mid term and long term. Don't try day trading unless it's volatile and you have the money for it.
Read charts, depth and buy/sell support to get a feel of the market.
Gut instinct, the first thought on a decision, tends to be the best. The more you over think it, the more you convince yourself otherwise. This doesn't mean to jump at the first idea you get, but if you think 'X will do Y' then don't act on it, it's because you were thinking on it too much.
If you're poor, get a loan. If you're unwilling to gamble a lot to win a lot, then use whatever money you have that you're fine with losing.
Do you use twitter?
Lots of good crypto-related tweeters out there...
I always seek out and follow the twitter pages for emerging coins, and there are also handy crypto-related business twitters run by devs.
If you really wanna get into Trading crypto, get connected to Coinbase (or whatever site in your country that'll accept fiat for crypto) and follow this anons --> advice
Your best bet to start is to buy a modest amount- say $1000 in bitcoins - and forget about it for a year. But don't stop there! Continue dropping chump change on bitcoin every time you see tyhe price drop. I personally buy $10 BTC every day whenever I see a small dip.
The other surefire bet is to get ahold of a very small amount of bitcoin and use it to buy other coins- I've had personal success in doubling my investments by buying a shit ton of really cheap coins and trickle-selling them. Start of with 10,000 coins of some kind and sell 10% everytime the price goes up by 20%
Also, isn't exactly right, but this is Year Three of Altcoins - everything IS going to moon, but the real gains will be just holding a single unit of currency to begin with. You are the early adopter, OP.
>buy Bancor
Don't listen to that faggot. Something you will quickly learn in crypto is that the most shilled coins are often the worst investment. Bancor has a huge number of bagholders right now desperate to sell you their bags. The coin's performance has been consistently abysmal and the whole project is bordering on a scam
In general stay away from over-shilled coins. You get rich in crypto by making your research, identifying and picking the small gem before the hype has kicked in.
And that lead to the other important point: DON'T FOMO.
FOMO( fear of missing out ) is panic buying and it's even worse than panic selling. If you're missing out on something don't chase it unless it's in really early stages. That's too bad but there will be another time ( there always is in crypto ) Always buy low.
Here's the only advice that you'll need. Don't take advice from Veeky Forums. 99% of everyone here are newfags who have no idea what they're doing and are only telling you to buy shit they've already invested in.
I've been into crypto since 2013. 2014 was just like it is today. New coins being created every day, and today 9/10 are dead. Same shit will happen to the ones we're seeing today.
Buy ETH and BTC, don't sell for a few years.
Veeky Forums never fails for a good laugh
look, buddy, bancor raised over 150 mil
nobody gives a flying fuck what your dumbass with $2,000 thinks, okay?
if the project garners enough attention to raise that much value, and have a team with over 20 members, its not "bordering a scam"
i dont know what your problem is but your opinions are laughable and you make literally no difference in the crypto world
the millionaires have spoken,and bancor will succeed
I hope so user
No it won't, bagholder. Enjoy your worthless tokens.
I don't know how many times this has been said already but if any of you guys did some research you will realize that:
1- Bancor the company has the potential to be huge in the crypto space
2- Bancor tokens have no real use and will never be valuable
Do your own research and stop shilling or shitting on things you don't understand
Buy thin air with worthless paper and increase your worthlessness by 100x.
Buy lambos, hookers, and blow to stay happy.
Let it all sink in and still be unhappy.
Fork yourself and repeat the cycle.
>New coins being created every day, and today 9/10 are dead
I see hundreds of them on coinmarketcap and most don't actually have a real product.. some have just 1 dev, barely any github activity, but with millions of dollars thrown at them.. HOW DO YOU TELL WHAT IS A GOOD COIN OR NOT???
who do u follow on twitter senpai?
You perfectly described how to tell. The ones with a real product and an active dev team are the good ones.
The ones with an in demand use case and a good chance to corner that market are the great ones.
How in the fuck can you say with a straight face BNT is worth what it is today? It's down what 65% in the past few months which is really fucking hard to do. Can you actually explain what the fuck it does? You'll regurgitate some white paper lines or /biz memes that you don't really undertand. It's like 25 lines of code. That's $6 million per line and they don't have a fucking product and I very seriously doubt they will. I wouldn't even touch Bancor with your small bagholder dick. Don't fall for this OP.
accumulate and HODL
maybe invest a little in a low cap coin, from time to time.
>t. brainlet
look champ, just because you don't understand something doesn't mean its worthless.
try explaining literally any of your favorite cryptocurrencies to your grandfather and understand the way he acts is how you're acting now
youre just fucking ignorant, not right.
1) Buy high sell low
2) Buy the news, sell the hype
3) If you want max gains, put every penny you have in crypto
Just stop being a brainlet. If you can't just become a wagecuck like everyone else
>didn't address his point
>lol brainlet XD
this place is full of scammers and 15 year olds
OP take note of just how fucking retarded the person to whom i'm replying is
Just buy BNT and wait
>all those lies and disinfo
Nigga are you even trying? This is why nobancs will always remain poor losers
This is how you daytrade
Easy 300EUR
Good advice right here.
>Bancor tokens have no real use and will never be valuable
Objectively wrong, they are literally an innovative technology and even an innovative monetary paradigm
>if you think 'X will do Y' then don't act on it, it's because you were thinking on it too much
This is the best advice I could give.
I can name literally a hundred or more times where I've thought "yeah..that coin is going to go up to X because of reason Y. I'm sure of it.." but didn't act on it because "well...what if it doesn't..?" and talked myself out of it. And then of course it does.
you have to decide whether you want to be an investor, daytrader or both. if u want to be an investor you have to understand cryptoshit. which is hard even for nerds. if u wanna be a daytrader you have to understand a lot of cryptoshit too, but also orderbooks, different buys/sells and charts.
best advice is to watch youtube and learn from there and in the start use insignificant amounts of money to buy & sell and write down how much you earned and which percentage you got when you won, and when u lose, do the same and write down why you lost.
in the start you won't understand a damn thing.
does it work if im in europe but my country doesnt use the euro(uses NOK).
and is it all about TA?
Simple, buy equal amounts of:
Wait two years.
No need to thank me.
thos points have been addressed countless times, you niggers never learn because the only reason why you hate the coin is because muh joos, nothing else
take a long term loan (like 10 years)
buy 9 btc, 40 eth and 1000 ans.
check the value every 6 months.
sell at 7 digits.
Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says
lurk, lurk, lurk. learn how to differentiate between fullon shilling and actual, viable good tips.
crypto is one of those things were being an oldfag actually pays of great.
>SEC hanging out around 720-800 sats all morning
>Buy at 698
>See it go to 740
>hodl for 800
>Its at 600 now, half a day later
fUCK daytrading
it was at 270 for weeks. wtf are you doing playing with pumps. zoom out, new friend