ITT: we discuss the greatest empire in history
ITT: we discuss the greatest empire in history
turkposting thread?
How come every time someone post a map of the Ottoman empire it gets bigger.
Is that Samhet Hydelogu?
This map seems to be counting places raided by the Barbary Corsairs as part of Kebab.
british empire was the greatest
The majority of that empire was sand nigger territory or African mudhuts. What's so great about that?
British Empire or Roman was best empire desu senpai
This map is actually accurate. Most modern maps dont add in de factor desert controlled by Ottomans.
Aside from the Iceland raid of the Turkish corsairs, most were annexed or vassalized territory.
>This map is actually accurate
Are you serious?
Turks never annexed Sicily, Sardinia or those areas of Spain and France colored in the map.
Do some research before spouting bullshit and correcting other people.
Turks did hold Otranto castle and surrounding territory for 9 months during Mehmed II's push into Italy
Ottoman fleets were stationed in Corsica and south france when the French Turkish alliance began, but yes south france and sardinia are the only wrong parts.
>The majority of that empire was sand nigger territory or African mudhuts.
>British Empire was the best empire desu senpai
fuck off
>Turks did hold Otranto
Ye, and?
Otranto is a single city, that map is clearly exaggerating since it includes half os South Italy, Sicily and Sardinia
>Ottoman fleets were stationed in Corsica
Yes, because they were French allies, but they didn't really control the island
>south france and sardinia
Sicily, Andalusia, Catalonia and Calabria are also wrong.
yellow teeth subhuman anglos literally had 90% of their """""""empire"""""""" in shitskin wastelands
This map doesn't show the full extent of the glorious Turkish Empire.
Cleary western propaganda.
What is
>13 colonies
>New Zealand
>Hong Kong
>South Africa
even India was improved under us. I'd rather have a bunch of poo in the loo Hindu's n Sikh's before I have Muslims and Jamal and his Melanin enriched friends
ottomans are for plebs,
the better roachaboo empire is Seljuk Turks
Fucking iceland?
That isn't wrong?
>inb4 "they raided there a couple of times"
If all it takes to claim territory is to attack it a couple of times than British empire owned 80/90% of the world.
>even India was improved under us.
I'm not the roach but let's not go that far senpai.
you need to understand that iceland was a couple of villages.
An ambitious corsair named "Murat the Younger", a de facto vice admiral, took 15 ships and occupied all icelandic forts as part of a raid directed against English interests.
As part of the French-Turkish alliance, Murat the Younger wanted to harm English projection in the region.
He basically owned Iceland for 6 months, then took around 5% of the population as hostages back to France and Turkey.
Turkish and Barbary corsairs' ENTIRE modus operandi was to support Ottoman and French operations by creating disruptions.
Does that mean the real size of the British Empire was this?
invading and holding for more than a month are different things
6 months is a considerable amount of time.
The duration Napoleon held parts of Egypt was much shorter, but people still count it as "conquest".
>there are t*rks in here that unironically defend this map
Turkey is one of the most nationalistic countries on earth I don't know what anyone expected.
>The majority of that empire was sand nigger territory or African mudhuts
>British Empire was best empire
At least the Ottomans had a large part of the Balkans the only white territory you had was Ireland. The Ottomans were also strong, while the British Empire was a paper tiger that could have easily been ended had the nations of Europe banded together against it.
Nationalism is the future my friend.
That's how we will conquer the stars.
>while the British Empire was a paper tiger that could have easily been ended had the nations of Europe banded together against it.
But for now, Germany.
Not turk but the turks had influence in all the territories on OP's map, but using one color doesn't make a distinction between puppet states, areas of influence and the empire itself, which is misleading, the chronology is wrong as well.
People are being ironic.
There was this Australian Turk LARPing tripfag that used to pull shit like this on a daily basis just to make people hate Turks even more than before. Using the same shitty image in the OP and all.
>Not turk but the turks had influence in all the territories on OP's map
No they didn't, occasional raiding the coasts (and having your ship sunken in the process sometimes) is not an influence.
Oh god, that was that Sultan Mehmed Perplanada guy right? The guy took his shiposting to a new level, even made his own turk reaction images.
Google it for even more aussie bantz.
too bad the UK was playing Europe against each other.
ireland, basically the nigger of europe, but i also couldn't help but notice that you wrote this post in english not turkish
holy shit they act blacks
>tfw we speak the language of the Romans but don't acknowledge their God-tier status
Turks only held a fucking city in Italy, not fucking Icland
they held literally the closest point in Italy geographically speaking to their shitty empire
It's what they do best lmao
I love how, no matter how much T*rks exaggerate, the border will ALWAYS stop at Vienna.
Also reminder that Turkey only exists because of the eternal Venetian.
>they propably know too little about the osmans to accept you as a Janichar
What do you mean buddy?
>greatest empire
>couldn't even conguer Morocco
>had major rebelion waves every 25 years
>got fucked in the end by every neighbour, even by the eternal anglo
>contributed nothing to modern civilization
Brought the western powers tech n laws like the british, spanish, french would have been nothing as they were without the roman empire
>For 6 months
I've never been a fan of anachronistic "all the territory we held for a day" maps. Because a map like that gives Canada random areas around the globe that Canadian troops liberated in WW2. Or gives Taiwan all the Republic of China territory. Anachronistic "maximum extent" maps are the ultimate in WE WUZing
we wuz manifest destiny n shiet
there's probaably quite a few occupations I forgot, I'm only counting at least a month.
When the fuck did Britain invade Poland, Ukraine, Russia etc?
never heard of the crimean war?
