Why didn't this get anywhere compared to Germany?
Other urls found in this thread:
He tried to spread the worst possible ideology at the worst possible time when America was becoming desegregated and less racist. The German-American Bund of the 30s was somewhat popular.
The modern National Socialist movement has the genetic rejects of the white race instead of the ubermensch like it was originally intended
Its ironic that the very "whites" that they meant to keep out of the white gene pool end up running their ideology a couple decades later
jews nabbed it in the bud
Not defending the ideology but you could hardly call Rockwell a "genetic reject."
The above average looking like Rockwell or Richard Spencer ALWAYS lead the movement
They find one guy that looks decent and they are always the voice of the movement
If any of these people where the front men no one would join
It was the opposite of American values?
I'll do it, i'm ridiculously attractive, formally yugo, ive got the genetic memory to do it
Not even joking if you are attractive and can string a sentence together with out "um" or "like" you can be a spokeperson in like a year
Which are?
Ehh... the Founding Fathers were expansionist slave owners.
I'd do it too but tfw no motivation.
Maybe if rockwell had disguised his beliefs under American symbolism rather than openly flaunting his admiration of a nation and ideology that America had just spent a lot of time, money, and effort DESTROYING, then he could have gotten somewhere.
Would it really have been so hard for this idiot to just like, NOT wear a swastika wherever he went and come up with his own symbol?
This and the fact that WWII was still fresh in the minds of some Americans.
Many veterans and their families were alive and well and many weren't even old.
Well, NS is romanticist in its origin, its origin being the volkisch ideology. On the other hand, the USA is ridiculously hopped up on enlightenment-era memes and classical liberalism. Same goes for fascism, as well as most "far-right" (I consider the term meaningless, as it is an arbitrarily-assigned umbrella for a variety of different and incompatible ideologies, but you know what I mean by it). The enlightenment and romanticism mix about as well as oil and water.
Also, the US national identity is civil rather than ethnic or racial, which means they lose out on support from patriots.
why do SJWs think that white people should hate their own race?
you need a lost great war and hyper inflation for it to happen. people aren't that dumb.
Freedums, capitalism, right for boomstick etc.
I don't hate my own race, I just think some of my race looks goofy as fuck.
I would not follow these people through a wal-mart parking lot, let alone through a complex political process.
It doesn't help that they're the most abrasive motherfuckers on the internet.
>roughly 13 million (about 10%) of American men went to fight WW2
>"Hey guys remember that leader your best friend died in the mud over, weeping that he only wanted to go home?"
>"Yeah, the one you watched a steady 5 years of information telling you he's literally the anti-christ?"
>"I think he had some pretty good ideas!"
Rockefeller was a moron. He should have dressed it up a little bit. Then again if he wasn't a moron he probably wouldn't have been an American Nazi.
Why do stormfags think that if you aren't a Nazi you must hate white people? Hitler was the NUMBER ONE proponent of white genocide in history
The only thing this picture proves is that /pol/ is composed of average dudes (they type who would browse Veeky Forums anyways) and that contrary to liberal propaganda which claims /pol/ is a White male safe space, women and non-whites are a significant component of /pol/'s user base.
If you actually think the majority of /pol/ are neonazis you're a proper retard.
>The modern National Socialist movement has the genetic rejects of the white race instead of the ubermensch like it was originally intended
Just like original Nazis
/pol/ was honestly a much better board in terms of intelligence/quality of discussion when it was full-on white nationalist/nazi, and I say this as a leftist. Now it's all SHADILAY KEK PRAISE LE BASED GOD EMPEROR XD
They also stayed on their board instead of shitposting everywhere else.
>uses a swastika
>a symbol that had no meaning to America
>the symbol of the enemy we had just gotten done fighting a war with
>calls himself a Nazi
>name of the enemy we had just fought a war with
>calls for the return of blacks to Africa
>a population who fought alongside us in the Civil War to end slavery
>not to mention that returning them to Africa was completely unfeasible
>attacks the Jews in his speeches
>a people that had just been genocided by Hitler on a mass-scale
He made every retarded decision he possibly could make. It's amazing he wasn't killed sooner.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Liberty, life, and the happiness of pursuit.
American economy/politics was way more stable then that of wiemar
Because he used the Swastika in a time when most voting-age American men had fought against the Nazis.
If he'd spread the same message without the Swastika and without calling himself a Nazi, he'd have won.
Quite an understatement. It was the golden era of American prosperity and global leadership (well, until it became an hyperpower with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but America had unprecedented suzerainty over the West) and everyone attributed the success to the prevalent ideology and blamed the decline of continental Europe on having partaken of the authoritarian fruit.
Having the fundamental right to shoot anyone who tries to force you to do something.
Long live the Grand Old Republic.
Anyone who would have dedicated them to racist ideology in those days was already in the kkk.
Because National Socialism was an autistically German version of Fascism, you guys are only kidding yourselves if you think it'll work anywhere else outside of Germany. Ol' Rockwell here would've been better off trying to come up with a uniquely American spin on Fascism than try to revive a ghost that doesn't even apply to his own country.
Blame r/thedonald, the influx of redditors /pol/ got with Trump turned the board into disgusting abomination.
Ethnic nationalism is fucking stupid in any nation with a minority population the size of the USA's or bigger. I'll be agreeing with everything they say and they they start talking about lynching my adopted sister and I suddenly become okay with killing them all.
>the right hates communists
>its because they're communist
>the left hates fascists/natsocs
>must be because they're white
Technically natsoc started out earlier than fascism. Drexler was already a national socialist by 1918 while Fascist manifesto got written in 1919. They developed independently of one another and Drexler even considered fascism to be a jewish movement..
>Drexler even considered fascism to be a jewish movement
Of course he did, the autism started early
>conflates ethnic nationalism with terrorism
>posts anime
i wonder who could be behind this post ?
Nigger, have you BEEN to /pol/ lately? Every man who calls himself a white nationalist over there wants to either send blacks back to Africa or kill them with a Nazi government.
is /pol/ how you learn about the world?
Honestly it just proves my point even more, NatSoc is something that is uniquely German
Ethnic Nationalism wouldn't really work considering that most White American's wouldn't be allowed back into Europe if they suddenly went full blown Ethno-Nationalists. The original White Americans were WASPs but today, thanks to all the European immigration in the 19th century, most are mixed more than one European ethnicity, this is also not taking into account how many White Americans have Amerindian or African in them.
If the US wants to go Fascist, it has to be an American spin on Fascism.
>white nationalist
>sending blacks to Africa
Fucking shocking, a white nationalist wants a nation only for whites, I can't believe this!
/pol/ is how I learn about /pol/acks
Americans were very comfortable. Nobody wants change when things seem well. But even today if you caused a power outage across the USA for 2 days and had Nazi LARPers (or whatever radical ideology of your choice) making speeches on corners, everyone would go for it
If this were to happen, it would be whatever radical ideology that would make sense to the region
Pretty much any ideology can be made to fit with the right window dressing.
>Implying America wasn't white supremacist for the lion's share of it's existence (good thing btw)
>Also, the US national identity is civil rather than ethnic or racial
No, not at all. The USA was founded specifically for whites and whites only. Maybe around the 1960s you have a point
>Kekistani faggots are white nationalists
No, just no. If you go on /pol/ right now and make a thread asking if people hate niggers or believe in white nationalism, you'll get a lot of these Reddit migrants talking about "based black man" or "muh civic nationalism"
But the people in the pic are neither neo-nazis nor alt-right.
They're not even white.
Pol hasn't been predominantly ethnonationalist since the start of that fucking donald trump campaign.
>many anti/pol/ morons are actually unironic stormfags
You faggots are immigrants too. Just because you came from Stormfront in 2013-14 doesn't make you a jaded oldfag.
Nazism has always been a pro-Islam ideology
Both are about conquering, lying, breaking treaties and enslaving others. It makes sense.
Jew and nigger loving all in one post.
>I'll be agreeing with everything they say and they they start talking about lynching my adopted sister and I suddenly become okay with killing them all.
What I get from this post is you're an autistic anime lover who is fine with lynching people so long as it's not your macaca half sister.
>implying the alt right aren't mostly self hating mongrels and faggots
Hitler perfectly tapped into the zeitgeist of Germany at the time while this faggot just LARPed as a hated former enemy of america when his entire thing was just shilling for an already dying thing that was on its way out (segregation)
>who is fine with lynching people so long as it's not your macaca half sister
Well, it depends on why your lynching them. Is it because they're black? Not okay. Is it because they're commies? Somewhat okay.
OP wanted to know why he never caught on, and I gave him the reason.
>average dudes
Some German speaking people were lynched during WW1 in America, just saying.
the only two /pol/ users ive met irl are asians. make of it what you will
What the fuck is up with that jug of milk
>into disgusting abomination.
t. reddit
>zey aren't even americans, dese joos
top kek that speech in madison square. pretty larp tier as well.