Oh fuck that's good.
>It STILL ends at Vienna
Top kek.
>Turks once got stopped at the gates of Vienna
>now Vienna is full of Turks
>even India was improved under us
I like how every time I see this picture, the land controlled by Ottomans gets bigger
I find Turkish pride in the Ottoman Empire quite funny.
The elite cadres of the empire - both military and bureaucratic - were dominated by non-Turks. The ruling dynasty took so many foreign wives and concubines that only the earliest sultans could even be considered ethnically Turkish. The official language of the empire was a mixture of Arabic, Persian and Turkish and most of its high literature is utterly incomprehensible to modern Turks. Most of its subjects were non-Turks who gleefully stabbed them in the back at the first opportunity they got.
Anatolia was largely neglected and it was even considered an insult to be called a Turk after a certain point because the word was associated with the unwashed peasantry. Ottoman culture was not Turkish culture. Read Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoglu's Yaban and you'll get a glimpse of the contempt the cosmopolitan city-dwellers had for the rural Turks as late as the early 20th century.
It took Turkey decades to recover from the loss of its Greek, Armenian and Jewish artisans in the tumult following 1914. The country lost its skilled workers. The Turks that replaced them in the cities were unskilled peasants that took decades to develop into civilized peoples.
For all its map-painting glory, the Ottoman Empire did less for the Turks in 600 years than Ataturk did for them in 16 years.
race is a social construct in EVERY empire
English Imperial dynasties were either French or German blood, never Saxon or Briton.
Russian Imperial dynasties were basically Prussian in genes.
Keep in mind that Turks haven't been servants to another culture since before 200 BC when the Chinese had subjugated them.
Briefly the Rouran Avars controlled the area but never dominated Turks.
Like a god damn hurricane they created a streak of dominant empires.
Turkey was founded by an Ottoman General, Ottomans were founded by a Seljuk noble, Seljuks were founded by an Oghuz Yabgu adventurer, Oghuz were the western branch of Gokturks, who were in turn the military part of the Xiongnu confederation.
Sure Turkey is only a regional power right now, but they dominated history for 2000 years in many forms, cut them some slack.
A lot of those countries didn't exist back then.
Byzantine those fuckers outlived the Roman fucking empire only to cuck'd by the H.R.E.
The Ottoman Empire even before taking Constantinople with its "Turkic" hordes pretty hugely ethnically assimilated by Anatolians, Persians/Iranians, Armenians, Greeks, and other people in the Caucasus. They stopped being "ethnically" Turkic racially speaking about a thousand years ago.
t. rapebabby trying to justify his genetic soup
Face it, we reaved your ancestors with the Big Brown Dick
I wish that one day someone is gonna fix that picture to make it an accurate map and that one day we can have a Ottoman thread without the intention being to "troll".
No he is right you know. Take the Seljuks for example, they quickly valued Persian/Farsi over Turkish. It didn't take long from them to adapt and "steal" cultures. Turkish culture is not the transexual of cultures.
>we speak the language of the romans
>We wuz Iceland
Turkroach get out plz thx
Ottoboos are like byzaboos: they think their shit was way better than it actually was and can't accept the fact that it's gone
>Invaded a neighbor
Wow guys, remember that time in history when the US owned Vietnam and was part of it's hegemony because occupation during war=land ownership
>Muslims and Jamal
>What is British Palestine and South Africa
Sure they may not use them, but at least they have toilets now
"Someone please, save me from the G*rmans."
You called
It's sad that the Greeks were booted out of Anatolia after thousands of years because of some opportunistic shitheads. Byzantium simply as a state is one of the longest lasting polities in history.
Imagine if a nation like France or Russia just stopped existing.
They were barely raided. They kicked the Dutch Turk out p easily with only a small portion abducted. Stop acting like the sultan owned Iceland
Let's assume Greeks had been the dominant culture of Anatolia since Alexander's conquests in ~330 BC (ignoring the ancient colonies) up until the Battle of Manzikert ~1100 AD. That means about ~1400 years of strong Greek presence in Anatolia (plus Syria and Caucasus).
Russia, if we begin counting from the Kievan Rus, has existed for like, what, 1200 years, and about 500 years as an actual great power.
Most of us can't begin to imagine a world without Russians or other powerful nations. It's just insane that they disappear like that. It should be a lesson to us all.
You mean the mongols not you roach
>implying morroco wasn't a vassal
>implying most rebellions weren't small scale and solved quite easily till the 19th century
Atleast nothing at the scale of the French revolution happened.
Nice projection, faggot.
The map is somewhat accurate if it's anachronistic like that famous map of the British Empire. The Ottomans, or rather Barbary pirates who swore fealty to the Ottoman Sultan, did control Iceland's population centers for a few months. Al that empty desert in what is now Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Algeria was claimed by them and de jure recognized as part of them at various points. They did temporarily hold chunks of Iran in various wars. They were the overlords of Egypt when it conquered Sudan, so whatever tenuous the connection that technically made Sudan part of their empire.
Some are still just wrong though, like them controlling ALL of Ukraine and half of Belarus, Morocco, Sicily, Sardinia, southern France, southern Spain, etc.
>greatest empire in history
>only covers areas inhabited by subhumans
Oh fuck off.
>Most modern maps dont add in de factor desert controlled by Ottomans.
I'm fairly sure they didn't de facto control it
Modern turks are not ethnically turkic either. Besides, aristocracy has been their own race ever since the Roman empire
In what fucking metric are balkanites supposed to be better here compared to middle easterners?
I like how much the Ottoman military numbers are blown up and show that their strengths are beyond their total possible military size