>They find one guy that looks decent and they are always the voice of the movement
Implying this isn't how every movement operates. Do you think that people would be attracted to the left if it were Moldylocks or Aids Skrillex at the forefront instead of Naom Chomsky and Bill Clinton?
why do you SJWs want Veeky Forums to be your anti white safespace?
What does any of that have to do with what people were arguing about?
What the fuck is about you stormcucks and moving goal posts? Did you all do covert ops training at Marxist institutions and think that if you fight like them you'll win?
>I'm a cuck for not being an anit whie cuck like you
fuck off, SJW
>why do you /r/donald want /pol/ and by extension Veeky Forums to be your safespace?
Please kill yourself, but before that kill jewoot and Hiroshima, they ruined /pol/ by nuking the original base and letting the cancer from reddit try to destroy this site.
The Dollar. Everything else comes with it.
Call me an SJW all you want.
Nobody cares, faggot.
>Call me an SJW all you want.
>Nobody cares, faggot.
you're literally calling for a safespace where only leftists anti white views can be discussed
>be for authoritarianism in a country that neraly fell apart due to collosal levels of disdain for the centralization of power
>be a nazi in a country that had fought hitler in world war 2
>be a nazi in a country that hadn't experieneced any great loss or feelings of being cheated like the italians or germans
Woah, how could it fail
Haha, you show them, those SWJs X^D
Now back to /pol/ amerifag
but it didn't, Trump is in office
>R*dditors donning our clover
This is it. I don't a civil war, a race war, not even a Third World War...what I want is a genocide of every single Redditor.
>Trump is a Nazi
When is this meme going to end?
>equating Trump to Hitler
Neck yourself
Trump is persecuting muslims like hitler persecuted jews
>at first they came for jews....
I wonder why he didn't insult Jews...
How is Trump persecuting muslims?
There are muslim death camps in america?
wtf americlaps?
his hair always amazes me
Hopefully he'll come for the redditors next so you wouldn't post such crap on here.
>low iq /pol/tards falling for obvious bait
Don't ever assume that there are no actually retarded people here.
It was too soon.
Yeah, no shit, Islam is a foundation of nationalism and traditionalism in the Middle East. Why the fuck wouldn't he like it? The problem is that it belongs in the Middle East, and it should stay in the Middle East. Just because Hitler took up a position based on completely different circumstances, based in completely different times, doesn't mean he wouldn't have a different opinion today:
>They say that Bismarck laid great importance on the value of good relations with Russia. To a certain extent, that is true. But they quite forget to add that he laid equal stress on the importance of good relations with Italy, for example. Indeed, the same Herr von Bismarck once concluded an alliance with Italy so that he might more easily settle accounts with Austria. Why is not this policy now advocated? They will reply that the Italy of to-day is not the Italy of that time. Good. But then, honourable sirs, permit me to remind you that the Russia of to-day is no longer the Russia of that time. Bismarck never laid down a policy which would be permanently binding under all circumstances and should be adhered to on principle. He was too much the master of the moment to burden himself with that kind of obligation. Therefore, the question ought not to be what Bismarck then did, but rather what he would do to-day. And that question is very easy to answer. His political sagacity would never allow him to ally himself with a State that is doomed to disappear.
Even if you don't understand the future, /pol/, you are the future. There will be no meaningful race war, no class war, and religious war will be gobbled up. There will only be meme war. We can look forward to an infinitely expanding front that stretches in all directions in space and time, as humanity atomizes and anonymizes, changes form and automates until all the galaxy and supercluster and universe is infinite posthuman meme war.
Meme war now.
Meme war soon.
Meme war forever.
Total debt is irrelevant as long as tax revenue rises above the interest on that debt.
All white nationalist/neonazi/whatever movements inherent their secret homosexuality from this loser and his greek butt buddy who killed him.
>Patler later described his relationship with Rockwell in very endearing terms, stating "I loved him like a father and he loved me like a son".[5] In his last known letter to Rockwell, Patler wrote "I don't think there are two people on earth who think and feel the same as we do. ... You are a very important part of my life. I need you as much as you need me. Without you there is no future"
Nowhere does that say that Rockwell was a fag.
>average dudes
Those people are all hideous. I seriously hope you don't think they're "average dudes."
>"I loved him like a father and he loved me like a son"
Wow what a pair of fags.